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Huge Changes to Nouveauraw (please read!)

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Good day, my fellow health seekers,

(deep breath) I am nervous, jittery, itty bitty bit scared, excited, and delighted… all rolled in one as I share a bit of news with you. Forgive me if I repeat myself a few times throughout this message. I just want to make sure that I explain everything with clarity. So here we go…

As of March 1st, 2022, we will no longer be charging membership fees for Nouveauraw.com. If your membership auto-renewed in January, it will remain active until the expiration date (30 days from your bill date, sometime  in Feb.), at which at that time your account will convert to a “Transitional Membership.” You will then have FREE access to the entire site.  Then on March 1st,  you will no longer need to login to have free access.  You don’t need to make any changes on your end… that’s for me to do for you. If you go to your accounts page, you will notice that it reads “Transition” instead of monthly. A few automatic emails will also follow once I manually change your account.

As I just mentioned, as of March 1st, the site will be entirely FREE to the public, and we will no longer be a membership fee-based site. At that point, you no longer will have to submit a username or password to have access. I will keep you posted on any changes as they are being made to the site. You might notice some minor changes here and there, but overall your experience shouldn’t be disrupted. It will continue to be ad and banner-free! Just because I am taking a sabbatical doesn’t mean that I won’t keep “our house” in order. It will remain chock full of inspirational recipes, the teaching of culinary techniques, houseplant care, peace, quiet, comfort, and so much more.

Here’s an example timeline:

Why the Changes?

After much deliberation, I have decided to take a year-long sabbatical, which means I won’t be contributing any new content. At the end of my sabbatical, I will revisit my plans for the site, but for now, I need to step away and take a well-needed break after pouring myself into Nouveauraw for well over a decade.

I have LOVED the family that we have all created together through Nouveauraw. It’s been a journey of self-growth, joy, friendships, and so much more. You have no idea what your presence and support has meant to me, whether you have been with me since conception, since turning into a membership site, or if you just joined last month. It’s your support, financial or otherwise, that has created Nouveauraw into what it is today.

Another reason for converting the site to free is due to COVID. Shew, COVID has proven to be a real challenge for everyone on many different levels. One common response that I have been getting from those canceling their memberships is due to finances. For some, $5.99 is nothing but to others, it’s the difference between looking at a recipe, for a sandwich or being able to MAKE one. That may sound a bit dramatic, but I never want to turn a person away due to money or lack of it. My whole mission for Nouveauraw is to help inspire healthier lifestyle changes. So, in light of that… it’s my desire to keep the site up and running for the time being.

Facebook Private Group

Another change coming on March 1st is that I will be disabling the Nouveauraw private Facebook group. Until then, I will keep it up to help answer any questions, give updates (anything that pertains to the site will also go out in an email to you), and continue to support you. If you wish to keep in touch, you can always see what I am up in life on my personal Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/amie.oldfather/.

What Doesn’t Change?

***Please NOTE*** I will be manually going through each member’s account within the next day or two and changing your membership to “Transitional”. The system will send a stop payment to our billing program, and a letter from either PayPal or Stripe (whichever form of payment you used) will send you an automatic email stating that your account has been canceled. Again… you will STILL have complete access to the site, so no real changes are happening, other than the site will be FREE of charge once your monthly membership expires. I hope this makes sense. I have been astonished as to how many moving parts there are to all this. So please hang in there with me as I work through this transition.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions that may arise. Many blessings and lots of love, amie sue

60 thoughts on “Huge Changes to Nouveauraw (please read!)

  1. Melanie Hacker says:

    I wish you all the best through this next year and am forever grateful for your talent and sharing your expertise. Thank you for all you have done and do.

  2. cheryldiane says:

    I understand completely. I’m so happy you will be taking care of yourself!
    Cheryl Diane

  3. Cherell13 says:

    Amie Sue,

    Thank you so much for all you do and for all you’ve done to deliver quality information and healthy, tasty, fabulous-looking recipes to us! Your work is amazing and so is your heart! Enjoy your time of renewal!

    • amie-sue says:

      Bless you, Cherell. Thank you so much for your encouraging and supportive words. I look forward to this new year and all that it has to offer. Keep in touch. blessings, amie sue

  4. Ann says:

    I will mizzu so much! Yours is my all time favorite site. I will enjoy all the content while you are gone and hope you return. All my best to you💙💙💙

    • amie-sue says:

      Awe Ann. You are too sweet. I will still be around so feel free to keep in contact through the site and Facebook (if you are on there). Sending love and blessings your way, amie sue :)

  5. Helen says:

    Thanks for explaining everything so clearly, Amie Sue. And may this coming year bless you as richly as you’ve blessed all of us with Nouveau Raw.

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Helen. There are so many moving parts to this changeover and it was my hope to convey it clear and concisely. :) Many blessings and love, amie sue

  6. Bev Alvarez says:

    Amie Sue , thank you soooo much for you amazing posts 🌞The recipes , information & beautiful photos are truly inspiring 🙏🏼I hope you have an amazing year .🤍✨

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Bev. Your words are so loving and filled with warmth. I will still be around so keep in touch through the site. blessings and hugs, amie sue

  7. Barbara says:

    Dear Amie Sue,

    What a wonderful experience it has been to be a member. Your site is beautiful and you are one of the kindest people I know. You are an Angel.
    I am glad you are taking some time off. I could never understand how you can manage everything.
    I am still looking for that super girl apron you have and use it in my new kitchen. Lots of love and hugs❤️

    • amie-sue says:

      lol… Sweetie that supergirl apron resides within you! I can see it from here. :) Thank you so much for the loving and warm words, they are precious and bring tears to my eyes. So much has shifted in my life over the past years (all blessings, just shifts) so I felt it was time to set aside a few things so I can stay focused to what the future holds. I look forward to this new year and all that it has to offer. Let’s keep in touch though. You are a blessing in my life as well. blessings and hugs, amie sue

  8. Emma says:

    Dear Amy Sue,

    Thank you for all your work till now. I learned a lot from you and nouvearaw was and is one of my favourite sides for raw food since 6 or 7 years. I wish you all the best in what you want to start or do in this year.
    Much love,

    • amie-sue says:

      I am so thankful that you were here through my culinary journey. It has been such an honor and blessing. Right now, well for a few years now, my plate has become SO full that it has been hard to just relax and take a deep breath. I am excited for this new year and what it has to offer. Thank you for the kind and supportive words. Much love and blessings, amie sue

  9. Kelly Holden says:

    Hello Amie Sue from across the pond! I’ve learned so much from you over the last few years and I’m eternally grateful to have stumbled across your Facebook page and website. I’ll miss your regular posts and emails but completely understand how important it is to take time out to nurture yourself and your lovely family. If you ever decide to take a trip across the pond and visit the UK, do let me know – I have plenty of room and you’d be very welcome to stay. Love and Blessings, Kelly 🥰🤗

    • amie-sue says:

      My dear sweet Kelly,

      Greetings from my side of the pond. :) I too am so thankful that our paths have crossed. This slight change doesn’t mean that we will lose contact. In fact, let’s make sure that we don’t! Nurturing myself has been a lifelong lesson and one I hope to dive deeper into this next year. Sometimes, we just have to step back and regroup. I will always be here so keep in touch through the comment section, email ([email protected]), and Facebook (as we already do). Thank you for the open arms should we venture in that direction, I offer you the same open arms should you skate across the pond. hehe big hugs, amie sue

  10. Margie says:

    I have enjoyed your site and will continue to do so. It is obvious that you put in a lot of love, time and expertise into your creations. I bet you are a perfectionist…I can identify. 😊 Enjoy your break and don’t forget it is a break!!! I know…the list gets longer…been there, done that! 🤗

  11. Allison says:

    I wish you well on all of your endeavors and your sabbatical, you are a wonderful, kind, caring, loving and good hearted person. You have inspired me over and over again. Here again you are helping others and realize that one might not have but that does not mean they are not in need to receive. I remember you reaching out to me to ensure I was okay during one of our bad storms and that was an honor for me to be thought of enough for you to reach out to say hello and that you cared. I am still looking forward to you doing an in-person class. Be Blessed.

    • amie-sue says:

      Oh, sweet Allison… thank you for sharing this with me, it means so much. I hoping to get more clarity on what this next chapter holds for me. Some of it entails more in-person connection so keep in touch, one just never knows. Right now, I need to make time and room for all of my roles in life and I am excited for it. Sending you love and blessings! Please keep in touch, I am just a few key-strokes away. I will forever answer comments and questions on the site or you can always email me at; [email protected]. hugs, amie sue

  12. Mirian M Yurth says:

    Hi Amie thank you very much again you are a example to follow, the truth is that I hardly go to see the recipes due to lack of time I am in the kitchen as little as possible but I really like all the recipes I have made thanks for being there when I needed it most❤️

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you, sweet Mirian. I totally understand. I am just thankful that I have always been there for you when in need… that is why I created the site. Please keep in touch. I will always answer comments and questions. Many blessings in this year to you and your loved ones. hugs, amie sue

  13. Carolyn says:

    Dear Ami-sue,
    I am so glad that you are taking time for you! You have given so much of yourself and it is greatly appreciated. God bless you beyond measure!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you kindly, Carolyn. I am looking forward to whatever is ahead of me in this new year. I will always be a key-stroke away so feel free to reach out through the recipes or by emailing me at [email protected]. Love and blessings, amie sue

  14. Cathy Redfearn says:

    Oh.. I understand but I’m going to miss the Facebook group and and “new” creations!! I pray we all can stay connected some way!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi sweetie! Let’s make sure that we are “friends” on Facebook (my personal account) so that we can stay in touch. I am always sharing the crazy things that I am up to and we can chat it up there. You are always welcome to keep in touch through email as well. [email protected] :) You can’t keep me away missy. hehe Love and hugs!!

      • Cathy Redfearn says:

        I love that idea!! I love seeing all you do and would love staying friends

        • amie-sue says:

          Absolutely!!!! I haven’t just been invested in my site all these years, I have been invested in the friends I have made through Nouveauraw… one being YOU. I am eternally grateful for our interactions and I look forward to seeing more of them in the future. So please keep in touch, my friend. I am always available through the site comment sections (under the recipes), email, and Facebook so I am not disappearing. :) Love and hugs to you, amie sue

  15. Nelda says:

    I have admired you for several years and was late in joining…your web-site is a weath of organization full of wonderful information. Your attention to detail is “Crazy” Great..your sensitivity & loving what you do Shines through. i will miss just knowing you are not present …;however your influence maintains…I will keep followiing you…thank You

    • amie-sue says:

      I am thankful that our paths crossed in this BIG world of web. Please enjoy the site to its fullest. I have spent over a decade creating it and hope that people can continue to find inspiration and encouragement throughout. I will always be available to help answer questions and comments so keep in touch. blessings, amie sue

  16. Azna Dharini says:

    Thank you so much for making raw vegan food and vegan food recipes accessible to everyone. I cannot thank you enough. Your recipes are so delicious, nutritious, etc. You are such an infinitely wonderful person. Many blessings to you and to your husband and your family members, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc.

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you so much Azna for the kind and encouraging words. I am not sure what the future holds… maybe I will return with a whole new level of inspiration for the site. Until then, enjoy the site and all the wonderful content I have created over the years. I am always going to be available to answer comments and questions. blessings, amie sue

  17. Hilary says:

    Hi Amie Sue. I’ve been ‘out of commission’ due to health challenges and so have not posted in a while. Am getting better and want to get more into raw food to stay strong so I’m REALLY appreciative of your doing this for us. You’ve been a great inspiration to me with such a beautiful site and your clarity of instruction and your sharing of yourself. I hope you have a wonderful time on sabbatical and look forward to being more connected in the future.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Hilary,

      I am so sorry to hear that you continue to battle some health issues but I am thankful to hear from you. Please draw upon my site when your energy levels see fit. The recipes will remain here to help inspire you and I will always be just a few key-strokes away if you need me. I will continue to answer ALL comments, questions, and emails. I don’t want to lose touch. Sending you lots of love, healing energy, and hugs. amie sue :)

  18. maureen says:

    Self care is a must!
    You have contributed a gift that just keeps on giving without update. We have been blessed by u in so many ways. Your blessings will continue long after the changes.

    Thank u so much. Love Maureen

    • amie-sue says:

      It sure is Maureen, thank you for supporting me in my decision. :) I look forward to what the future has in store for me this year and beyond! But not only for me everyone else. Many blessings to you and your loved ones. Stay in touch. hugs, amie sue

  19. Mikaela says:

    Amie Sue, Dear Amie Sue, following on your healthy, delicious culinary steps all these years, was one of the best things I have done for me and my family. Thank you.

    Your sabbatical is a well deserved break for somebody who shared with us how to eat healthy and tasty, how to create a beautiful kitchen environment (loved the white & green 🥰) or a little garden of peace, how to tenaciously hop on a tractor and work hard on the farm and still maintain a sense of humor – this last one – like a thread snaking through all your recipes presentation (oh, how I loved it).
    May the year off bring you and Bob (Millo too) the health, peace and smiles you well deserve. May you find time to enjoy your beautiful home, Bob’s guitar music, and the stunning views of the mountains. May the farm be prosperous, and you and your family be well and happy!🙋‍♀️♥️❤️❤️Gratefully,

    • amie-sue says:

      My sweet Mikaela,

      Your message brought tears to my eyes this morning. Thank you so much for being so intertwined in my life, you are like family.:) I am not sure what this year has in store for me other than; farming, landscaping, decorating, designing, plant care, sewing my mittens… oh my love list grows long but I feel it will be a wonderful time to recharge my batteries so I can remain open to what is in store for me. Please keep in touch, my friend. I am only a key-stroke away. :) sending you big doses of love and warm hugs, amie sue

  20. Jeanette M. Pyles says:

    Hi Amie Sue,
    I can’t remember when was the first time I connected with you, I know my daughter had introduced me to your website when both of us went RAW, many many years ago, and it took off after that!! You have taught us so much and you are always there for us, ALWAYS!! I pray that you, Bob & Milo, enjoy your sabbatical and blessings for your future. Thank you for ALL you have done for us and you and your family be Blessed continuously.

    • amie-sue says:

      Oh my gosh Jeanette, it was long ago when our worlds came together. I always enjoy my interactions with you and I hope that doesn’t stop. :) Thank you for the wishes and blessings. I look forward to this new year/chapter. You are always welcome to reach out to me through the comment section under the recipes, email, and/or Facebook. Have a glorious day my friend. amie sue

  21. Veronica says:

    Hi Amie Sue,

    Wow, that will be a huge change for you, it sounds exciting! As you know I have been following you since early beginning and watched your site growing throughout the years, and we have been in close contact on and off. Now it feels a bit like you are moving away even though we already live so far apart. :)

    You will be in my mind, and I truly hope you will enjoy your time off. Big hug!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Veronica,

      I so get what you mean about now feeling even father away. :) But that’s just not the case, I am still here. :) I love that we have kept in touch through Facebook and email so let’s not let go of that, ok? I am also here to answer comments and questions on the site recipes. Thank you so much for all your support over the years, I have always enjoyed our interactions and friendship. love and hugs, amie sue

  22. San says:

    I always thought it was crazy to pay for Raw recipes knowing I could find something similar elsewhere on the internet.I understand giving of your time and talent should come at a price. When I first started on this lifestyle it was hard to find recipes and then they started to all look the same and nothing new to add. Every now and then you’d have something new and different to try but I didn’t have full access because of membership. I understand it must take a lot to put and keep this ship running, if these last two years have taught me anything take care of yourself cuz nobody else will.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning San,

      Yes, it takes way more than one realizes to create, maintain and fund a site like mine. I wish you the best and thank you for your feedback. blessings, amie sue

  23. Halie/Wendy says:

    Dearest Amie Sue
    You had been such an inspiring teacher of good health via good foods when i began my healing journey. I know you haven’t heard/seen from me for a while as I too have taken several sabbaticals. Oh Blessed be You with Big *Yay* Hug from me and my family for these examples of decisive actions:
    1.more consistent self care!
    2. making it possible for us to continue using your site for our journeys of healthy Care living .
    I want to point out/shout from on top of the dehydrator with *much much Appreciation* >>rather than shut down ,you are gifting us this opportunity to freely access your years of experiences is SO VERY DIVINELY YOU! the generous Spirit that you are !!!
    Loving the Timing of the Universe with You announcing this choice self care and group care (in a new way) fro the very reasons you shared. Blessed be You, Lady and your fabulous family !!!
    May Grace’s Goodness be with you
    as you sabbatical forward.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Wendy,

      What a pleasure to hear from you. I was happy to read that you too took the time needed for yourself. We live in a world that makes us believe that we have always have to be DOING and accomplishing, never taking time to rejuvenate ourselves. I have been guilty of that throughout the years. Your message also made my heart giggle. I love how you share your heart with such words. I look forward to this new year and see what is in store for me. Many blessings to you too and please keep in touch. I will always be available through the comments sections in the recipes. hugs, amie sue

  24. Gayle says:

    Amie Sue, You have been a wonder and an encouragement. Your kind heart shows through your words as well as your work. Thank you so much. I hope you have a wonderful year full of health, adventure, and happy; and when you get to the end of your year, you know exactly what you want to do.

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you so much, Gayle, your words and kindness mean a lot to me. I look forward to what this year has to offer. Please keep in touch and many blessings to your and your loved ones. hugs, amie sue

  25. nancy lober says:

    Thank you for all your wonderful recipes.
    Everything I’ve made has been delicious!
    Have a good long healthy year of relaxing and
    having time to breathe.
    Love to you, Nancy Lober

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you so much, Nancy. I am beyond thrilled that you have and are enjoying the recipes. I hope you continue to do so. Love and blessings, amie sue

  26. FCB from D.C. says:


    Amie Sue:

    You’ve been True to The Game from day one.
    I’ve been a looooooong time lurker of your website
    when it was free many, many years ago. When the business
    model changed to a pay site I understood the change
    and waited some time to join, I’m glad I did.

    At that time, ten (10) years ago or more you were the only
    Raw Foodist with a website other than SIR Russell James
    teaching the rudiments of Raw Food Preparations.

    My lineage of Raw Foodism is (Dr. Aris LaTham The GodFather of Raw Movement), SIR David Avocado Wolfe, Khepra Anu in D.C., where I live and Dr. Fred Besci, Father of Modern
    Day Raw Movement, 90 Plus years young.

    Most importantly, BABA SAGE, The late Dick Gregory is the first person I ever heard mention the Term Raw Foods circa 1968 when I was in junior high school.

    The aforementioned are SOLELY Responsible for me becoming a Raw Foodist.

    While I am Personally in my 2nd year on a 3 – 5 year SABBATICAL as a Corporate Identity Consultant,
    your Announcement of Sabbatical reminds me of CHUCK RHOADES, Season Premiere, Billions_S6_E1.

    Are WE ever not working even on SABBATICAL ???!!!

    If you ever need INSPIRATION while on your Sabbatical to return with RENEWED FERVOR to your Spiritual, Numerological, and Bio Energy Sacred Science, CALLING.

    The videos below will SERVE THAT PURPOSE to Remind you Raw Foodism is A GIFT and BLESSING from The ALMIGHTY Creator to ALL OF US who become ENLIGHTENED !!!!!!

    The Man that Aroused my curiosity to Raw Foodism.


    However, at the same time, not to take ourselves too seriously, while smelling the flowers WE NEED TO LAUGH MORE !!!!!!


    Here’s looking AT YOUR KID !!!!!!


    Again, thank you for being TRUE TO THE GAME when so many others I haven’t named who were Raw Foodist are now Eating Animal Products and No Longer Promoting Raw Foodism.


    FCB from D.C. 66 Yrs. young
    RAW FOR LIFE !!!!!!

    P.S. Thank You For ALL THAT you’ve
    GIVEN The Raw Food Community.


    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon,

      Thank you so much for the detailed comment. It was fun to read through it. My sabbatical won’t necessarily be a time of rest for me. My plate is very full in caring for the farm/orchard, the property as a whole, home life, my creative endeavors, family, friends, etc. But it will be a year of opening up to what I need to focus on for the time being and future. I am looking forward to prioritizing and seeing what comes of this new year. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Many blessings, amie sue

  27. DeAnna says:

    Hello Amie Sue. It is June 2023 and I am soooo happy that your site is still up! I also have been a long time lurker of your site, from before it became a paid site. I started my raw journey in 2012 and was high raw for 3 years. I then went cooked vegan for several years, but it never really worked for me, i.e., I started to get food cravings which eventually, almost ten years later, got me fully back to the SAD. After gaining the 21 pounds back that I had lost, being tortured by food cravings, counting calories, nutrisystem, etc., I thought to myself, what am I doing? Why don’t I go back to raw – the only thing that ever worked and that took away my food cravings? So I am back and how happy I am to see your site still up! Many of the sites I used to rely on from back in the day are no longer. I truly hope that you are able to keep your site up as it is so beneficial to me – reminding me of all the skills I used to have regarding raw foods and what fun it is and how grounded raw foods make me feel. Thank you for all you do, your food is so beautiful and makes me excited to jump back in!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good day DeAnna,

      It is so wonderful to hear from you. What a journey we all have been on! I am glad that you circled back around and rediscovered my site. I hope it stays up for a long time… as long as I can afford it, it will. :) Blessings on your healing path. amie sue

      • Cathy Redfearn says:

        I totally agree with DeAnna. I love this site and come back to it often. I would totally pay again to keep it up and going! You should turn all your inspiring recipes and article into a book!! 😀

        • amie-sue says:

          Awe, thank you, Cathy… so lovely to see your name pop up again. :) I would love to do a book someday. I need to make space in my life for that! Thank you so much for the kind words. I do have a donate button to help with the monthly expenses that it takes to keep it up. Just throwing that out there. lol I hope all is well on your end. blessings to you! amie sue

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