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Cultured Almond Milk Kefir – with probiotics-

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 – raw / vegan / gluten-free –

Are you looking for ways to include probiotic-rich foods in your diet?  Making your own Cultured Almond Milk Kefir is just one more way that you can enhance your overall nutrition.

It is loaded with good bacteria.


Almond milk by itself is low glycemic, easily digested by the body,  and has Vitamin D. Still; I wanted to super-charge my almond milk by adding in probiotics, which are loaded with healthy bacteria and essential vitamins, minerals, live enzymes, and amino acids.

Keep in mind that non-dairy kefirs never get thick like regular dairy kefir drinks.  If you wish to create a thicker almond milk kefir-like texture, you can either leave the almond pulp in or replace the pulp with 1/2 Tbsp of psyllium husks.  One other way to control the thickness is to use less water when creating your almond milk.

If you leave the pulp in the milk, it will have little brown specks unless you decide to remove the skins from the almonds before blending.  I like to remove the skins as often as possible because I find them a little bitter.  Some people also find almonds easier to digest without the skins.  It’s all about finding what works for you.

Taste test through the culturing process!

During the culturing process, it is essential to taste test the milk throughout the process.  If you don’t enjoy a strong fermented flavor, you will want to stop the process sooner than later.  If your house is warm, it can culture a lot quicker than you might expect.

After it hits that right level for you, it is time to flavor and sweeten if you wish.  I like to add a little vanilla and some liquid NuNaturals stevia.  If you are new to cultured foods, it is important to understand that probiotics are potent. Start with a ¼ cup a day until you build up your system. It can have a laxative effect or give you flu-like symptoms.  If this happens, scale things back and start back up in smaller doses.  It’s all part of the healing process.


Yields 4 cups


Almond Milk:

Soaking process:

  1. Place the nuts in a glass bowl or stainless steel bowl and cover with two cups of water.
    • Do not use plastic bowls for soaking.
    • Always make sure you add enough water to keep the nuts covered, as they absorb water, they plump up.
    • Keep the bowl at room temperature and cover with a breathable cloth. If something comes up and you won’t be able to use the nuts within the 24 hours, store them in the fridge, changing the water 2x a day.
    • If there are any floating nuts, toss them.  That can be an indicator of the nuts being rancid. Better to be safe than sorry.  Think of them as “floaters are bloaters.”
  2. Add 1/4 tsp of Himalayan pink salt; this helps activate enzymes that de-activate the enzyme inhibitors.
  3. Soak for 8-24 hours.
    • This process is excellent not only for reducing phytic acid but also softens the nuts, making them easier to blend into a smooth, silky texture.
    • Skipping the soaking process will result in a less creamy milk.
    • If you already have soaked/dehydrated nuts in the freezer or fridge, I suggest soaking them again to soften them.

Blending process:

  1. Once the nuts are done soaking, drain, rinse, and discard the soak water.
    • Do not reuse the soak water for the milk-making process since this is full of the phytic acid/enzyme inhibitors that were drawn out during the soaking process.
  2. Place the nuts in a high-powered blender along with the water.
  3. Start the blender on low and work up to high, then blend for 30-60 seconds or until the nuts have been pulverized.
    • A high-powered blender will accomplish the job much easier.
    • If you don’t own one such as a Vitamix or Blendtec, you might have to blend for 1-2 minutes.
    • Do not sweeten or add flavorings until you have strained the milk from the pulp.
    • I don’t strain the pulp out, which will create thicker kefir, but this is up to you. 

Culturing the kefir:

  1. Pour the almond milk into a quart glass jar, add the probiotic powder, and stir with a wooden spoon.
  2. Cover with a breathable cloth and secure with a rubber band.
  3. Culture at room temp, around 70 degrees for 12 hours.
    • Colder temperatures slow down the culturing process.
    • You know it is done when a thick “foam” forms on top, and it smells sour like yogurt.
    • The almond milk should also be more of a clear liquid; it not, let it sit on the counter until it shifts in appearance.
    • Be sure to start taste testing the almond milk at the 6-hour marker and then every few hours till it hits the level of flavor that you enjoy. Keep in mind that it is plain tasting, and the flavor will improve with added sweetener, etc. when it’s done.
  4. Store the fridge for 5-7 days.
  5. Sweeten and flavor to your liking. Enjoy poured onto cereal, mixed into recipes, or blended into smoothies! Yum!

25 thoughts on “Cultured Almond Milk Kefir – with probiotics-

  1. David says:

    Hi Amie Sue,

    I see the probiotic link is not working. Can you please indicate what kind you use? Thanks! This last email was my favorite, along with all the kale chips, esp the nut free.

  2. Sarah says:

    I will be creating this tomorrow! Thank you – I will let you know how it turns out!

  3. BYRON says:


  4. Afsaneh says:

    Hi Amie Sue, I made for the first time my almond milk kefir with pulp and tuned out very well. It is not as sour (we love sour taste) as dairy (organic goat milk) but very mild in taste after two days in dark and room temps. It certainly depends on probiotic and our almost ever cold/wet weather here that we learn patience with smiles :)i looked at Your almond milk recipe and i read we can use (l.sunflower) lecithin as well to make it creamier..would you you suggest for kefir version as well? Many Thanks and Blessings

    • amie-sue says:

      Good day my friend… yay for you! I am so glad that you tried the recipe. :) And yes, you could add lecithin to kefir milk too or even psyllium powder to help thicken it. Are you making milk kefir and do you do the 2nd day ferment? I look forward in hearing back. Have a blessed day, amie sue

      • Afsaneh says:

        Good day Amie Sue, yes i made the first bottle and i enjoyed it very much, it was very creamy as well. now i have soaked the second cup almonds to try a new brand probiotic and i am going to add psyllium too! Thank you for suggesting it as sunflower lecithin is not easily found in our markets yet…well we’ll see how it is going to be…i am sure it is going to be delicious ;) i let u know..Blessings,

        • amie-sue says:

          Please do. Keep in mind that different probiotics can change things up a bit.. not in a bad way though. :)

          • Afsaneh says:

            Second batch with different brand probiotic was much faster fermented and with separation. very good taste and it becomes more delicious by day (we like sour kefir ;). i did not add anything to it just to try the probiotic job. next time i will add psyllium, although the kefir texture is already quite creamy…well will you please tell me if i add psyllium together with probiotic or afterwards when kefir is set?
            Thanks so much and Blessings XO

            • amie-sue says:

              Good evening Afsaneh,

              I find that different probiotics often give different results… that and the temps as I mentioned. It sounds like you are doing great! Add the psyllium after it has cultured… that is why I add any extras. :) Enjoy and have a wonderful evening, amie sue

  5. Veronica says:

    Another easy-peasy recipe. Love those! :) I will make it this weekend. I actually have kefir cultures for all types of milk, and water kefir, in my fridge but I keep postponing trying it out. It is funny, some new things you can’t wait to try while other things you just put on hold. 😀 I bought it because I wanted to make coconut water kefir but I guess I will get to it this summer. It can’t be that difficult. After all I have made kombucha tea a few times (until I wasn’t thinking and used tap water so my little Scoby died.) Do you think it would be possible to use probiotics to maker coconut water kefir?

    • amie-sue says:

      I too love easy-peasy recipes too…. but I also enjoy the ones that require a few more steps. Never thought that would be the case, but I find it meditative on many levels. I love making kefir! Yes, you can use probiotics to make coconut water kefir. There is so much that you can do when it comes to culturing.

      Have a blessed day. amie sue

      • Veronica says:

        Just because I was being cocky and said this was easy-peasy I had to eat my words! 😄 I made the almond milk, added the probiotics, covered it with a nut milk bag, placed it on a counter top and let it sit for twelve hours. When I then taste tested it nothing had happened. It didn’t taste sour, it didn’t taste bad, it only tasted like almond milk. The reason is probably that our house is too cold (20 dgrs C) So I placed it in the dehydrator for about 4h or so and then it was mildly sour (which I like) so I strained it a bit, poured it in the blender, added 4 medjool dates, 225 g frozen strawberries, vanilla powder and 1 Tbsp sunflower lecithin and Voila!; Strawberry Almond Drink Yoghurt! 🙂 Rejuvelac is next on the list. (There are so many exciting recipes I want to try so I have made a list. 😀) I will let you know how it turns out. Have a lovely weekend!

        • amie-sue says:

          lol Veronica, well there are worse things to be forced to eat. :P

          House temps will surely cause ferments to either slow down or speed up. I find everything ferments much quicker in the summer time. It catches me off guard almost every Spring. It sounds like you worked it out. Good job!

          Work through that list and please leave comments on the ones you try. And ask questions along the way if need be. I am here to help whenever I can. Have a wonderful evening and many blessings! amie sue

  6. Angela hill says:

    Hi Amy , love the make over on the site. I wanted to ask you which probiotic do you use for this recipe. Also I’m guessing that it’s appropriate to use in many other recipes. All though I’ve been making my own kambucha for over a year now, I haven’t been introduced to the addition of a prebiotic that you have to add. If you don’t mind sharing, I would be great full. I clicked on the prebiotic, and it shows several different forms ,and many different companies. Thanks for your time and energy.

  7. Svetlana says:

    Hi Amie Sue!
    Mine milk kefir worked well, and it has separated in two layers: thick kefir and a liquid. Do I take only thick and creamy part of the drink or I mix all together. Sorry if I asked a silly question. :))

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Svetlana… just to assure you, there are no such things as silly questions in my book. :) We all have so much to learn and by asking them, we gain knowledge. So to answer your question… just have a tight lid on the jar or container that it is is and give it a good shake before using. Just like you would when making regular nut milks. :) Heck, throw some music on and get a little work out of it. haha Blessings, amie sue

  8. FrieFrie says:

    Hi Amie Sue! I’m planning to make the Cultured Almond Milk Kefir w/1 tsp probiotic powder
    The link for the probiotic powder isn’t working! H E L P

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Frie Frie,

      I am going to need more information… tell me what you are using, the process, what stage you are in, and why you don’t think it is working. :) amie sue

  9. Gayle says:

    Could I use almond kefir in recipes that call for whey? I believe they are mainly fermented recipes. Thanks!

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