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Upgrades on Recipe Viewing

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Good morning, afternoon, or evening,… whenever this posting should find you…

I just wanted to point out that we have done a little upgrading to NouveauRaw for your recipe viewing pleasure.  You can view them as you always have by clicking on the photos or you can view the recipes as a list.  Just click on the the “Click for List View” button near the top of the recipe page.  See the screenshot below.  I am such a visual person so I prefer searching the recipe pictures right off from the get-go, but I realize that many of you are “list people” and would rather scan down a list of recipes to find  their inspiration.

Bob and I must have spent a good hour or two just designing the button.  lol   To big, to small, to long, wrong feel, text not just right, to blocky, to harsh, to glossy, to modern… one of the joys (?) of living with an artist.  ;0   I think I dreamt of buttons all night long.   Anyway, enough about the button… I hope that you enjoy having the option.  Let me know what you think.


I found it rather shocking as to how many recipes that I have created and share on this site.   I don’t think about it.  I
just create, create, create and share, share, share.  After installing the button so we could click over to the
list view, we took it for a test spin and up popped the list of recipes.  I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled.
Wowza!  That really brought it home to me.  hehe  I liken it to the Holiday Gain… during the holidays
you eat and eat and eat,  but then after the holidays pass, you step
on the scale… and your eyes about pop out of your head.  I GAINED that much?!!!  haha In this case…
I MADE that many??!!  And Bob says, “I ATE that many??!! lol  Life is fun. :)


9 thoughts on “Upgrades on Recipe Viewing

  1. Kimey says:


  2. Madeleine says:

    You are one generous lady. Thank you so very much.

  3. Idapie says:

    Brilliant! :D

  4. Bridget says:

    Very nice. :)

  5. sandy says:

    Thank You….Amie

    You not only help me eat well.

    You make me laugh…..

    • amie-sue says:

      Your welcome Sandy.. rather make you laugh then cry. hehe Unless you are laughing so hard that you are crying, then it is ok :) Have a blessed evening, amie sue

  6. Cheryl says:

    Amie….the photos are awesome. I would much rather see them over a list as it helps me see what the finished product is meant to look like when done…You are my “go to” raw food site. I am soo glad I found you. I have made soo many of your recipes with great praises.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Cheryl,

      I am a visual person too. I MUST see pictures hehe. But I know others like scrolling through lists. Trying to make this site comfortable for all. :) Thank you for such sweet and kind words. I too am glad that you found me. We all are a great support to one another. Have a blessed day, amie sue

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