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Waltz Across Heaven

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Good morning, as I sit here, it feels like Christmas was months ago, yet it’s only been five days! It’s been a long week, a good one, but a long one. Whether you celebrate the holidays or not, whether they are filled with family or not, I hope you found joy and peace in each passing day. This morning, I wanted to share a touching song with you, but first, let me share a little back story.


As many of you already know, I spent a month and a half up in Alaska, cherishing the last days of my grandmother’s life. As her days grew closer to the end, my grandfather shared a precious moment with her before she went to heaven. He played the song Waltz Across Texas by Ernest Tubb for her. You can hear the original song written in 1965 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LWduP2F7r8.


After the song played to the end, grandpa told her that soon he would meet her in heaven and that they would Waltz Across HEAVEN together. I am told that the two of them were quite the dancers and competed in many different dance forms. For their competitions, my grandfather would sew dresses for grandma and then make a matching shirt for himself. He sewed over fifty dresses for her!
When grandpa shared this with mom and me, he said he wanted to change the words to the song to Waltz Across Heaven cause one day soon, that’s what they would be doing. It wasn’t long after that when grandma passed away.


Once I returned home to Oregon, I shared this story with Bob. I told him I wanted to have the song recorded with the change of words and give it to grandpa as a Christmas/birthday gift. (his birthday falls on Dec. 24th).
Bob contacted James the head of our music department with Bookmans, asking if he knew someone who would do this for us. He knew right away and mentioned the band Little Cloud. Their guitar player works for our company, so he reached out to him. They happily agreed and felt honored in recording a song that held such meaning. It’s a father/daughter doing the singing.
I think they did an OUTSTANDING job. On Dec. 16th, they emailed Bob the song. I was up that morning before Bob, sitting out in the living room. From bed, Bob opened the email and played the song throughout the house. I stood up and cried as it played. Bob came out of the bedroom, and we waltzed in the kitchen. Giving the gift of cherished moments is priceless and will linger in our hearts forever. I hope you enjoy the song. blessings, amie sue


28 thoughts on “Waltz Across Heaven

  1. flarchild says:

    oh my …. how precious!
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Beautiful!! ^_^ Thanks for sharing!

  3. Annie Wilkin says:

    Oh Amie-Sue what beautiful, precious and fully loved moments you shared with us. My partner of almost 31 years and I danced across our office floor with you. My heart is full. Thank you for sharing with us one of the most magical moments of your life. I can see the smile and tears of your Grandma as she dances in heaven right along with all of you. A truly beautiful gift. Have a blessed New Year.

    • amie-sue says:

      Oh Annie… hearing that you both danced to the song just made my heart swoon! This is exactly why I shared it. Thank you for taking the time to listen to it, dance, and to share this with me. blessing to you and you sweetie! hugs, amie sue

  4. Katharine Andrews says:

    No wonder you are who you are, Amie Sue.
    Thank Goodness for you!

  5. Tracy T says:

    This is the sweetest, most fantastic thing ever. :)

  6. Jan Ogden says:

    This is so special!! Would love to see the expression on Grandfather’s face when he heard it… They did a beautiful job of putting it together for you!! How sweet and precious is that?? This is the kindness and love that we still believe in, in the US… God bless them! Thank you for sharing!! hugs, jan

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Jan. I hope you enjoyed good ole Tennesse! I wish I could have seen it as well. Bob and I skyped with my Alaska family. We could see him listen to it but I couldn’t see his face all that well. Mom assured me that he loves it and listens to it often. Bless you too my good friend. Happy New Year! hugs, amie sue

  7. villarosa says:

    I too just was touched very deeply! Thank you Amie Sue for sharing with us!

  8. Mikaela Bartoi says:

    Dear Amie-Sue, with this special waltz and the touching story of your grandparents, you brought a little heaven down to us. Thank you for sharing and somehow reminding us we are all connected to those we love through a song, a dance, a moment, and this is how we keep loving those who are gone.
    How touched and teary grandpa must have been listening to the new waltz! Blessing & Hugs, Happy New Year!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Mikaela. You are such a precious soul. You said it beautifully that we can connect through song, dance, and movement. So true. When I first heard the song played, I cried. At first, it was out of sadness, it is normal and expected when we lose loved ones. But now when I listen to it (with is often – ask the repeat button on the stereo haha) I dance and rejoice in it. No amount of crying and sadness will bring Grandma back, instead, I celebrate her life, our relationship, and all the memories created.

      Yes, grandpa was quite taken back by the song. He couldn’t believe that we were able to have it recorded with his words… “Waltzing Across Heaven.” Thank you for being in my life Mikaela! hugs. amie sue

  9. Alissa Stein says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE….I can definitely feel your grandma and grandpa dancing…and I am imagining them in their special clothes. Dancing is such an intimate art. Thank you so much for sharing your life and inner self with us. You are a special soul.

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Alissa… your words mean a lot to me. :) Dancing is indeed an intimate art. Life is like a dance, isn’t it? We all move differently to a different beat. Just ask my husbands toes. hehe Sending you love and hugs, amie sue

  10. Veronica says:

    Hi Amie Sue!

    Happy New Year! That is beautiful, music is very powerful. (I still cannot listen to the songs played on my dad’s funeral without wanting to cry while other songs make me smile immediately or dance around in my living room.) The song is very personal with the new lyrics and I am happy to hear that it makes you want to dance!! :)

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Veronica for sharing that with me/us. There are days when I listen to the song and it either makes me a little sad yet other times it causes me to move with joy. That is normal and I think healthy. I embrace each emotion and let it ride itself out. I am done suppressing my emotions. :P I am sorry that you lost your dad. Sending you love and hugs my friend! amie sue

  11. Mirian says:

    Beautiful, it is like a movie story😯 Thank you for sharing Amie:)

    • amie-sue says:

      That is so sweet Mirian. I guess all of our lives are like one big movie. :) I am going to base this year’s movie as a love story! How about you? :)

  12. Keira says:

    What a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing such private and sentimental moments today and always! I am a big fan of yours and am always tickled when I read your stories. Thank you for being you!

    • amie-sue says:

      Oh, thank you, Keira. You are so sweet! I guess I share all that I do because we all go through hard times and heartaches, life isn’t all roses. But I find that if we pull together and build support around us, we can turn them into blessings and see things with new eyes. It’s never easy to lose loved ones… but if we can rejoice in their life and use it as a reminder to live each day we have left to the fullest… then we have the ability to experience things differently. I hope that makes sense. :) blessings to you! amie sue

  13. mickey shtamer ben david says:


    • amie-sue says:

      Music is so moving, isn’t it Mickey. I feel so blessed that we were able to have this song recorded for Grandpa. He will surely cherish it until the day comes when he meets his love in the skies. :) hugs, amie sue

  14. Mickey says:

    You and your family are such special people…with such a huge inspiration to people with sensitive souls…
    May god bless you all

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