Creole Seeded Crackers

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~
You must love seeds of all shapes, sizes, and colors if you plan on loving these crackers. There’s just no way of getting around it.
I wanted to make sure that with every bite of cracker, it would burst with texture and flavor (and nutrients). I liken it to an artisan bread that has been rolled thin and dehydrated into a crisp cracker.
Truly these crackers will help make your next snacking experience unforgettable, especially when you look in the mirror 5 hours after eating one and find that you have seeds tucked in all your teeth! So this is my subtle warning… check your teeth after eating them or use it as a test to really find out who your true friends are. :)
They are delicious, super healthy, nut-free, gluten-free crackers that are dehydrated at low temperatures to ensure that all the nutrients, including the omega-3’s and important enzymes, remain vitalized and stable.
They are super crunchy, very sturdy yet on the same hand, crispy and airy when you bite into them. They pair perfectly with raw cheeses, fruit plates, and creamy dips and spreads. Make these crackers and plant a “seed” of goodness in all who try them. :)
The last thing that I really wanted to say about these crackers is that ascetically, they are beautifully dramatic in color. It’s not too often that you see the color black in a cracker and if you do, it typically went bad. lol So the wonderful combination of black, brown cream, and the earthy green from the pumpkin seeds, make for a sticking cracker! Enjoy and many blessings, amie sue
Yields 36 crackers
- 1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked & dehydrated
- 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds, soaked & dehydrated
- 1/3 cup white sesame seeds
- 1/3 cup black sesame seeds
- 1/3 cup flax seeds
- 1/3 cup chia seeds
- 1 Tbsp Creole seasoning
- 1/4 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- 1 1/2 cups water
- 2 tsp coconut aminos
- 1 tsp maple syrup
Cracker dough:
- In a medium-sized mixing bowl, combine the sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, flax and chia seeds, creole seasoning, and salt. Stir together, making sure the seasoning is well incorporated.
- Add the water, coconut amigos, and maple syrup, mix well.
- Set aside for 30 minutes. This will give the flax and chia seeds time to work their thickening magic.
- Spread the batter 1/4″ thick on the non-stick sheets that come with the dehydrator.
- You can use parchment paper but not wax… wax sticks.
- Score the crackers to the size and shape that you want. I like to use a long metal ruler for this.
- Dehydrate at 145 degrees (F) for 1 hour, then reduce to 115 degrees (F). After about 2 hours, flip the crackers over onto the mesh sheet and gently peel the non-stick sheet off. Continue to dehydrate for 8-10 hours or until dry.
- Tip to flip – Set the dehydrator tray in front of you. Place a mesh sheet on top of the crackers, followed by another dehydrator frame. The crackers are now sandwiched between two trays. Pinch the edges together and flip over. Remove the tray and non-stick sheet. Easy peasy.
- Store in an airtight container for 1-2 weeks. Freeze for up to 3 months.
To make the Creole seasoning:
Combine the following spices in a jar and shake.
- 1 1/4 Tbsp paprika
- 1 Tbsp Himalayan pink salt
- 1 Tbsp garlic powder
- 1/2 Tbsp black pepper
- 1/2 Tbsp onion powder
- 1/2 Tbsp cayenne pepper
- 1/2 Tbsp dried oregano
- 1/2 Tbsp dried thyme
Culinary Explanations:
- Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)? Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
- When working with fresh ingredients it is important to taste test as you build a recipe. Learn why (here).
- Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do however truly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.

Tags: Dairy Free, Dehydrated, Gluten Free, Nut Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, sugar free, Vegan
wonder full as all ways!! love u amie sue; hoping ur walkabout fab!! do not see on ur blog why u r going..hope u are well in all ways! have tried to comment here b4 several times, but it does not appear! last time i voted u “queen of everything”!! sending love!
Good evening Danabear,
I am sorry that it took me a bit to respond to you. I have been on a “walk about” for the past 6 weeks (see blog posting). I am not fully integrating back into things but I wanted to start tackling some of the questions that have been collecting. :) All that to say, I appreciate your patience with me. :)
I hope to one day share my journey with you all… right now I am still processing and healing. :) Regarding your disappearing comments… I approve all the comments that get left on my site.. that way I can be assure that we “all” don’t get swallowed in spam junk.
Thank you for your love and support. I greatly appreciate it. Many blessings and have a wonderful week, amie sue
Could I simply soak and rinse the sunflower & pumpkin seeds and then just mix them into the recipe without dehydrating them twice? Maybe just subtract 2 T from the water ingredient?
These look delicious! What are you spreading on top of them?
Good day Stacy,
I am sorry that it took me a bit to respond to you. I have been on a “walk about” for the past 6 weeks (see blog posting). I am not fully integrating back into things but I wanted to start tackling some of the questions that have been collecting. :) All that to say, I appreciate your patience with me. :) I know that I am repeating myself but I just wanted to make sure you knew that I was ignoring your question. :)
Yes, you are welcome to use just soaked seeds. I tend to always soak and dehydrate my nuts and seeds so that they are ready to be enjoyed at any given moment… so I just shared exactly how I made the recipe. Don’t worry about subtracting the 2 Tbsp… just make sure you shake off as much soaking liquid as possible, it ought to be just fine. Have a wonderful week. amie sue
Dear Amy, a real pleasure to follow you and see your new creations and exceptional pictures. You are so prodigious! Thank you for sharing and Happy New Year to you and your husband.
Still waiting for you in Switzerland… don’t forget.
With plenty of admiring thoughts, Anne-Marie
Good evening Anne-Marie,
I am sorry that it took me a bit to respond to you. I have been on a “walk about” for the past 6 weeks (see blog posting). I am not fully integrating back into things but I wanted to start tackling some of the questions that have been collecting. :) All that to say, I appreciate your patience with me. :)
Thank you for the wonderful words, thoughts and wishes. You are so sweet. :) I am thankful to have you here as well. We all support and encourage one another. I just told Bob the other day that Switzerland was on my bucket list, so you just never know! hehe hugs, amie sue
Hi Amie Sue, :)
Where do you get your creole seeds?
Any recommended websites/stores?
Good morning Aliyah,
I am sorry that it took me a bit to respond to you. I have been on a “walk about” for the past 6 weeks (see blog posting). I am not fully integrating back into things but I wanted to start tackling some of the questions that have been collecting. :) All that to say, I appreciate your patience with me. :)
In the recipe post, I shared on how to make the creole seasoning… here it is:
To make the Creole seasoning:
Combine the following spices in a jar and shake.
1 1/4 Tbsp paprika
1 Tbsp Himalayan pink salt
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1/2 Tbsp black pepper
1/2 Tbsp onion powder
1/2 Tbsp cayenne pepper
1/2 Tbsp dried oregano
1/2 Tbsp dried thyme
I hope this helps. Blessings, amid sue
I have made these twice now and have been making seed crackers for a while. One of the difficulties is getting them crispy. They seem to be more fragile or brittle than a store bought cracker. I have tried some of the store-bought types and they are harder and more crispy. Any suggestions?
Hello Bernie,
How thick are you spreading the batter?. Are the store bought crackers that you are comparing them to raw? Not that that really matters, I successfully make crunchy raw crackers all the time? How do you store the crackers that you make? Do they start out crunchy, then soften? Do you like a humid climate? These are some ideas to get the ball rolling. Blessings and have a good day, amie sue
OMG!!! I’ve been looking for this specific recipe on your website since seeing the gorgeous similar piccy on your “Raw Food Diet” page but the photo there is labelled “Multi seed crackers” and not Creole crackers!!!, I was just about to email you Amie-Sue after searching in vein for about an hour lol, I’m sooo happy right now even more than when I first saw all this awesomeness in one beautifully package place which will endlessly inspire me on my journey to continually increase the nutritional content of my lifelong love affair with foods lol :)… Amie-Sue your website has just found me today to my complete and utter delight!! = what a lovely “nearly my 40th Birthday month treat!!” (Aries Dragon here lol). I’m starting a fast tomorrow and have committed to banishing shop bought pre-made items from my cupboards, especially organic breads which seem to like reappearing in my diet lol. I am currently making a savory sweet leather inspired by your leather and crackers recipes. I made a raw green pea chilli chutney yesterday and I’ve added pineapple, topped them with chia seeds and Buckwheat toasted museli?!… they’re smelling really delicious right now and I hope they’ll taste as great once done too. My fast starts tomorrow and I have a dislike for wasting things so instead of prolonging the agonising my enjoyable task of eating all the organic produce in my fridge I am going to dehydrate in all in the form of part veggies/part fruits leathers so that when my fast ends in 21 days (I hope but i will be gentle with myself too), I will be all set up for a great start to my 40th year on our glorious planet Earth :). I have spent a good two hours on your website Amie-Sue, I just want to add a huge Thank You!! to you, with all the other thank you’s you receive for this abundant awesome resource you have provided for us all… seriously this is just beautiful, I almost teared up a few times whilst viewing the amazing attention to detail and love that’s obviously gone into your “oeuvre”. Lots of love form the UK, Brighton from Natx (sorry for waffling but I’ve also detoxed from facebook two weeks ago so the few people I have spoken to online have been ‘blessed'(this is debatable I know lol) with my abundant verbiage lol. XXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!
Well goodness Natalie, I think you win the award for the longest comment and you know what…I LOVE IT! lol
Thank you so much for sharing all of this with me. I am beyond thrilled in knowing that I am giving you much inspiration.
And may I wish you Happy Birthday in advance?! It sounds like it will be a beautiful start to this wonderful up and coming year. I am sending love, blessings and much happiness. I hope that you come back to work your way through the website. It’s forever a work in progress and it blesses me everyday as I share my passion.
See you on the other side of your fast. :) amie sue
Awww!!, what a lovely read your reply was :). I’m doing a ten day water fast atm and next week I’ll be making the leather smoothies during the final days of it?!… by which time I hope I’ll be able to control myself and not devour them all lol… By that time my resolve and steadfastness should be securely in place I reckon, and the fruit and veggies all at optimised ripeness levels for maximum taste impact too! lol :). I’m also going to make some raw dehydrated onion bahji’s following a Kate Magic recipe (she’s a prolific English Raw Food Chef) and I just finished dehydrating organic sunflower seeds, hazelnuts and walnuts to have them to hand when I make some of your delicious cracker recipes. I’m soo excited about preparing my after fast lol, the last time I fasted I went back to solid foods way too soon and then cooked foodstufs crept back in too quickly too… This time is definitely going to be more intense and beneficial in the nutritional and healing properties departments!!. Fasting has so many benefits that I would really love to start incorporating it on a monthly basis for health optimising reasons. Much love to you and yours Amie-Sue, thank you so much for your wonderful, nutritious, creatively inspiring and delicious resources!! XOXOXO natx
Good morning Natalie,
I think that is a common problem… how people come off of a fast that is. I have been guilty of that myself in the past. It’s good to be prepared mentally, emotionally, and food wise when ending a fast. But remember to relax during this process and give your body love, peace, rest, and not to get too focused on foods. I haven’t done a fast for a while now but when I use to do them a lot, I always found myself reading recipes, creating recipes, etc more than ever. I always thought it was so strange. hehe
Many blessings and be kind to yourself. :) amie sue
You are soo right Amie Sue! and I had decided yesterday whilst I was at work and my boss and her daughter were making their dinner (?!!! lol), that I would just pop most of the organic veggies I’ve got in my fridge in the freezer till the day before I break my fast as I do think it may be a bit too much temptation to bare… all those gorgeous smelling crackers wafting through my flat may just tip me over the edge lol. Things are going well atm though… I’m working two hectic days a week throughout it, but at least once I get to the other side I can chill out to my heart’s content!. Thank you for the well wishes!!! XXXXOOO
Good for you Natalie… now is not the time to fight further temptations… it’s a time for you, a time to practice self-love and relaxation so your body can benefit from the fast. Hang in there and enjoy it. Peaceful blessings, amie sue :)
Hi Amie Sue, thank you for the recipes and the wealth of information. I got excited when I saw raw coconut aminos in this recipe, thinking you might have a source other than what I used to use. No such luck, so fyi, the Coconut Secret brand is no longer raw. I called last year after noticing “raw” was no longer on the label. It now says “original.” A company representative told me they switched after getting too many complaints that the raw was going rancid.
Good morning Trina,
Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate them. :) Always a good way to start a persons day. hehe
Thanks for the info on Coconut Aminos. It will still be a product that I will use as it is organic, non GMO, etc. I tend to use many different soy substitutes based on what I can get my hands on. I use Bragg’s Aminos, GF Tamari, Coconut Aminos, there is Nama shoyu but I don’t use that mainly because I steer clear of most soy products and gluten (but is anoption for others) and I even started using the Ojio brand but that isn’t raw either.
Have a blessed weekend! amie sue :)