Spiced Chocolate Bouchons with Espresso Soaked Raisins

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~
The bouchons strike a subtle balance between chocolate, warming spices and the hint of creamy coffee. This combination has a warm, comforting flavor which is perfect for topping with Espresso Buttercream Frosting! To me, these taste like a gingerbread man went swimming in a cup of coffee.
What is a Bouchon?
So just what is a Bouchon? Classically it is a small, bite-size chocolate cake with brownie-like qualities. Named for their shape, which resembles a cork (bouchon); they are very rich and chocolatey, baked with the chocolate chips in the batter, and dusted with confectioners’ sugar.
My version is a play on this French dish, I guess you can say that deconstructed the cork and layered in some frosting. And instead of mixing in chocolate chips I plumped up some raisins in an espresso drink and mixed those in. Replacing dusting them with the typical confectioners’ sugar, I used raw cacao powder.
For individual portion sizes, I recommend 2 Tbsp of batter per cake. Then frost them with at least a 1:1 ratio of frosting to cake. It is a marriage made in culinary world heaven. I had quite a bit of fun creating different cakes with the batter. Which just goes to show that you can really be creative, with raw desserts.
The batter yields roughly 34 small bouchons, each being 2 Tbsp worth of batter. From there you can use individual cakes or stack them, layered with frosting. You can roll the edges in cacao powder or leave them plain. Have fun
Yields 34 cakes at 2 Tbsp each
Coffee infused raisins:
- 1 cup raisins
- 1 espresso shot or VERY strong coffee
- 1 cup raw almond flour/meal
- 1 cup dried, shredded coconut
- 1 cup unsweetened applesauce
- 3/4 cup maple syrup
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
- 1 tsp ground nutmeg or apple spice
- 1 tsp ground Ceylon cinnamon
- 1 tsp ground ginger
- 1/2 tsp ground cloves
- 1/4 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- 3/4 cup raw cacao powder
Coffee infused raisins:
- Place the raisins in a small bowl and cover them with strong coffee.
- I made a double espresso shot, poured it over the raisins and then added more hot water, just enough to cover them.
- Set aside to plump up while you make the cake batter.
- For a real deep flavor and if you have the time, soak them overnight.
- Pre-grind the raw almonds and coconut in the food processor in a high-powered blender, separately.
- Process each one until they resemble a flour. Be careful that you don’t over process. This will release to much of the natural oils and cause clumping. Pour both into a bowl and set aside.
- In the food processor, fitted with the “S” blade, combine the applesauce, maple syrup, vanilla and lemon juice. Blend together.
- Add the nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, salt and cacao powder. Process until well combined.
- Add the almond and coconut flour back into to the processor. The batter should be fairly dry yet stick together really well. Mix in the raisins by hand.
- Using a 2 Tbsp cookie scoop, create cake patties.
- I used a stainless steel ring and food press but this is not required. It just made nice even cake discs.
- You can also use a mini cake pan that makes the cork shapes.
- After using up all the dough and you have the bouchons formed, place in the fridge while you make the frosting and it sets up.
- Option: You can dehydrate these cakes at 115 degrees (F) for 6-8 hours. This gives the cake a little drier texture on the outside and a little different mouth-feel. Either way, it still tastes great.
- Unfrosted these cakes should last 5-7 days in the fridge, or you could wrap them individually and freeze them for at least a month.
- Follow the instructions for the Espresso Buttercream Frosting
- You can be as creative as you wish. Make single layer bouchons or cut them in half and add a layer of frosting. Use a variety of piping tips for the frosting to give each one a fun and unique look. Top the frosting with an espresso bean or raisin. Dust raw cacao powder over the top.
- Once the cakes are frosted they will keep good for 1-2 days. Keep stored in the fridge.
© AmieSue.com
Tags: Dairy Free, Dehydrated, Gluten Free, No Dehydration Required, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
Hi, Amie Sue. May we assume that the raisins are added last, after combining the flours with the wet ingredients?
Thanks, I just didn’t read the timing when they are added.
I am making these today, as it snowed in Atlanta, and the entire town is shut down….
As always, your recipes are wonderfully delicious and healthy at the same time. My friends still rave about your Hazelnut Chai ‘raw’ brownies…
Sorry about that. I forgot to tell you all when to add them… yes, right after the flours and I hand mixed them in. Oh a snow day! Perfect day for playing and creating in the kitchen. Keep warm and stay safe. amie sue
I would assume that you add the raisins after the flours? I wouldn’t want to mess up such a beautiful creation.
You are correct Mary. I added that in. Thank you. :) Have a blessed day, amie sue
Hi, Amie Sue. Going to try this recipe today. Will make raw applesauce in the vitamix. Also, in the photos, it looks as if the cakes are a different shade of cacao. One is dark, and the other light. Is this an optical illusion, or am I seeing it right??
No optimal illusion or trickery here :) The far back one was completely dusted with raw cacao powder. The middle on doesn’t have any dusting on it and the one in the very front just had a dusting on the cake part, not the middle frosting. Just showing people the different ways that you can decorate them. :) Have a great weekend, amie sue
Hi Amie Sue,
I have some organic pre-ground coconut flour, which is meant for gluten-free baking purposes – can I use that in this recipe ??
Thanks ;-)
Hello Jacob,
When you say, “pre-ground” do you mean that it was process by a company or did you take dried shredded coconut and grind it to a flour? There is a big difference. Store bought coconut flour is very very drying in recipes so it’s not a good over-all replacement. When I use it, I do so in very small amounts otherwise it sucks all moisture out of the recipe. I hope that helps. :) amie sue
Amy, hi I’m back! I’m wanting to create these today. However I’m wondering, can I use a mini cupcake pan ? I see that it’s a 2 table spoon amount per cake. Would that be appropriate? Too small or too big. I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but just a note: I’ve been officially elected to bring the dessert to all celebrations, as long as there from your website! Just thought I’d share. Thanks Amy.
Good morning Angela,
I just loved reading your comment this morning… it made my day. hehe
You can use this treat in any size pan for sure. I would just test out the batter amount in whichever pan you decide to use. It’s not like baking where you have to worry about it rising or falling as it bakes. hehe. Just press in the batter and GO! hehe Enjoy and keep me posted. Blessings, amie sue