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Cherry Chip Layer Cake

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raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~

Below in the ingredient list, you will be directed to another post that instructs you on how to make the Cherry Chip cake batter.  There you can read my little story behind my love for cherry chip cakes.

I am pretty sure that I am not only one for whom many of life’s most intimate details come flooding back at the sight, smell and taste of particular foods.  I have to think that everyone has a favorite dish in which they can recall specific moments of their lives.

In this case, the taste and site of a cherry chip cake is capable of painting a picture with richer, deeper brush strokes than any snapshot in my photograph album.  Memories of food and the parts were certain “crumbs” play in people’s lives fascinates me.  If you have a favorite cake and a memory attached to it, I would love to hear about it.

Ingredients:a slice of raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake


  1. I recommend using a pan that has a removable bottom. Cover that bottom disc with plastic wrap for the ease of removal when you are ready to place it on a serving platter or cake stand.  Set aside.
  2. Press 3 1/2 cups of cake batter into the bottom of the pan.  Do this firmly and evenly.
  3. Spread 1 cup of frosting on top of the cake layer.
    • Be gentle that you don’t dig into the cake layer.
    • Spread it nice and even.  These layers will show when the cake is cut.
  4. If the frosting is soft, place the cake in the fridge for at least an hour to firm up before adding the top layer of the cake.
  5. When applying the top layer of cake, drop the batter in clumps, evenly around the cake pan.
    • Once all the mixture is used, gently and evenly press the cake batter down… even and smooth.
  6. Place in the fridge until the cake firms up a bit before removing and adding the outer frosting.
  7. Frost the cake.  How to frost a cake.  Click here.
  8. Decorate the cake.  You can be as creative as you want.
    • After smoothing the sides and top of this cake, I did the “rope” technique around the top and bottom of the cake.  You can search YouTube for quick videos for different techniques.
    • I decorated the top of the cake with frozen cherries.  If you use frozen fruit, keep in mind that they release juice as they thaw and this can run on your cake.
  9. This cake with keep for 3 days in the fridge or the freezer for 2-4 weeks.
  10. Tip on how to slice a cake.  Click here.

  creating the layers of raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

Press 3 1/2 cups of cake batter into the bottom of the pan.  Make it nice and even.

adding the frosting between layers of raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

Spread 1 cup of frosting on top.  Again, nice and even.

first layer complete of the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

If your frosting is too soft, place in the fridge until it firms up before moving on to the next step. If you put the next layer on while the frosting is soft, it will push down into it, effecting the nice clean look when cut.

adding the second layer of the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

When placing the top layer of cake on the frosting, drop it in forms of clusters, evenly all around the pan.
After all the batter is used, then gently but evenly press the cake batter down, so it is compact and smooth on top.
Place in the fridge to firm up a bit.

smoothing out the top layer of the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

I bet you are scratching your head on this picture?  Just what the heck is that all about?
I thought I would just show you how thick this frosting was, lol.  This was after 2 hours on the counter!

Ok, back to business!  Look at this bowl of luxuriousness!

white creamy frosting of the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

I love this pan, it is sort of like a Springform pan but doesn’t have the latch on the side.
It allows you to push the cake up and out of the ring.  Or in this case, I tipped it upside down and pushed the
cake out of the ring, right onto the serving platter.

flipping the pan over of the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

After removing the ring, I just had to lift off the “base.”
Do this slowly and carefully making sure that you don’t remove parts of the cake with it.

removing the base of the pan over of the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

I used this tip for creating my decorative rope edging.  You can create your own design.
I recommend practicing first but making a few runs on a cutting board where you can
scoop up your practice frosting and put it back in the bag.

piping the frosting on the the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

frosting the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

I repeated the same rope technique on the top edge of the cake.

decorating rope technique for frosting the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

beautifully frosted raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

To be honest, I was nervous to put the cherries on the cake because they were juicy and
I knew they would stain the frosting if I didn’t like it.  So I took the base of that pan from above and
laid my cherry pattern on it, just to make sure that I had enough to get the job done.
And to make sure that I liked the look of it.

adding cherries to the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

I hesitated….aaaaah! Just put the cherry down Amie Sue! hehe

first cherry added to the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

Shew, I did it, no turning back now.

first ring of cherries added to the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

Around and around I went.

second layer of cherries added to the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

third layer of cherries added to the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

I was pleased with the outcome.

final cherries added to the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

Now, to cut the cake.  This part also gets me nervous.  I posted a link up in the directions on how to cut a cake.
It may seem like a no-brainer, but if you want those pretty, clean cuts… I suggest reading it over.

slicing the raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

Ok, the cuts for the first piece have been made!  Phew, I need a drink.
Oh, ice tea that is! Now to lift it up and out and see what the inside looks like… fingers crossed…

ready to remove a slice of raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

Oh lovely! Just lovely!  Now I can breathe. :)

removed a slice of raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

I am in love….my first raw Cherry Chip Birthday Cake!

close up slice of raw vegan gluten-free Cherry Chip Layer Cake

40 thoughts on “Cherry Chip Layer Cake

  1. O.M.G! I am loving you more right now, haha! Not in a creepy way or anything… haha ;) But I just love the fact that you actually provide visual pictures on EVERYTHING! You make the recipe instructions SO much easier! Thank you!!!! I really appreciate that you do that. I LOVE your blog and your recipes are just never-ending inspiration! I would literally spend DAYS copy and pasting ALL your RAWesome recipes!

    Thank you and keep it coming! I love your photo tutorials! BTW, I’m going to shoot you an email soon! keep on the look out.

    Many blessings to you, Amy! Have a wonderful day!! =)

    • amie-sue says:

      Well that was quick Miliany. hehe You blessed me and ended my day on a wonderful “note”. :) Thank you. Enjoy and have fun. I will watch for your email. Good-night, amie sue

  2. Dana says:

    Hi Amie-Sue. The cake looks awesome! Question: (I hope I make sense with my question :). I’ve only been raw since last month.) Is it the refrigerator that firms the cake batter? I’m trying to wrap my brain around a cake batter that doesn’t need the oven or a dehydrator. I have looked at your other cake recipes and have procrastinated on asking until now. Thanks and have a great day!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Dana,

      Never feel that you can’t ask a question regardless of how you think it may sound. We all learn together. :) First of all, I am glad that you are adding raw recipes to your diet. I hope you enjoy the process! When it comes to raw, keep in mind that textures will usually be a tad different than cooked, specially when comparing to baked goods. Raw cakes do not have the same texture as a cooked cake, they are usually more dense. When using almond pulp it does lighten the cake batter up so its not so heavy but it is the closest I have gotten to be more like a cooked cake. With raw, foods don’t “rise” like cooked cakes and breads. Does this help Dana? Please never hesitate to ask questions, I will do my best to help you along your journey. Have a wonderful day… smile and add a skip to your step. hehe amie sue

  3. Eva Peršinová says:

    Amie you’re amazing!! Your cake is beautiful!! I do not know how you put into words my admiration to you? Thank you for the great joy on this day. :-) I love you and I wish you a very nice day and good luck, health, love and divine inspiration to your creation. Eva Peršinová Czech Republic.

    • amie-sue says:

      OH goodness Eva… thank you dear one for sharing such kind and inspiring words. What a way to start my day. :) Sending you a big ole’ hug!!! Blessings to you and your loved ones. Please keep in touch, amie sue

  4. Annie says:

    OK… I’m coming to dinner and expect this piece of lovely to be sitting right in front of my plate!!!!… How absolutely gorgeous!.. Great job!

    • amie-sue says:

      Ok Annie… I will set an extra plate setting. hehe Thank you! I hope you try it! Have a wonderful and happy day, amie sue

  5. Blanka says:


    you are such a cake goddess! You always inspire me to make more almond milk so I have more pulp to play with!

    This icing you have created – it looks stunning! Wow!!!

    Looking forward to trying this myself soon!


    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Blanka… than you. :) I had such great fun creating these cakes. I hope you try them too. Blessings my friend, amie sue

  6. Robin Preboy says:

    Amie Sue, I’ve shared your site with many. You’re a creative genius and you inspire my delight and creativity as well. Thank you for being a true individual and a very generous one at that! Much Love

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Robin. It is all about creating a community that supports one another and you are a part of that. :) Have a wonderful wekend! amie sue

  7. Kristie says:

    WOW!!! I have been waiting for this recipe, like you Amie Sue the Betty Crocker Cherry Chip cake was my favorite as a child. I can’t wait to make this cake this weekend and relive my past :) Thank you so much!

    Have a great weekend!

    • amie-sue says:

      I hope it floods you with warm memories and fills your belly with a wonderful raw cake! :) Keep me posted if you would. amie sue

      • Kristie says:

        Hi Amie Sue, So I have to make this wonderful cake this weekend. Is the almond pulp you use in this particular cake moist or have you dehydrated it? Thank you

        • amie-sue says:

          Hi Kristie,

          Oh gosh, thank you. I swore I had put in “moist” because I know people need to know this. I fixed it though! Thanks for asking. :) Have a blessed weekend and I hope you make the cake. Many blessings, amie sue

  8. Frank Kovacs says:

    Hey, I want to marry the woman who made the layer cake!!

  9. Amber says:

    Hello Amie Sue!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your website! I can’t wait to try everything!! I’m gluten free, dairy free, egg free, and yeast free because of allergies so I love how accommodating all of your recipes are! I am asking my husband for a food dehydrator for Christmas just so I can try everything here! Lol

    Anyway, I’m new to the raw food scene and was wondering if your cakes texture taste more like what an ice cream cake would taste like, since they all either need to be refrigerated or frozen? Just want to know what to expect when I make it, since I know the texture will be different than a regular baked cake. Thank you!


    • amie-sue says:

      Welcome Amber.. and thank you so much for those kind words. They always make my day a bit brighter. :) I am really sorry to hear that you are struggling with so many allergies. It is so common these days but it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with on a day to day basis. You should be able to find a lot recipes on my site to help keep you going and to inspire you. They are all free of the foods that you can’t eat.

      You are will love having a dehydrator… I hope you find one under your tree this Christmas. ;) It will open many more doors to you so you can create all sorts of great recipes.

      Regarding the cake… I will say that just about every raw cake is going to be more dense then what a person is use to. It is really difficult to get that “air” in the batters to make things fluffy. I am not sure if I have ever had a “real” ice cream cake so I am not sure of that texture, but most likely, yes. I hope that you make it one day and enjoy it. I look forward to hearing from you again and never hesitate to ask questions so I can help you through your journey. Many blessings to you and your husband, amie sue

  10. roselady says:

    Hi, sorry if I missed it in the recipe but what size is the cake pan you are using? Thanks!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Roselady,

      I used a 9″ round baking pan with a removable bottom. Have a great evening. amie sue

      • roselady says:

        Thanks I just made this today–very excited to serve tomorrow. But… I used a 9 “diameter spring form pan, carefully measured 3.5 cups of dough per layer and one cup of frosting in the middle. But my cake looks wider and flatter than yours! Not so tall…is your pan 9” circumference or diameter? Trying to get the lovely final effect you have. Thanks!

        • amie-sue says:

          Good evening Roselady,

          My pan is 9″ in diameter. If you want a taller cake you can always use a smaller pan. I hope in the end it turned out well for you, please keep me posted! amie sue

          • roselady says:

            Wow this cake was amazing!!! Huge hit at the birthday party, everyone loved it. Many people commented how much lighter it is than most raw cakes. You are a real genius. My cake did turn out a bit “shorter” than what your cake looks like in the photos. One cup of icing, for example, did not make as thick a layer in the middle. Also the cake layers looked more compressed in mine. Maybe there was more batter in yours? I will keep experimenting next time I make it. But thank you so much for sharing your artistry with us all.

            • amie-sue says:

              Good evening Roselady,

              So happy to hear that you made it and enjoyed it! Knowing the flavor is good… from this point on you can shape that baby any way you wany. Be creative with different shapes and sizes. Thank you for sharing! amie sue

  11. Anne-Marie says:

    AMAZING! Absolutely MARVELLOUS, EXTRAORDINARY, SPLENDID, SENSATIONAL , BEAUTIIIIIIFUL….. Difficult to find better words to discribe your “chef-d’oeuvre” A pure pleasure to have the chance to admire your creations. You are “la reine” of the raw food, Amie Sue, congratulations, I am so impressed. Definitely, I will offer myself this cherry cake to my 60th birthday.
    love Anne-Marie

    • amie-sue says:

      Oh my dear sweet Anne – Marie…. never level my “life” hehe Your words are so encouraging, inspiring and loving. hugs! But my friend, you must not wait 20 years before making this cake! :P Many blessings, amie sue hehe

      • Anne-Marie says:

        Hahahahaha, I am still laughing very loud, dear Amie Sue! You are really sweet. No, definitely, I will not wait 20 years, just 2 weeks. Thank you for the idea, from now on, I decide to be 40 in my mind, what is the reality, I feel like… hahahah

        • amie-sue says:

          60 is the new 40!!! You are sooo in tune. hehe Happy Early Birthday Anne-Marie!! BE thankful that I don’t have your phone number. Bob and I call our friends on their birthday and sing three horribly wonderful songs. lol Many blessings!! amie sue

          • Anne-Marie says:

            Oh thank you so much, Amie Sue, I will think of you and immagine your song :)) anyway I wouldn’t have time at my Birth Day, even forget about every year…. So, I have to wait until you will come to Switzerland, I will remind you hehehe :) love AM

            • amie-sue says:

              While imaging our song Anne-Marie, be sure to cover your ears now and then, cause I think others do when we sing them. lol Blessings and have a great night! amie sue

              • Anne-Marie says:

                Hello Amie Sue, so long, I didn’t write to you. And so many things happend in the meantime. I hope you started 2014 with plenty of energy and new projects.
                I wish you and Bob a beautiful year ahead with lots of new and exciting experiences and especially best health!
                As I don’t remember in which recipe, I asked you, when you will come to Switzerland, I beg your pardon, that I didn’t answer to your comment till now. Time is short and running since I started a 50% job as dietician in one of the most beautiful regions in Switzerland, les “Lavaux” in the middle of vineyards with a breathtaking view on the Geneva lake. The small villages in this region are very authentic because very well preserved.
                Hopefully, I can show them to you when you are coming in spring or summertime.
                Thank you for all the new recipes, I can see on your blog. I look forward to having time again to read the mouthwatering masterpieces and of course to test them. Have wonderful day, Amie Sue and love from the Geneva lake, Anne-Marie

                • amie-sue says:

                  Good afternoon Anne- Marie,

                  It was so nice to hear from you. I have been thinking about you, wondering how you are doing. It sounds like you are doing quite well. :) Your surroundings sound so beautiful! I can’t wait to visit some day! My days continue to bless me / us… regardless of the new day or new year… in the moment we receive our blessings. :) Please do keep in touch as you can . I know you too are busy but it is so nice to get this message. hugs, amie sue

  12. Alexandria C. says:

    OMG amazing! All of your recipes are heavenly, my kids and I are always amazed looking through your recipes. I think this cake might be a good replacement for angel food cake as I’ve been trying to pinpoint a raw vegan recipe that has a bit of texture to it! Quick question, have you ever tried almond flour for cakes?

    • amie-sue says:

      Oh my gosh Alexandria,

      I swore I answered this when you posted the question. I am so sorry for the delay. Thank you for the kind words. I love knowing that you and your kids are browsing through the recipes. Warms my heart. :) When it comes to raw cakes, I find that almond meal/pulp (by-product from making almost milk) lends the fluffiest texture to a raw cake. I have used almond flour in conduction with the almond pulp but using straight almond flour will make the cake much denser. Have a wonderful day! amie sue

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