Raw-E-O Cookie Ice Cream

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~
This recipe came about as a special request from a young man by the name of Max. He wanted an Oreo Ice Cream and his mom wanted to provide this for him but in a raw, healthier version… so she came to me and asked if I could do just that. And this is the end result. :)
I hope it meets the approval of Max. I did my best to get the textures and flavor as close as possible. Just ask Bob… I made four different batches of just the cookie part, trying to perfect that. He has been eating Raw-E-O Cookies for several weeks. hehe
The striking part of this whole process is the fact that it has been over 10 years since I have even had an Oreo cookie, let alone the ice-cream version. So I was doing my best by going off memory.
At one point, Bob bought some gluten-free “oreo” cookies to see how mine was measuring up. He ate one of those, gave the rest away, and declared mine as waaaaay better. We are unable to taste against side by side with a true Oreo because we don’t eat gluten or any of the other 30+ ingredients that used in making the commercially made cookies.
To make this recipe, you will need to make three components. The cookie dough, which requires dehydrating, the frosting cream for the center of the cookie, and the ice cream. The cookie recipe will make more cookies than what is needed for the ice cream but is that really such a bad thing? :) I made several other cookie recipes while trying to perfect this recipe. I will release those as well. Each one is a little different in the ingredients I use. But the cookie recipe that I posted below is the one that got thumbs up for the my “Oreo” ice cream.
Thank you, Max, for giving me such a fun challenge I hope you enjoy this!
Yields 1 quart
Ice cream:
- 1 cup cashews, soaked 2 + hours
- 1 1/3 cup raw almond milk
- 1/3 cup maple syrup
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 squirt liquid stevia, to taste
- 1/8 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- 1/2 cup raisins
- 1 vanilla beans, seeds only
- 2 Tbsp cold-pressed coconut oil
Cream center: yields 2 1/2 cups
- 1 cups cashews, soaked 2+ hours
- 3/4 cups thick coconut milk, fresh or canned
- 1/4 cup maple syrup
- 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
- 1/8 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- 1/2 cup coconut oil, melted
- 1 Tbsp sunflower lecithin powder
- In the food processor, fitted with the “S” blade, pulse together the almond pulp, ground flax, cacao powder, coconut, coconut flour, and salt.
- Add the sweetener, vanilla, and stevia. Pulse together until thick batter forms.
- To roll out the cookies, place the batter in the center of a teflex sheet and cover it with another teflex sheet. Roll out till 1/4 ” thick. Using a circular cookie cutter, cut out as many circles as you can. Transfer the cookies to the mesh sheet that comes with the dehydrator.
- Gather the dough scraps and repeat the rolling out process to continue to make cookies, until all the batter is used up.
- Dehydrate at 115 degrees (F) for 10-16 hours or until dry. The time frame will depend on the humidity, your machine, and how full it is.
- Once done dehydrating, allow to cool to room temperature before frosting.
- Place the cashews in a glass bowl, along with 3 cups of water.
- Soak for at least 2 hours.
- The soaking process will help reduce phytic acid, which will aid in digestion.
- The soaking also softens the cashews, so they blend nice and creamy.
- After the cashews are through soaking, drain, and rinse.
- In a high-speed blender combine in order; coconut milk, maple syrup, vanilla, salt, and cashews.
- By placing the liquids in first, it helps the blades spin more easily.
- Blend until creamy, and you don’t feel any grit in the frosting.
- Depending on the blender, this may take anywhere from 1-5 minutes.
- While the blender is running and a vortex is in motion, drizzle in the coconut oil. Make sure that it gets well incorporated.
- Add the lecithin and process just until mixed in.
- Place the frosting in an airtight container and place in the fridge for 2-4 hours to firm. I tend to put mine immediately into my piping bag (placing a piece of tape on the piping tip, so it doesn’t ooze out).
- Then when I am ready to pipe the frosting onto the cookies, I just take it out and let it sit at room temp for about 15-30 minutes to soften just a bit.
- If the frosting gets too soft, just place it back in the fridge till it firms up some.
- This will keep for 3-5 days.
Ice Cream:
- Place the cashews in a glass bowl, along with 3 cups of water.
- Soak for at least 2 hours.
- The soaking process will help reduce phytic acid, which will aid in digestion.
- The soaking also softens the cashews, so they blend nice and creamy.
- After the cashews are through soaking, drain, and rinse.
- In a high-powered blender add; cashews, almond milk, sweetener, vanilla, stevia, salt, and raisins. Blend until it is smooth and creamy.
- Due to the volume and the creamy texture that we are going after, it is important to use a high-powered blender. It could be too taxing on a lower-end model.
- Blend until the filling is creamy smooth. You shouldn’t detect any grit. If you do, keep blending.
- This process can take 2-4 minutes, depending on the strength of the blender. Keep your hand cupped around the base of the blender carafe to feel for warmth. If the batter is getting too warm. Stop the machine and let it cool. Then proceed once cooled.
- Then add the vanilla bean seeds and the coconut oil. Blend until incorporated.
- Pour the ice cream batter into the ice cream machine and follow your manufacturer’s instructions.
- Place the cookies in the freezer to harden before adding them into the ice cream. This will prevent them from crumbling and falling apart when stirring them into the ice cream.
- Once the cookies are hard, remove them from the freezer and cut them into bites sized pieces. This recipe makes more cookies than what will be needed for the ice cream. Put in as many or as little as you want.
- Make the ice cream. When it is done in the ice cream machine (still soft-serve consistency) add the cookie chunks and stir together.
- Place in freezer-proof containers and freeze. You can eat it right away or freeze it to harden.
- If your ice cream is in solid form, let it rest on the countertop for 15 +/- minutes to soften a bit for pleasurable eating. :)
Freezing Suggestions for Ice Cream:
Use an ice cream machine. Follow the manufactures directions.
Freeze in popsicle molds or 3 oz Dixie cups with a popsicle stick inserted.
Store the ice cream in the very back of the freezer, as far away from the door as possible. Every time you open your freezer door you let in warm air. Keeping ice cream way in the back and storing it beneath other frozen-sold items will help protect it from those steamy incursions.
Ice cream is full of fat, and even when frozen, fat has a way of soaking up flavors from the air around it—including those in your freezer. To keep your ice cream from taking on the odors, use a container with a tight-fitting lid. For extra security, place a layer of plastic wrap between your ice cream and the lid.
To soften in the refrigerator, transfer ice cream from the freezer to the refrigerator 20-30 minutes before using. Or let it stand at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.
Wish to make your own raw ice cream, wonder what machine I might recommend, and more? Click (
here) to check out the Reference Library!

There are so many fun ways to serve ice cream. Below, I filled some 1/2 pint,
freezer-safe jars with today’s treat. I then pressed a whole cookie on top.
These jars are perfect for single servings! No extra dirty dishes when it comes
to serving up your favorite ice cream with others, or yourself. :)
© AmieSue.com
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Raw Ice Cream, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
Hi Amie Sue. LOVE this and will share on FB today.
What does the EO stand for…did I miss something?
Good morning Adrienne :) Thanks for sharing this with others. Spreading the “health”! EO….. just my silly play on words. Rather than OrEO… I typed out Raw-E-O. I hope all is well, many blessings. amie sue
This looks great! How much ice cream does it make if I wish to just serve the ice cream? Think hempseeds will work instead of cashews?
It roughly makes a quart. The cookies don’t add to much bulk to the ice cream. And now that I think about this recipe made a little more than a quart. I am not sure about hempseeds, I haven’t used them in an ice cream before. I know you use them a lot, do you find that they make thick creamy bases to recipes? You are more the hemp expert than I. hehe
Love this recipe and I´ll try it soon as summer is coming our way here in South America. Is one of the first things I´ll try with my 10 years old nephew. I just started with raw food and your blog is THE place for me to get yummy ideas that will keep me in this path. Unfortunately some of the items you use are hard to find here, nevertheles I will never give up. Once again, many thanks.
Good morning Silvia… I always forget that others are moving into summer as we head into Fall. It is sort of that, “out of site, out of mind” thing. I know it is hard to find all the ingredients that we use here in the US and vice a versa. If I can try to help in any way, just let me know. Together, we might get something to work. hehe Blessings, amie sue
Amie Sue,
Good morning. I know many people would say this is blasphemy but……never really cared for Oreo cookies. I think it was that the creamy center tasted like pure lard or fat….same thing really~~oops with sugar mixed in LOL……Love chocolate and these cookies look yummy for the tummy (as my grand daughter would say.) I just love the little stamp you used for the cookies that says “HOME MADE” and how you placed a cookie on the top of the jar. As I stated once before “you are an artist in the kitchen and make so many of your dishes visually pleasing. I also wanted to tell you I love your stories with each recipe as to how it came about.
Sorry, no laughs today, I am pooped from packing and cleaning and beginning the move! Oh will it never end? I do get to salivate at your lovely photo’s of the food which is a positive!
Good morning my never ending packing Linda :) It will end, I promise. I was in your position not to long ago, so I completely understand. I have a deal for you… you keep packing, moving and getting life in order and in the meantime, I will continue creating wonderful raw recipes. I will then (just for you – wink) keep them all here for you in a tidy, neat little site called Nouveauraw. That way you won’t miss a thing and the recipes will be here just waiting for you to be settled into your new kitchen. How does that sound? The things I do. hahahaha Many blessings and sending you strength to get through it all! amie sue
Amie Sue,
It is a deal….Oh the things we do for love, love, love~ely raw recipes you have come up with. Thank goodness I can access your site any old day…..or night….or wee willy winky hours of the morning~ha-ha
Not only will I have catching up to do with my artwork, and getting things unpacked and kitchen in order, but also with all the recipes I want to catch up on and digest…..and before Christmas (EEK.. did I really say that word?) Tell me it isn’t so, coming too soon? By spending all those wee willy winky hours up and running, I might blink and miss it!
Just be sure to take care of yourself Linda…. These are days that you will never get back, make the best of them. :) Have a blessed weekend, amie sue
Hi Annie Sue –
This recipe sounds AMAZING!!! Is there anything you can use instead of liquid Stevia? I’m not a fan. I find it have a little after taste. Perhaps a little more agave? Please let me know!
Good morning Michele,
I used the tiny amount of stevia to just enhance the sweet level without having to increase the other sweetener but you can easily just add more of your preferred sweetener. Taste test as you go. Add a little at a time. Remember, ice cream, once frozen doesn’t taste as sweet as it doesn’t in liquid form… so if you like your ice cream to be on the sweeter side, add a tad more than you would think. Have fun! amie sue
Oh Amie-Sue! When will you be manufacturing your products for market! You are the Queen!
Working on it Kanti, working on it. hehe
You are soooo clever. My kids have tasted Oreo’s (and liked them … sigh … lol) but as we don’t buy biscuits (tend to make them) they don’t get to eat them. And cookies and cream ice cream is a favourite of theirs too! I am going to make this as a surprise. You are just a star!
Thank you Lisa :) If you make it for your young ones, let me know what the outcome is. :) Have a wonderful weekend, amie sue
Hi Amie-Sue :)
If I do not have an ice cream maker can I still make the ice cream by just placing it in a glass container and freezing it?
Also, may I sub the agave for honey?
Thank you!
Hello Jennifer,
Yes, you can still make this ice cream without a machine..here are some ideas:
Freezing Suggestions:
Freeze in popcycle molds or 3 oz Dixie cups with a popcycle stick inserted.
Freeze the ice cream in ice cube trays. Once frozen press through a Champion Juicer, or place in a high-powered blender or process in food
processor until creamy.
Pour ice cream into a freezer safe container and stir occasionally as it freezes.
You can use honey, it will change the flavor a bit and it might effect the texture, but overall it ought to be fine. Keep me posted if you give a try. :) Have a great day, amie sue
Hello Amie Sue,
What an imaginative recipe. Your raw kitchen creations are very impressive.
I will certainly be making this recipe for the family.
However several questions to begin: Will the cookies with the cream filling need to be kept refrigerated to be kept firm? Is it a portable cookie? Would like the option of packing the cookies in my family’s lunches.
Secondly, may I substitute macadamias for the cashews? I prefer not to use cashews.
Finally, may I use honey or coconut nectar as a sweetener? If substitute with the honey or nectar should I still use the liquid stevia (Searched and found at my local Whole Foods the brand that you use.) You said you added the stevia to enhance the sweetness level. Did not know if it would be needed with another type sweetener.
Thank you as always for your generosity. I have benefited greatly as a raw food “cook” from your recipes and teaching.
Good evening Rhondy,
Let’s see if I can answer your questions before I fall asleep :) Been a long and busy day!
Q ~ Will the cookies with the cream filling need to be kept refrigerated to be kept firm?
A ~ It always helps to keep in the fridge for longevity. I did find them to be ok on the counter for part of the day but I then put them in the fridge and some even in the freezer for later enjoyment.
Q ~ Is it a portable cookie? Would like the option of packing the cookies in my family’s lunches.
A ~ They would do ok for a few hours but its hard to say for sure, specially if the weather is warm.
Q ~ Secondly, may I substitute macadamias for the cashews? I prefer not to use cashews.
A ~ Yes, you sure can. :)
Q ~ Finally, may I use honey or coconut nectar as a sweetener? If substitute with the honey or nectar should I still use the liquid stevia (Searched and found at my local Whole Foods the brand that you use.) You said you added the stevia to enhance the sweetness level. Did not know if it would be needed with another type sweetener.
A ~ You can use those two options. It might change the over cookie a tad in flavor and texture but it should be ok. Taste test after you add the sweetener to see if you want the stevia.
night night my friend! amie sue
Hello! Is there anyway to replace the coconut oil with agar, or sea moss? Thanks so much
Hello Gauri,
I haven’t tested it before so I don’t have an answer for you other than it would take some experimenting. I have used coconut butter in place of the coconut oil before. In this recipe, you could omit it and just add maybe 1/4 cup of extra cashews. I hope this helps. blessings, amie sue