Autumn Harvest Pumpkin Donuts

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~
Who doesn’t enjoy a good donut? I LOVE donuts but to be honest, I have had one since before 2006. lol Is that bad because I know that?
For this fun recipe, I used the Freshware 18-Cavity Mini Savarin and Donut Silicone Mold. I love it. It is flexible enough to pop the raw donuts out with ease, yet it isn’t so flimsy that it flops all over. It isn’t necessary to have this mold in order to make this recipe or to make donut shapes.
To make the donut shapes by hand, roll the dough into a ball in the palm of your hands, place it on the cutting board and flatten it with your palm. Then either with your finger or with an apple corer, create a hole or indentation in the center.
Instead of using nut flour as the base for this recipe, I turned to buckwheat. However, if you don’t care for buckwheat, you can use almond flour in its place. Working with raw ingredients is fairly forgiving… and that leads to so many wonderful options.
If you really want to ramp up the nutritional value of these little donuts, soak the buckwheat, then sprout them. This will tack on a few extra days of prep. It’s so simple to do, it’s just the waiting period needed for the little sprout tails to form.
These donuts are not too sweet and have a really nice dense texture. I hope you enjoy this recipe. Please comment below. Blessings, amie sue
yields 20 (1/4 cup each batter) donuts
Dry Ingredients:
- In a food processor, fitted with the “S” blade, combine; buckwheat, oats, pumpkin puree, water, sweeteners, pumpkin spice, cinnamon, and salt. Process until it turns into a thick paste. Transfer to a medium-sized bowl.
- Hand mix in pecans, raisins, and coconut.
- Press the batter into the silicone mini donut mold.
- Fill to the top of each cavity and level it off.
- It helps to wet your fingers throughout the process.
- Place the mold in the freezer for 30+ minutes. Once firm, carefully remove them and place them on the mesh sheet that comes with the dehydrator.
- Dehydrate at 145 degrees for 1 hour, then reduce to 115 degrees (F) for 16 hours or until it reaches the desired dryness.
- Remove from dehydrator and allow to cool.
- Dip each donut in chocolate and sprinkle crushed nuts or dried coconut on top. Let the chocolate firm up before storing
- Shelf life: I have kept these little donuts in the fridge for 3 weeks, and they are still good! I also have some in the freezer waiting to be decorated.
Culinary Explanations:
- Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)? Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
- When working with fresh ingredients, it is important to taste test as you build a recipe. Learn why (here).
- Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do however truly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.
Roll the donut balls.
Remove the donut holes with an apple corer.
Place on the dehydrator tray to dry.
Dip in the frosting.
A good amount of frosting… :)
Dip in the crushed walnuts… and enjoy!
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Nut Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, sugar free, Vegan
I see chocolate in the title and the pictures, but none in the recipe. Am I just missing it?
Good morning Marialyn, I updated the recipe… in all my excitement I forgot to add the link to the chocolate recipe! Good thing you all keep an eye on me. hehe
Can you please adopt me? or maybe i should use the plea of “will work for food”…but not just any food, this is what I am talking about for guilt free healthy indulgance. I was so delighted to come across your site, and I was hooked from the moment I saw your incredible photos and read your story. You have created a mecca of Raw delights, visually and with the refined pallette reflected in your recipes….BRAVO and an even BIGGER THANKYOU!!!!
Good morning Patsy… I will adopt you. Send me your address and I will mail you the adoption papers. hehe You started my day off in the most amazing way. Thank you sweetie. Its a chilly, foggy morning and a great day to be in the kitchen whipping up some new creation! Your kind words keep me going. Love and hugs, amie sue
Thank you so much for including the link for the do-nut pan you used. My 13 year old is anxious to get started…she has been working on some of your other treats lately.
Your welcome Mandy… how wonderful that your 13 yr old is playing in the kitchen and desires to eat healthier foods! You are blessed. :)
You absolutely astound me with all your creative recipes. I come here to get inspired. There are no other websites out there that inspire me more than yours! These donuts look wonderful and well worth making for Christmas. I’m into my holiday making mode – several weeks late – but I’m getting my ideas from you. How exciting.! Merry Christmas my friend!
Awe thanks so much Jenarihealth. :) Your warm words mean the world to me. This holiday season has snuck up on me too. I have so many recipes in the queue that I want to make for the holiday season but I can’t seem to get to all of them in time. Have a wonderful week my friend. hugs, amie sue