Soft Brown Sugar Ginger Cookies

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Soft Brown Sugar Ginger Cookies

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~
Sweet potatoes are commonly paired with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and other warming spices, along with brown sugar or maple syrup. They were a perfect complement to the ginger cookie that I was making this past week.
These cookies turned out thick, moist and dense with flavor. The sweet potato became my hidden ingredient in these amazing cookies. But, I have to share that I used cooked sweet potato and not raw. In the past, I have tried eating raw sweet potato but found it hard for my body to digest. After doing a little research I came to realize that I may not be alone in this and there is a reason why.
Apparently sweet potatoes contain an enzyme inhibitor that blocks the action of trypsin, an enzyme that digests proteins. The trypsin inhibitor prevents the digestion of protein which makes raw sweet potato difficult to digest. The inhibitor is deactivated through the cooking process.
I know that this is a raw recipe site, but the bottom line is that health comes first. So if a food needs to be cooked in order for our body to digest it properly, then so be it. Well, that’s my story and I am sticking to it. :) Cook sweet potatoes in their skin to retain the most nutrients (you can peel after cooking).
Did you know those sweet potatoes have the ability to actually improve blood sugar regulation—even in persons with type 2 diabetes? If boiled or steamed it has a glycemic index (GI) rating of approximately 50. They are a great source of Vitamin A and C which have been known to play an important role in reducing inflammation and restoring cells. They are also a good source of manganese, copper, dietary fiber, Vitamin B6, potassium, and iron. For more nutritional information, click (here)…. no (here), how about (here?), I am so bad… go ahead and click (here)! hehe
Yields 16 (3 Tbsp) cookies
- In the food processor, fitted with the “S” blade, combine the oat flour, buckwheat flour, coconut nectar, cinnamon, allspice, salt, cloves, and black pepper. Process together making sure all the spices are distributed.
- If you don’t have buckwheat flour prepared but you are itching to make this recipe, you can use all oat flour.
- Add sweet potato, agave, vanilla, lemon juice, stevia, ginger, and water. Process until it forms a thick dough.
- You can use raw pumpkin puree in place of sweet potato if need be.
- If the batter feels too wet, add 1-2 Tbsp of psyllium husks. This will absorb the moisture and give the cookies a lofty feeling to them.
- Each batch of these cookies can differ due to how wet the sweet potato or pumpkin puree is.
- Using 3 Tbsp cookie scoop, level off each scoop and place the cookie on the reflex sheet that comes with the dehydrator. Flatten and then place on the mesh sheet that comes with the dehydrator. Tip: If you don’t have a 3 Tbsp cookie scoop, use any spoon as desired.
- Sprinkle extra raw coconut crystals on top if desired.
- Dehydrate for 1 hour at 145 degrees (F), then decrease to 115 degrees (F) for 10-16 hours. They should be dry on the outside and a bit moist on the inside.
- I found these did well stored in a container with a loose-fitting lid. They are a moist cookie.
Questions you may have…
- Amie Sue, is it possible to purchase raw oats? Yes, indeed. Please read here where can order them (here).
- I always heard that oats contained gluten. Is this true? No, but you need to be aware of the oats that you buy… Please read (here).
- Is it important to soak and dehydrate oats? I think it is, read (here) as to why.
- Do I need to use raw coconut crystals? Nothing is set in stone, but I highly recommend it. It adds a great “brown sugar” flavor to the cookie and balances out the gingerbread-like spices.
- Do I need to use Stevia? No. I used it to elevate the sweet level of the cookie without adding in a larger volume of raw agave. Taste test if you choose not to use and adjust other ingredients as you see fit.
- If you can’t eat oat flour, use fine almond flour in its place.
- If you can’t eat buckwheat flour, use fine almond flour in its place.
- Do not use store-bought coconut flour in place of the other flours. It is too drying.
- Can I use raw sweet potato puree instead of cooked? Yes, I haven’t tried it in this cookie but you are welcome to experiment. I choose cooked because I digest it better than raw sweet potato.
- What can I use in place of the sweet potato? Try pumpkin puree.
Culinary Explanations:
- Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)? Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
- When working with fresh ingredients it is important to taste test as you build a recipe. Learn why (here).
- Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do however truly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.
Be sure to sprinkle some raw coconut crystals on top.
They will appear baked when done drying…
See? I wasn’t kidding. :)
Tags: Dairy Free, Dehydrated, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
The cookies look amazing. Thank you for sharing the info on sweet Potatoes. I often wondered about eating these very hard root veggies raw even though blended in my vitamix.
With the Oat flour and buckwheat–do I grind them into flour or buy them already grounded up.
Many people enjoy raw sweet potatoes and can digest them fine.. we are all different and have to feed our bodies accordingly. I had provided links to the flours that I used in the ingredient list. Follow them and they will show you exactly what I did and used. :) Enjoy and keep me posted, amie sue
Thank you so much for answering my question. I have just one more question concerning inhibitors now that my curiosity has been pique concerning enzyme inhibitors. Does the same principle apply to other root vegetables such as hard squashes, pumpkin, etc. I have not had a problem but I am a bit conern since I’ve been hearing more about these inhibitors.
By the way—I am new to your site and am overjoyed to have found it. It is truly fantastic– just exactly what I’ve been looking for. Thank you so very much for providing this service
Many foods that we consume along with root veggies / tubers, and other vegetables may also contain phytic acid, but usually in lower amounts.
We will always be consuming phytic acid to some degree and some researchers even state that a little bit has certain benefits. Here comes those words “balance and moderation” again when it comes to dietary needs.
We know that nuts, seeds and grains contain them and can be easily be reduced through the soaking processes. So that alone can reduce our intake. There are some vegetables such as potatoes that should be cooked before eating and as mentioned above sweet potatoes.
It is also important to eat accordingly to our own bodies needs and requirements. For instance, if a person has a weakened digestion, they might need to eat more cooked foods or avoid certain foods until it is strong enough to digest raw or certain foods. This can be due to enzyme inhibitors, phyic acid, roughage, etc.
I recommending reading the following link. I found it very interesting and helpful regarding phytic acid:
There is so much to be said about all this but I hope this little bit gives you some insight. I am happy to hear that you are enjoying my site. I hope you find much inspiration and joy throughout it. Blessings, amie sue
I love it when a reading the ingredients in a recipe stimulate my tastebuds and this one certainly does
ginger oh lovely ginger LOL
so heres the question
what can I use instead of the oats I am still trying not to do any true grains
thanks Amy
I did the luncheon thing for my crew out at the post-op clinic I was telling you about
I did 4 of your cheezes, several of your crackers, 2 of your flatbreads, the enrobed cinnomon stiks,the spinach dip,and the fire red pepper hummus,added in some home fermented veggies,some fresh veggies,and some grapes and raspberries
it came out lovely and everyone loved all your tasty treats
And I am now thouraly strung out on flatbreads,those are just awesome
Morning Constance,
Question of the day… “what can used instead of oats?” Let’s see you can use almond flour or cashew flour. We don’t want the replacement to add too much of another flavor so these would good options.
Goodness, you made a lot for your luncheon. It sounds wonderful! Thanks for keeping me posted about it. I am sure that you blessed those lovely ladies not only with the food but with the labor of love that went into it all. :) hugs, amie sue
This is not only a wonderful recipe, but the information on sweet potato so healpful. Amie Sue, I was just writing to comment again what an exceeptional site this is. You are doing something so important with this: beauty, information, and a cook/archivist’s pleasure “all in one.” Thank you so much,
Thank you Kate, that means a lot to me. :) I do my best to express my passion with those who are like-minded. It’s a real joy. Have a blessed and happy day, amie sue
Greetings Amie,
I chuckled pleasantly as I read the intro to your cookie recipe. I have grown more accustomed and appreciative of your lighthearted humor and cheerfulness.
When I read the “Questions you may have’ area in the post, I smiled sensing your growing familiarity with and sensitivity to the “various needs and requests” of your audience. This is a special. You most certainly anticipated several of my questions.:)
As such, with respect to the substitution of the Coconut Nectar for the Agave Nectar, I will use two one fourth cups of Coconut Nectar. Ia this correct? I do not want to take up your time asking you to answer questions you have already taken the time to thoughtfully answer, but I want to make sure I have understood.
Secondly, I would like to use the yam raw. (It has been prescribed for a stomach condition and has helped. As you have said, for some raw yam may not pose a problem. I find it all quite interesting.) Now on to the question: How should I puree the yams? You have given instructions for pureeing raw pumpkins. May I follow the same procedure for the yams? Should I make any adjustments with liquids given that recipe calls for yam mash and the substitution will be a puree?
Oh my, I almost forgot. I really adore the jar with the label. How did you make the label and where did you get the jar. Hope you do not mind my asking?
Thank your patient help and warmth. You keep us excited about health,nutrition and good food.
Good afternoon Rhondy,
I don’t always offer the “Questions you may have” on all the recipe but it is something that I am trying to add on some of them. It is hard to always list our substitutions or baking alternatives without trying them myself. Each ingredient offers a different flavor, texture and sometimes appearance in a recipe, so it is like me giving a person a recipe without even trying it. But I do my best to help with allergens and taste preferences.
You can use the coconut nectar in place of the agave, use the same measurement. (6/19/14) update! I made a mistake in the recipe ingredient list. I used raw coconut crystals not the nectar. Oy- vey… my mistake. Sorry for all the confusion.
If you wish to use raw yam, I would puree just like I do the pumpkin. You might have to add a little more liquid because a raw yam seems to be a bit drier than a pumpkin, but that depends on the current veggie in your hand as they differ do to ripeness, etc.
I got the jar at Wal-Mart. :) I believe it was less than $10. I made the label on my printshop program. Do you have one of those on your computer?
I never mind the questions Rhondy. I do my best to help :) Blessings and love, amie sue
Oh thank you for sharing your awesome knowledge about the Raw Sweet Potatoes and for posting your tasty recipe and beautiful photos, everything looks so beautiful and so much helpful info…You are such an inspiration …big hugs and much gratitude you and your site are such a huge blessing in many many ways, thank you so much.
Your welcome Kathy… and thank you for all the sweet words and encouragement. :) You are always so sweet to me. Blessings and love, amie sue
Back in circulation after a very long stint overseas on a project, but I’ve kept up-to-speed on your recipes and creations, Amie-Sue. My holiday greetings to you and your family. I shall try this recipe this weekend. I plan to use tinned pumpkin in lieu of sweet potato.
BEN! So wonderful to hear from you. I think of you off and on and wondered how you were. Welcome back “home” and Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones as well. Blessings, amie sue
Very kind of you, Amie-Sue. I promise to do better & post on your site regularly. Maybe that’s a resolution for ’15, & for sure you deserve much positivity and praise for your gifts and generosity in sharing them.
I’ll let you know how my version of your recipe goes, but I know from past experiences that your recipes are so strongly grounded they are next to impossible to screw up.
Good morning Ben,
I don’t need you commenting to sing praises… I just like hearing from you, knowing that you and your family are doing well. :) Glad you are home safe and sound. Have a wonderful and happy day. amie sue
The cookies are superb. Used tinned pumpkin instead of sweet potato, and a mixture of almond & oat flour–no buckwheat. I also threw in raisins. And now thanks to you & this recipe, I think I’ve got an idea for my favourite: ginger cookies.
Many thanks, Amie-Sue. And my family knows when a recipe is yours, because it’s so very good.
That is great Ben. I just might have to try that combo as well. I find when making raw recipes that it is so much easier to sub ingredients in and out than with baked goods. I am planning on making ginger cookies today… great minds think a like. hehe Enjoy your Sunday! Blessings, amie sue
I’m going to make this recipe with banana instead of sweet potato. I’ll keep you posted, but as with all your creations, I’m confident they’ll turn out superb. Thanks.
Awesome idea Ben… please do keep me posted. Have a wonderful weekend, amie sue
Hi, would you consider making and shipping some of your cookies, etc. I would love to purchase some.
Hello Kellie,
I am touched that you asked but I don’t sell these for the public. Sorry. Have a wonderful holiday! amie sue
Amie Sue these look Aaaamazing and I’m excited to try them. I’m also wondering about converting them for my mom who is on a restricted diet and has no dehydrator. I’m sure the coconut sugar is wonderful and I’ll use that for mine, but wondering if I can use date paste for her and also bake at a low temp. I know that may really change things but thought I’d check with you before sending over to her.
Good day Mary. You could surely use dates instead. It would blend well with all the wonderful flavors and spices used in the cookie. I haven’t tested these cooks in the oven so you will have to experiment a bit. You can always make the batter and bake one at a time to make sure you get the perfect heat and timing… that way you won’t accidentally ruin a full batch if you overcook them, etc. Please keep me posted if you give it a try. :) blessings, amie sue