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Nepenthes Alata Pitcher Plant | Carnivorous Plant | Care Difficulty – Moderate

This unusual plant is definitely a conversation piece.  If you have a fly or gnat problem in your home, this will surely help. Insects are naturally drawn to these plants and are lured into their pitchers, where they become trapped and eventually digested by the plant. Nepenthes is native to… read more »

Tahini “Caramel” and Mulberry Ice Cream

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ This delightful ice cream is very creamy, rich in a caramel flavor (thanks to the combination of the tahini, dates, and mulberries), and very scoop-able.  I attribute that to the dates and lecithin.  It seems that with every batch of the ice cream I create, I… read more »

Blackberry Coconut Cream Popsicle

– raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free – Summer is here!  It is now the norm to find the temperature in the three-digit format.  I am from Alaska; I am used to the double-digit weather, even single-digit… but triple-digit weather??!! To help cool our inner cores, I made some creamy Popsicles that… read more »

Cultured Vanilla Cinnamon Ice Cream

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, cultured ~ This recipe is similar to frozen yogurt. When I was 14 years old, the grocery store that I worked at got a frozen yogurt machine.  Even though I didn’t know a thing about how to eat healthfully, I just knew that I wanted to,… read more »

Growing Plants Under Fluorescent Lights

Today, I wanted to share with you my sacred space…my Studio Kitchen. This space continues to evolve with my interests and passions. When we moved into this house, this space was a two-car garage. Within a few years, we transformed it into a commercial kitchen for our food manufacturing business.… read more »

Cherry Blossom Fudge

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ One day I was traveling through the Portland airport when I all of a sudden had to stop for an ice tea. Have you ever just had something stop you in your tracks?   I was parched and darn near spitting dust balls.  Traveling has a… read more »

Why I Add Kombu Seaweed to Beans, Rice, Grains, and Soups

I learned the technique of using kombu seaweed years ago, and it has become a cornerstone of my cooking skills. Before I dive into this, I want to clarify (for those of you who squirm when the word “seaweed” comes up) that kombu seaweed doesn’t affect the taste of the… read more »

Strawberry Basil Ice Cream

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ I have started a craving within myself…the craving of making raw ice creams!  So this sent me to the Internet to see what exciting recipes I may find. In the cooking world of recipes, there are hundreds of unique and some not so unique recipes. … read more »

Tahini Ice Cream with Rum Infused Raisins

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Rum infused raisins, pffft…those are drunken raisins if you ask me!  Haha  In this recipe you can use real rum, or you can use rum extract, your call. I made one batch with the real stuff, and I had a hard time keeping my husband out… read more »

Buckwheat | Soaking and Sprouting

close up of buckwheat

Buckwheat Groats are one of the quickest sprouts around.  You can soak ’em for 20-30 minutes, rinse a few times and enjoy. Or you can continue the process to fully sprout them which can take up to 48 hours, which will unlock a powerhouse of nutrients. Buckwheat groats are nutty, plump… read more »

Pumpkin Spice Blend

Raw Food Pumping Spice Blend

The sweet smell and tantalizing taste of pumpkin spice can trigger nostalgic emotional responses. Your sense of smell is connected directly to the limbic system, a network of structures located near the middle of your brain, influencing your emotions and memories. If for some reason, a particular scent takes you… read more »

NouveauRaw Update

Greetings! I am not sure what time of the day you will receive this so I won’t start with my typical, “Good morning!” or “Good evening!” No matter what time of the day it is… it is good! :) I briefly wanted to share with you a few things that… read more »

Blackberry Honey Ice Cream

~ raw, dairy-free, gluten-free ~ Pure eye-rolling amazement. As if Mother Nature herself reached down and handed you a blackberry and said, “Here, take these blackberries, they will make fantastic ice cream.” Plump, deep purple (almost black), with a sweetness that is counterbalanced perfectly with a slight tang. Now, that’s a blackberry. And… read more »

Psychedelic Grasshopper Cheesecake

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ A few weeks back was asked by one of my readers to come up with a raw version of Grasshopper Pie.  I took the challenge without even knowing exactly what was a Grasshopper Pie! *smacks forehead*.   That’s OK though because Google is my friend… read more »

Gingerbread Pumpkin Quinoa Porridge

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ I made this Gingerbread Pumpkin Breakfast Quinoa Porridge for my mom while I was visiting in Alaska this past summer.  She is a lover of hearty breakfasts, so it brought me great joy to share this delicious dish with her. Mom is always open to… read more »

Prickly Pear Ice Cream

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~  Difficult to imagine what prickly pear ice cream might taste like? I guess I had no clue either… well, that was until I got my hands on some while living in Tucson, Arizona. Before then, I had no clue such a fruit existed. They have… read more »

Date Night Almond Crust

– raw, vegan, gluten-free – This crust recipe is a good ole’ stand by recipe to have committed to memory. You can change it up every time you make it just by switching up the spices.  If you change your mind midstream and decide that you don’t need a crust,… read more »

Maple Peach Ice Cream

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free ~ This refreshing Maple Peach Ice Cream hits the spot on these warm…hot….summer days! The first night I made this I dished up a couple of bowls for my dad and husband.  They sat in silence as I watched spoonful after spoonful disappears. I was… read more »

Vintage Knobby Jar Gift Idea

So, I got this idea, to create gift jars for the upcoming holidays.  A few days ago, I spent far to much time at Craft World. There are three types of stores that can suck me into a time warp, where the outside revolving universe stops and the store and… read more »

Pomegranate and Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ This ice cream turned out so elegant looking.  I am still boycotting the ice cream scoop.  Not that there is anything wrong with the poor kitchen gadget, but I am always looking to give a breath of fresh air to the typical traditions in the… read more »

Caramel Pecan Maple Ice Cream

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ This ice cream may cause brain freeze, but it warms the heart at the same time.  Something special happens when you combine pecans, maple, and caramel.  It is soothing and can whip any day of chaos into submission. I chose to use maple syrup in… read more »

Mushroom Gravy over Marinated Veggies and “Riced” Cauliflower

I struggled to name this recipe… it’s not like anything I have ever had in my aging years.  So how do you name a recipe, so it entices others to try it when it is made up of four components?  I must have sat for 10 minutes on the couch,… read more »

Creamy Ranch Coleslaw

Coleslaw is a no-frills comfort-food classic, and perfect for when you want to lighten up your palate, it is versatile, comes in all colors and textures and is the perfect accompaniment to any summer entree. Though…. Fall is quickly approaching! Yes! I am ready and I am excited. :)

Strawberry Rhubarb Ice Cream

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Summer kissed strawberries, paired with tart rhubarb turned out to be a delicious combination. I didn’t use rhubarb straight up raw, that can be an unpleasant experience. Instead, I started the recipe off by marinading it. This softened it, taking away that fibrous texture, and… read more »

Honey Ginger and Peach Chocolate Fudge Bars

~ raw, nut-free, gluten-free ~ Don’t you love the sound of the name of this fudge bar… Honey Ginger and Peach Chocolate Fudge Bars?   Sometimes it can be a real challenge to title recipe. You want it to be simple, easy to remember, meaningful,  and yet you want the name… read more »