Homemade Nut Milk

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Homemade Nut Milk
~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, Paleo ~
It has been interesting to watch the craze out in the market regarding milk substitutes. Even quick stores are carrying nut, rice, and soy milks. They are pasteurized of course but none the less everyone is becoming more aware of milk intolerance.

Homemade is the best!
Making your own nut milks, well shoot, there just isn’t anything out on the market that comes close in flavor. The beauty of making your own is that you can control the sweetness (if even desired), flavoring and the consistency. For instance, my husband likes his nut milk a touch creamier than milk, almost like a 1/2 & 1/2 consistency. We like to slightly sweeten ours as well, but you don’t have to.
A friend of ours is spending the next few days with us who is gluten intolerant. So this morning I offered him a bowl of gluten-free cereal with some freshly made nut milk. He immediately said yes, but as I was gathering up the dishes, etc. , he politely asked if we had regular milk. My husband said yes but asked if he would like to try a swig of the nut milk just to try it. He agreed and said, “Oh man, I will have that!”

I am going to share very detailed information with you on how to make nut milks. Please don’t let the length of it scare you off. It is SO easy, but I wanted to share everything that I have learned throughout the years. Some of you are veterans when it comes to making nut milk, but some of you are new… for you, I don’t want you to walk away not understanding just how wonderful this process an the end product can be.
Why I add sunflower lecithin.
Sunflower lecithin is made up of essential fatty acids and B vitamins. It helps to support healthy function of the brain, nervous system, and cell membranes. It also lubricates joints; helps break up cholesterol in the body. It comes in two forms, powder and liquid. I prefer the raw powdered sunflower lecithin. Setting aside all the nutritional benefits, it is a natural emulsifier that binds the fats from nuts with water creating a creamy consistency.
Yields 4 cups
- 4 cups water
- 1 cup raw nuts
- 1 Tbsp sunflower lecithin, powder or liquid
Soaking process:
- Place the nuts in a glass bowl or stainless steel bowl and cover with two cups of water.
- Do not use plastic bowls for soaking.
- Always make sure you add enough water to keep the nuts covered, as they absorb water, they plump up.
- Keep the bowl at room temperature and cover with a breathable cloth. If something comes up and you won’t be able to use the nuts within the 24 hour period, store them in the fridge, changing the water 2x a day.
- If there are any floating nuts, toss them. That can be an indicator of the nuts being rancid. Better to be safe than sorry. Think of them as, “floaters are bloaters.”
- Add 1/4 tsp of Himalayan pink salt; this helps activate enzymes that de-activate the enzyme inhibitors.
- Soak for 8-24 hours.
- This is great not only for reducing phytic acid but also softens the nuts, making them easier to blend into a smooth, silky texture.
- Skipping the soaking process will result in less creamy milk.
- If you already have soaked/dehydrated nuts in the freezer or fridge, I suggest soaking them again for the purpose of just softening them.
Blending process:
- Once the nuts are done soaking, drain, rinse, and discard the soak water.
- Do not reuse the soak water in the milk-making process. This is full of the phytic acid/enzyme inhibitors that were drawn out during the soaking process.
- Place the nuts in a high-powered blender along with the water.
- Start the blender on low and work up to high, then blend for 30-60 seconds or until the nuts have been pulverized.
- A high-powered blender will accomplish the job much easier.
- If you don’t own one such as a Vitamix or Blendtec, you might have to blend for 1-2 minutes.
- Do not sweeten or add other ingredients until you have strained the milk from the pulp. The pulp can be used in other recipes and by waiting to add the other ingredients, it will remain neutral tasting so it can adapt to any other recipe you use it in.
Straining the milk:
- Turn the bag inside out and keep seams on the outside for easier straining, cleaning, and faster drying.
- Place the nut milk bag in the center of a large bowl.
- Instead of a nut bag, you can drape cheesecloth over the edges of the bowl and pour the milk through it. I find this process messier, and it doesn’t seem to filter it as well.
- Desperate? Don’t have a nut bag or cheesecloth while you are vacationing in France? Take off one of those silky-French knee-high nylons, wash it, and pour the milk through it. I am here, always thinking of you. :)
- With one hand holding the nut bag, pour the milk into the bag. Lift the bag, and the milk will start to flow through the mesh holes in the bag. The finer the mesh, the more filtered the milk will be.
- Gather the nut bag (or cheesecloth) around the almond meal and twist close.
- Squeeze the nut pulp with your hand to extract as much milk as possible.
- Do not toss the nut pulp. Freeze and dehydrate it, which can be used in other recipes such as smoothies, crusts, cookies, crackers, cakes, or raw breads.
- I recommend lecithin and any flavoring to your milk after the pulp has been removed. That way the pulp remains neutral in flavor for other recipes.
- Liquid sweeteners: you can sweeten nuts milk with the sweetener of your choice. Start with 1 tsp and build up. For a sugar-free option, use NuNaturals liquid stevia.
- Dried fruit: Medjool dates add a wonderful caramel-like flavor to nut milks. You might want to run it back through to the nut bag to filter any small bits out. You can use all sorts of fresh or dried fruits for this.
- Spices: To liven things us, add cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, pumpkin spice… you name it.
- Extracts: vanilla, or any other flavoring.
- Raw cacao powder
Thickeners and Emulsifiers: (add these after the milk has been strained)
- Lecithin – thickener and emulsifier
- Add up to 1 Tbsp per every 2-3 cups of water used.
- I highly recommend powdered sunflower lecithin, but soy can be used if you use it.
- Coconut butter/manna
- Add up to 1 Tbsp per every 2-3 cups of water used.
- Do not use coconut oil. It hardens when chilled and may create small gritty pieces in the milk
- Nut butter:
- Add up to 1 Tbsp per every 2-3 cups of water used
- If using store-bought, watch for added ingredients such as salt.
Storing and expiration:
- Store the milk in an airtight glass container such as a mason jar.
- Always label the contents and the date that it was made.
- If for some reason separation still does occur, just shake the jar before serving, and the milk will come back together.
- Fridge – The milk can last anywhere from 3-5 days in the fridge.
- If the nut milk prematurely sours it may be from the unclean blender, nut milk bag or poor quality nuts.
- Freezer – There are several ways to store nut milks in the freezer. Freeze for up to 3 months.
- Pour the milk into ice cubes trays and freeze. This is great for plopping into smoothies.
- Freeze in 1 1/2 pint freezer-safe jars.
- It is important that you only freeze glass jars that are made for freezing. I have tested this, and sure enough, I have had jars crack on me, resulting in throwing everything in the trash. Sad day.
- You can use smaller jars for better portion control if you don’t plan on using a full 1 1/2 pints worth.
- Pay attention to the “maximum freeze line” indicated on the jar. If you don’t see that, then it’s another indicator that the jar isn’t safe to place in the freezer.
Nut bag maintenance:
- It is important to keep the nut milk bag clean!
- Wash with organic, scent-free soap, such Dr. Bronners. Do not use laundry soap. (always refer to the manufacturers cleaning method as well)
- Rinse well air dry. Ideally in the direct sun to receive free sterilizing from the warm rays. Nylon nut milk bags should not be placed in the sun as the ultraviolet rays can damage the nylon.
- Do not hang the bags outside on the clothesline to dry. We don’t want an air-raid of bird poop coming down on it.
- Proper bag storage –
- I like to roll mine up and store them in a glass jar. This will help keep it clean, protect it from dust, and accidental hole damage. A holy bag has no purpose when it comes to nut milk making.
- Also, if you use nut bags for multiple reasons, it would be a good idea to store them in separate jars, labeling them for their purpose, such as; nut milks, juicing, sprouting.
Get creative!

Brazil Nuts
- Brazil nuts are a great source of selenium. They have about 2500 times the amount of selenium than any other nut. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect against disease. Selenium also slows down the aging process and boosts the immune system!
- Pecans are a good source of fiber and contain iron, calcium, vitamins A, B, and C, potassium, and phosphorous.
Macadamia Nuts
- Macadamia nuts are high in fiber, taste great, and have no cholesterol. They also have a very high proportion of monounsaturated fats (which are the good fats!).
Milk comparisons per 240 ml serving
- Almond milk has 60 calories and has 2.5 grams of fat.
- 2% milk has 121 calories and has 4.4 grams of fat.
- Rice milk has 120 calories and has 2 grams of fat
- Plain soymilk has 100 calories and has 4 grams of fat.
© AmieSue.com
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Paleo, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
I followed the link for coconut milk from your Lemon Vanilla Frosting recipe, but I don’t see it here. I would love to try it! You have a wonderful website.
Good afternoon Jafdeh,
I went and fixed the broken link. Technology?! :) It should work just fine now. If you run into any more snags just let me know. I appreciate you letting me know. Have a blessed day, amie sue
does almond meal -work?
I haven’t tried it Gaby but I don’t see why not. Are you just referring to ground almonds that you did or store bought? And if store bought is it raw? amie sue
Regarding the nut milk press; can we press liquid out of steamed cauliflower using a nut bag and your specific nut milk press? So grateful for what we are learning and implementing into our lives because of you! Thank-you!
Gosh I don’t see why not Janice. I have tried it but since they are so similar in texture, I think it would work. :) Thank you for the sweet words. You put a big ole’ smile on my face this morning :) <---- see?! hehe Many blessings, amie sue
How much of the almond do you really use? I wonder how to determinethe nutritional content of homemade nut milk as opposed to Almond Breeze.
Morning Chris,
That is a great question. I have looked myself but the truth is that you won’t get a clear answer because there are to many variables. How dry to squeeze your nut pulp verses someone else? How thick to like you milk? You control all those factors.
I really like your mention on consistency here. In making my nut-milks, that’s what I found the most daunting. In following previous examples of other “milk makers” they said use 1 cup almonds to three cups of water. Another one said use 1/2 cups of almonds to 5 cups of water (yikes!!!).
The consistency that works for me and my husband is close to yours: 1 cup of almonds to 2 cups of water ( I know you use 1 1/2 cups). He likes the sweetened vanilla milk as opposed to the straight plain.
Additionally, I used to throw away the pulp until I knew better.
Hello T,
I too have found a vast array of ratios of nuts to water when it comes to making nut milks. It just all depends on the likes of others. I prefer my nut milks to be more on the creamy side. I am also like you husband, I prefer mine sweetened a bit. :)
Thank you for stopping by. Have a great evening. :)
Welcome Laura and thank you :) I am quite passionate about healthy eating and this is a wonderful outlet for me. :) Regarding your question as if I freeze my nut milks. Not on a regular basis. I have a few times and it works just fine but as a habit, it’s best to consume fresh. Have a wonderful day! amie sue
do you have a recipe on how to make rice milk?
No I don’t lana..sorry
i make rice milk all the time, and it’s just as simple as making almond milk. in the evening i put half a cup whole rice to soak in 4 cups water (if you want it cremier you put more rice). in the morning i put it in the mixer, drain and drink (you can add dates or palm sugar or stevia). if i’m not in a 100% raw fase, i use the “rice pulp” to make burgers: adding some chopped veggies and just a little bit of buckweat flour or chickpeas flour.
hope you enjoy
Hi rosi,
I haven’t made rice milk before, thank you for putting that out there for others who might be interested. :) Merry Christmas! amie sue
Could this end up tasting like Horchata, Mexican rice milk with a bit of cinnamon and sweetener added?
Yes indeed… those are the ingredients used in making horchata. :)
Hi Amie Sue,
I just made a gallon of almond nut milk. First batch with 6 dates, and made the second batch without the dates but added a dash of pink salt.
We LOVE the taste of fresh nut milk! I don’t know why I haven’t tried this earlier.
When you use the nut pulp in your baking recipes, do you dehydrate them first or do you use the wet pulp?
Oh by the way, i pulled out the maple pumpkin kale chips from the dehydrator this morning, and it is delicious! I bagged them in vacummed sealed ziploc bag so that i can mail them to my mother-in-law tomorrow :-)
Well you have been busy Gina :) As far as the nut pulp goes… I use it wet and dehydrated, just depends on the recipe and what I have to deal with. If I have the time, I will dehydrate it, throw it in the food processor to make a finer flour then store it in a jar in the freezer. If I don’t have time to dehydrate right away, I measure it out and put it in a Ziplock bag, write the measurement and date on the bag and throw it in the freezer.
Vacum sealed the kale chips? Tell me more! I would love to mail kale chips but worry about them showing up in crumbs. Have a great night, amie sue
Thanks for the great tips on the nut pulp usage and storage.
I took out the kale chips from the dehydrator when it was a bit chewy so when they were vacuumed sealed, they would not get crumbly and become powder when the kale chip bag gets to it’s destination. I will tell my mother-in- law to put the kale chips in her oven a little bit if she wants crispier kale chips. I put the kale chip bag in the freezer until I am ready to send it in the mail. Luckily, she lives only 2 hrs away so she will receive it the next day I send it to her.
It’s been a long weekend of cleaning the kitchen when all the raw snack goodies were finally done. Having a brand new dish washer helps :-)
Have a good Monday!
Thanks Gina… good tips yourself :) You will have to let me know what she thinks! You too have a great day, amie sue
You showed a web site to order a press (I believe it was a cheese press) to make nut milk. I looked under nut milk and can not seem to find where you put it. Your site is exceptional! Talk about motivation to try everything. Raw has never been so delicious and your pics are perfect. Better than any cookbook. Thank you so much!
Good afternoon Connie. Thank you so much. :) It is my passion to motivate, inspire and support you!
I was hiding the cheese press from you. hehe Just kidding. It is listed under “Raw Techniques” Here is the link. https://nouveauraw.com/raw-techniques/nut-milk-a-new-technique/
Have a wonderful day. amie sue
Just made a batch and I like it much better than the commercial stuff for adding to my tea. The commercial stuff is “slippery” and not very good for tea and coffee, just for cereal.
I used a cheese cloth and burst it trying to squeeze the liquid out, so I am going to invest in an actual nut milk bag.
The almond meal will be used up in the near future too :)
Thanks again!
Oh I agree Robyn, the fresh nut milk is miles better than the watery stuff in the stores. And the by-product (almond meal) is amazing for so many recipes. I so love that! Many blessings Robyn and thank you for commenting. amie sue
This might sound like a stupid question, lol, but do you use the water you soaked the nuts in to make the milk?
Not stupid at all :) You drain the water. I added that step to the preparation instructions to avoid further confusion on this. :)
Thank you!
Actually, lol, I made nut milk the other day and I did drain the water and use fresh for the blending process but then when I put more nuts in soak tonight, I wondered if I should have used the water and hence my question. Thanks for clearing that up.
Hi Amie Sue
I have a question for you. When I soak the almonds to make almond milk, it says drain and rinse but do I use the liquid I soaked the almond in to make the milk in the blender ? or do I use fresh water to make the milk with in the blender ? Thank you .
I recieved my commercial dehydrator on Saturday, I haven’t taken it out of the box yet. It has 24 racks I can’t wait to try your recipes.
Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your family .
Thank you for your awesome recipes. I so can’t wait to make fruit leathers . Carol :0)
Hello Carol…
After soaking any nut or seeds, always discard the soak water. So when making the nut milk, be sure to be adding fresh water. All the impurities are in that water. Wash that stuff down the drain or feed your plants with it.. that is if they don’t have nut allergies. hahaha Oh, I crack myself up. Sorry. :) A 24 rack dehydrator? I would have died and gone to heaven. What kind is it, may I ask? Many blessings! amie sue
Sure you can ask. My husband found it for me for Christmas, I wanted the smaller one and he said “go big or go home ” and he got me the big one. It was out of stock so I didn’t get it until a few days ago .
It was purchased at Cabelas , it is a commercial dehydrator.
The item # is IK515819. If anyone should have this item it should be you with all the dehydrating that you do . Thank you for your help with the almond milk. I’ll be sure to let you know how it comes out. Carol :0)
Oh nice. I have seen their machines but haven’t tried one, I would love to hear how it works. So, when and if you think about it, keep me posted. Your hubby gets a gold star. hehe
Amie Sue
I just tried punching the item # in for the dehydrator and you can’t see a picture of it , only the small one. The best thing to do is punch in commercial dehydrator in the search bar . You will then see a small dehydrator, click on it then you can click on either picture of the bog one or the small one . It was on sale when we ordered it , we got it for
$379.00. Have a great day :0) Carol
Thank you Carol, I will do some research. amie sue :)
Hi Amie Sue
My batch of almond milk was Fantastic. The mush/pulp was very good too. I tasted it before putting it in the freezer but it was tempting to just eat it right then and there with a spoon.
I poured myself a glass over ice and told my son he had to taste it, that it was the best almond milk he had ever had, well he tasted it and tasted it a second time and asked “was this glass for me?” The sad part was I only made 4 cups. Thank you so much for sharing your treasures with everyone . Carol :0)
Hello Carol… I can that nut milk would go quickly in a household with a child. hehe If nothing else due to demand, you will always have plenty if nut pulp. I never have enough pulp and I can’t use up the milk quick enough since it isn’t a daily thing we drink. But, thank you for sharing that, that is awesome! Have a wonderful weekend. amie sue
I’m ready to try nut milk….dehydrater, the whole nine yards, my daughter is VEGAN and has turned me on to amazing food alternatives.
Awesome Lorraine… I am getting ready to make a large batch of nut milk for my girlfriend. :) She loves the stuff. Good luck! amie sue
Aime: I made your almond milk yesterday and it is wonderful. I’ll never buy pre-made organic again. I used 2 cups of water, 1 tsp. of liquid vanilla, and 1 date. Oh, it is heavily rich and thick. I found myself getting up in the middle of the night just to have a bit more. Do you ever use the dry vanilla as I have tons of it right now? If you don’t use it in the almond milk what is your suggestion?
Hello Marlys!
Oh I love vanilla.. in all forms! Pure ground vanilla is much more potent than vanilla extract, I would use about half the amount of extract called for in recipes. I would use it in any recipe truthfully… just use less and taste test as you go. Yum!!
Is it possible to make the almond nut milk after you have already soaked and dehydrated the almonds?
Absolutely Sharon… if it were me though, since you went through all the work of soaking and dehydrating them… I would save them for other recipes and get more almonds and just soak them. But if you don’t have that option or want to use stock on hand, it is just fine. :) Have a great weekend. amie sue
This information is golden. Thanks Having visual images is so very helpful to me. I have a question about the lovely glass jars used to store the milk. Where can I but them. Also, can this milk be frozen?
Hello Jasmine… these are the jars that I used. https://nouveauraw.com/equipment/storage-containers/ball-wide-mouth-24-ounce-jars-with-lids-and-bands-set-of-9/
They can go in the freezer and not crack. I do freeze the almond milk at times. Fresh is always the best but I do freeze it without any problems. Always remember that nut milks separate whether they are fresh or frozen… just shake the jar and you are good to go. Have a blessed weekend, amie sue
Hi amie sue… I just love your site..it truly “rawks”! :) I visit almost everyday and keep learning. I am newly raw, so my dehydrator will be here this week! Can’t wait…
My question is about almond milk. I recently made some almond milk that spoiled withinn 48 hours. I soaked the almonds and then left them in the frig, covered for a day before I made the milk. Could that be the reason it soured? How long does almond milk normally last? I usually use what I make within 24 hours. Thanks BJ
Good morning BJ,
I have had this happen a few times myself. There are a few questions that I have that might touch what happened…
1. We the almonds rancid before even using them? Did you taste them before soaking? (great habit to get into since nuts can go rancid)
2. During the soaking period, did you have them soaking at room temp or in the fridge? If at room temp, was the temp warmer or more humid than normal.
3. For the 24 hours that you kept them in the fridge after soaking, did you change the water a few times throughout that day? That is a good thing to do so they stay sitting in fresh water.
Did any of these questions help? Have a wonderful day, amie sue
amie sue…Never thought about trying the almonds first, however, I keep them in the freezer. One thing I did do… I put them in the fridge, in a covered dish, without any water on them. Thanks for the hints, they helped a lot.
Hi BJ…. “I put them in the fridge, in a covered dish, without any water on them.”……. Once you start the soaking process, you need to keep them in fresh water or dehydrate them right after they are done soaking. I got in the habit of taste testing nuts / seeds before adding them to a recipe when I once used rancid pine nuts in a recipe… ACK, had to throw all those amazing ingredients away, lesson learned. Have a happy day. amie sue
hi i was wondering if these types of nut milks go really well with coffee and teas? i want to find an alternative thats not under the gmo label and thought bout making my own.
You bet they do Tan. I use almond milk in my cold-pressed coffee every day. You can always make the nut milks with less water, making it more creamy which is what you might be more use to. Enjoy! amie sue
thanks! will definitely try making a batch within the next couple of days :)
Both me and my hubby love this! I have a few questions though. I’ve been using a glass jar (a recent empty coffee jar) and found that the milk tends to evaporate overnight by about a quarter, are those types of jars not suitable for storage? I opened the jar to use some and it smelled differently to when I used it the day before (only had the batch for not even 3 full days) Secondly is there something I can put in the milk to help preserve it a little longer?
thanks :)
Good evening Tan,
Well lets see… I am wondering and thinking that it didn’t evaporate but instead after blending the almond milk, a little foam forms on top and perhaps after it settles, it appears that some evaporated. That is what I experience. Could that be the case?
The smell…. could it be left over smell from the contents of the used jar? Does it smell “off”, like bad? Where the nuts fresh? Did you taste the nuts before soaking them to make sure they weren’t rancid? Did they soak to long in to warm of temp? So many things to look at.
Right now, I don’t know of anything to add to preserve the nut milks. It’s a raw product after all and that is one of the issues with fresh foods.. you have to consume it quicker. I made large batches of almond milk and freeze what I know I can’t drink in 2-3 days.
I hope some of this helped. Blessings, amie sue
Thanks Amie, yea the milk smelled off/bad and the nuts were fine. Now that I think of it, it probably was foam settling down just. I will look into freezing some when I make large batches next time :)You’re a big help :)
Your welcome Tan. Have a great evening, amie sue
HI Amie-Sue,
I found your website the other day while I was doing a search on raw foods on the internet.
I have to commend you on how wonderful your site is and all the amazing recipes and information/tips you offer. While I’m still trying to soak up everything and find a recipe to try, I have a silly question about that adorable milk glass jar/bottle you have up there (second photo from the top) – I love that jar and want to buy it. Do you know who sells it? I looked in your store, but it was not available. Thanks, I will appreciate your input!
Good morning Esi,
I am so happy that you found my site. :) Thank you for your kind words. I hope you gather great inspiration as your travel around it.
Oh, I see that you appreciate jars/glasses like me. hehe That little glass is part of a set of three glasses that came in a wire stand. I had bought it several years ago from the our local grocery store, in their floral department. I know that isn’t what you want to hear. I will do some looking around to see if I can find it on-line and keep you posted if I do.
Have a blessed and happy day… amie sue
Amie Sue,
thank you for your kind reply!
I was looking online, but could not find anything similar at all. I searched for old fashioned milk jugs/jars/bottles, but nothing like the cute one you have up there… I will keep looking also, and hopefully will find it. If I do, I’d be sure to let you know!
I have a question about the probiotics you use for the cream cheese, but I will post there… :)
Wonderful sight! I’m just gathering ingredients to make something! :)
Thank you!
Hi esl,
Your welcome, I am just sorry that I didn’t have any better news. Do you live here in the states?
Have a great evening, amie sue
Hi, it’s ok.
I hope I come across it somewhere and somehow :)
Yes, I live in NJ.
When I bought it, it came with three small jars. Email me your address and I will share one with you. :) I know what it is to fall in love with a jar… so I must share. Email me (if you are interested) you address. [email protected]
Have a blessed evening! amie sue
Recently my almond milk has not lasted at all and probably was sour right away but did not take notice. First off, I never tasted the nuts. In truth, I am not sure I would know a bad nut anyway. Since I buy them from the bulk area in the store, they are not being refrigerated. Is this a big concern do you think? Also, I have also done what a couple of others have done by prolonging the soak process…..sometimes 2 days of soaking before use, although I do change the water a few times each day. After a couple of days as milk, it is tasting ‘fermented’ and not at all what I am wanting. If the milk cannot be made on time would it be better to freeze the soaked nuts rather than continue the soaking process. (Much to my dismay, I’m finding that extending the soaks for nuts and grains is not necessarily better.) lastly, do you recommend not purchasing nuts from bins as we cannot know how long they have been sitting around. Is mail order better in your opinion?
Thanks again for all your input and got heart.
Good evening Nancy… I am sorry that you are having some issues with the nuts milks. Let me see if I can get all your questions answered and make some comments. :)
First and foremost…. always taste test any nut or seed prior to using. You will learn quickly if they are rancid and/or stale. This will effect every recipe.
Q ~ Since I buy them from the bulk area in the store, they are not being refrigerated. Is this a big concern do you think?
A ~ I tend not to ever buy nuts and seeds from bulk bins unless you really know the source (meaning grocer or health food store). I use to work in a grocery store in the health food department and I have witnessed some horrors. Depending on the store (and this isn’t always the case), their stock doesn’t go through rotation quick enough. Nuts are high in fats and that is why they go rancid at room temperature and in open air, if left too long.
I don’t soak my nuts or seeds more than 8 hours, only require 2-4 hours. This can increase the risk of them going bad sooner, just like you are experiencing. When you soak them for such an extended period of time, are you doing so in the fridge?
Q ~ lastly, do you recommend not purchasing nuts from bins as we cannot know how long they have been sitting around. Is mail order better in your opinion?
A ~ I basically answered this up above. But regarding mail order…. that is what I do. My goal is to always purchase, raw, organic nuts / seeds so therefore, I order all of mine on-line. I have had wonderful luck with http://www.earthcircleorganics.com/default.asp and http://www.wildernessfamilynaturals.com/. I am sure there are plenty others but this is who I recommend at this point.
I hope this helps Nancy… Blessings, amie sue
I’ve scrolled through the questions to see if you answer this and I haven’t found it. Please for forgive if this is a duplicate questions, as it seems pretty basic. How much do you squeeze the nut milk bag? I made some this morning and my milk is like cream and I squeezed to the point where there wasn’t much pulp. I’m wondering how many nuts I need to soak, to end up with 2 cups of pulp.
Also, a second question…how long can you leave the soaked almonds in the fridge after soaking? Mine were in there for maybe five days and they tasted and smelled fine, but I’m on the fence about it. Hadn’t seen your note about leaving them in water and changing it. I rinsed my soaked nuts and put them in a sealed glass container with an unbleached paper napkin wrapping around them, which was damp after I put the almonds in.
Thanks much Amie-Sue.
Hello Mary,
Lets see if I can answer your questions…
Q ~ How much do you squeeze the nut milk bag?
A ~ Just to hand strength. I never grunt or groan while doing it. hehe
Q ~ I made some this morning and my milk is like cream and I squeezed to the point where there wasn’t much pulp.
A ~ This to me, indicated that your nut milk bag has too large of holes and you are pressing the pulp through the mesh. Plus what ratio of nuts to water did you use?
Q ~ I’m wondering how many nuts I need to soak, to end up with 2 cups of pulp.
A ~ I don’t know right off. I don’t always make the same volume of nut milk so it all depends on the amount of almonds I use. Plus it will depend on the hand strength of squeezing the milk out of the bag. The more liquid left in the pulp, the higher the amount of pulp.
Q ~ how long can you leave the soaked almonds in the fridge after soaking? Mine were in there for maybe five days and they tasted and smelled fine, but I’m on the fence about it. Hadn’t seen your note about leaving them in water and changing it. I rinsed my soaked nuts and put them in a sealed glass container with an unbleached paper napkin wrapping around them, which was damp after I put the almonds in.
A ~ I am not in the habit of soaking my nuts and then keeping them in the fridge. I normally, soak, rinse and dehydrate right away. But I can say that I have keep a jar of nuts in the fridge for up to two days or so and they were fine, but I was changing the water. They only thing I can suggest at this point is to look at them… see any sign of mold… throw away. Smell them… do they smell sour? If so, throw them out. Next taste one… does it taste “off”, spoiled or just plain funky? If so… toss them.
I hope this helped some Mary. Have a great evening. amie sue
Thanks for the detailed answers Amie Sue! Lots of typos…sorry about that. I think you were spot on about the size of the holes with my nut milk bag. Clever lady…but we knew that already.
I used to use the bag for seed cheese and it was perfect for letting the water seep out by hanging. When I look at your photo of the milk, it’s much whiter and thinner than what I got and I don’t see the cream effect seeping out the holes and squirting every which way.
Decided to dump the milk and pulp I did this morning, from the 5 day old soaked nuts. It all smelled, looked and tasted ok, and I’m sorry to waste food, but I think it’s not worth the risk.
Thanks for all your thoughtful tips. Btw, your site is just incredible!! I’ve been making raw food for almost 15 years and your level of mastery and beauty just blow me away. Truly, I’m consistently astounded by your creations. Thanks so much for sharing the love.
Good evening Mary,
What a sweet message. Thank you very much. I am quite humbled and honored to receive such a compliment from a raw food veteran. :)
Nut milk bags can be iffy from brand to brand. And over time they wear out. As soon as I start to see large squirts come out when I am squeezing it, I know that it is time to replace it.
Wise decision on the iffy milk. I don’t like to waste food either but there is no need to risk getting sick if you are ever in doubt.
Well off to relax a bit before bed. Have a peaceful nights sleep and do keep in touch. amie sue
Hi there, I followed your link for coconut milk from the raw rasberry coconut lemon cake and it brings me here. How do I get to the coconut milk page? Thanks
Ooops… all fixed Stella. Thank you for letting me know. The link for the coconut milk is https://nouveauraw.com/raw-recipies/smoothies-juices-nut-milks/coconut-milk-cream/. amie sue
Is there anything else that could be used in place of the almond pulp?
In place of what Kellie?
Hi I just wanted to let you know that I love all of your marvelous recipes and ideas.
I found a typo at the end of this ” suck as; nut milks, juicing, sprouting.”
Was a great laugh, I’m sure you wanted it to say such.
lol, thank you Michelle for bringing that to my attention. Can’t blame “auto-correct” here. hehe Have a great weekend, amie sue
would love to know what is the yield of your recipie 4 cups of water for 1 cup of raw gives how many cups of nut milk finished product, I am just curious to see what would be the price range. thank you !
Good morning Suzelle,
It states it right in the recipe. 4 cups. :)
Rule of thumb when making any nut or seed milk… the yield will be the same as the water measurement because we strain all the bulk out of the nut or seed.
Have a great day, amie sue
Hi Amie-Sue,
I have been making my own almond milk for a wile now and wanted to ask a question. After I soak my almonds overnight and then remove the brown skins before blending them. Is there any reason to remove the skins or should I leave them on?
Good afternoon Chris,
There are only two reasons that might cause a person to remove the skins from the almonds. #1 – if you use the almond pulp for other recipes and needed a white almond pulp a person should remove the skins. #2 – sometimes the skins from almonds can be irritating to the digestive tract…. otherwise there isn’t a need to remove them. :)
Have a great evening! amie sue
so i can make milk with blanched nuts?and then have blanched flour from pulp?niiice
Yes you could. Do note that blanched nuts / seeds are not raw. Have a wonderful day, amie sue
Yummmm is all I can say. Oh wait! I finally made this instead of buying it & I am stuck for life. Does it matter how much water you add per cup? I tried 2 cups of almonds with 2 cups of water my first time because I like a thicker texture plus I added cacao because I crave chocolate all the time. :) Thank you for being out there!
Good day Ramona,
Nothing beats fresh almond milk. So thrilled that you gave it a try! You can use any water to nut ratio that you want. I like my nut milk to be creamier too and tend to use 2 cups of almonds to 4-5 cups of water. This way you can make everything in between a thick 1/2 n’ 1/2 consistency to a skim milk texture. :) Enjoy and have a wonderful day, amie sue
Hi Amie-Sue, I am in the middle of soaking some pine nuts for some pine nut milk. I noticed that all of the pine nuts are at the top floating though and not sinking. I got them from a reputable organic company so I sure hope they aren’t rancid. I wanted to double-check to see if this is normal for pine nuts. I’ve read conflicting things about pine nuts. Some people say they need no soaking while others say they need 7+ hours. Do you have any experience with them? Thank you!
Hello Lucy,
Sorry it took me a few days to respond. I am on a healing vacation and have limited my time on the computer. :) I don’t use pine nuts all that much due to their cost but when I have, I notice that they float more often than not as well. They are a very light nut to begin with. I usually adhere to the fact that if a nut or seed floats to discard them, but I don’t with pine nuts and haven’t had an issue.
There is phytic acid in a LOT of foods and our goal isn’t to deplete our system from it, some phytic acid is known to be good for our bodies… our goal is to reduce it, (specially if we experience bloating and digestive issues) and to eat a more balanced diet.
I hope this helps. amie sue
Hi Ami-Sue,
No worries about not being able to reply right away. I completely understand. I hope that your healing vacation has been going well!
As for the pine nut projects that I was working on, I went ahead and made some milk along with some cheese even though I wasn’t sure about the floating pine nuts. I’ve got to say that honestly the pine nut milk is not what I expected. It just seems to taste a bit too overpowering. If I use just a splash in a tea, it totally takes the flavor.
However, the pine nut cheese turned out amazingly good. I used your base nut recipe and then added the following to the cheese after fermentation (1 tsp olive oil, 1.5 tsp lemon juice, 1/4 tsp lemon zest, 2 garlic cloves, 2.5 tsp nutritional yeast, plus various spices like sea salt, pepper and Herbes de Provence). The taste reminded me a lot of goat cheese if you have ever had that before.
I’m so glad to find your site as my fiance’s health is very poor. He is currently going through a Candida cleanse and is not allowed to have regular cheese along with many other things. I am thinking that maybe I will try my hand at the dehydrator soon as I see there are a lot of healthy “snacks” you can make with them. Wow, just imagine making my own crackers! ☺
Hello Lucy,
Pine nuts can surely be stronger in taste and just might be too powerful for your liking… but way to go on the cheese! I have had goat cheese a few times, some years ago… just thrilled that you created a wonderful cheese for you and your family. :) I am sorry to hear about your fiance’s health, but so grateful that he has you to help him transition into healthier eating.
I encourage you to get a dehydrator when you can, it will open a whole new world to you in the raw world! You won’t be sorry. ;)
Have a wonderful week! (still on vacation hehe) Blessings, amie sue
thanks for sharing the recipe. I was wondering if you can taste the sunflower lecithin? I only had soy lecithin at home so I added about 1/2 tbsp of lecithin granules per cup of almond milk and I could really taste the soy in it :(
Hello Pupa,
Personally, I don’t detect the lecithin but others might be more susceptible to the flavor, so start off with less and add more to see how your taste buds take it in. Blessings, amie sue
You are wonderful=)))! Thanks=).
I really like your site and just produced my first batch of Almond Milk. It was very creamy and delicious 2 Cups Almonds and 6 Cups water. I didn’t feel it needed any lecithin to thicken.
I wanted to buy some sunflower lecithin, however Blue Mountain Organics no longer carried the Organic Label and they now extract their lecithin using Hexane and/or Acetone. Seems counterproductive to produce such healthy milk and then thicken it with a toxic product. I believe Lethikos makes one that is cold pressed, just FYI. Thanks
Good morning Thomas.
I agree that Lethikos makes a great lecithin. I have used their stuff in the past.
The lecithin was added more as an emulsifier to help prevent the almond milk from separating, rather than actually thickening the milk. It’s just an option.
The beauty of making your own nut milks is that you can control how thin or thick you want it… well that and you are able to control the quality of ingredients. :) Have a great weekend! amie sue
Hi Amie-Sue,
I just made this almond milk, following the recipee precisely. I used 1 T Blue Mountain Sunflower Lecithin.
This milk did not taste good to me at all. It tasted bitter & much like the lecithin, even after adding A LOT of powdered stevia.
I removed the almond skins before blending.
I used spring water for soaking & blending.
Do you have any idea why it tastes so bad?
Thank you,
It could be that you are just sensitive to the taste of lecithin. You could try a different brand or a powdered version to see if it has the same effect on you. I hope this help. Have a wonderful day, amie sue
I agree with Amie Sue, the taste is probably because you don’t like the flavor of sunflower lecithin. I tried it out a few times and have got to say I am not a fan of the flavor either. It really overwhelms the milk. I’d suggest trying some organic soy lecithin. I went that route for a few recipes and I didn’t notice any flavor from it.
You could also just try going extra simple and forget about the lecithin entirely. I’ve been doing this lately and the only difference is that there is some sediment at the bottom of the milk due to separation, but you can always put the milk in a closed container to store it and then just shake before using. :-)
Good luck!
Thanks for chiming in Lucy. I find that the powder sunflower lecithin has less flavor than the liquid but yes in the end, you can totally skip using it. I have several nut milk recipes on my site… creating different ideas for people. I created this one for a friend who had kids that wouldn’t give almond milk the time of day when they saw it separated. Also for the added nutrition.
Have a wonderful holiday! amie sue
This is the best guide to DIY nut milk that I’ve found. Before I found your site, I’d made nut milks without lecithin. The separation really didn’t bother me – I knew it was a matter of aesthetics rather than taste. But after reading your advice on adding lecithin after straining I decided to try it and I can’t get over what a difference it makes – so much more rich and creamy! I purchased this brand because it’s not extracted from hexane: https://www.mysunflowerlecithin.com/ I use the powder form because I was worried about the taste of the liquid, as some commenters have noted. I add only 1 TB to 3 cups of water/milk and don’t notice a taste at all.
This post also has great tips for cleaning and storing nut milk bags, especially turning the bag so the seams are outside. I hadn’t thought to roll the up and put it in a glass jar – but I do this now thanks to your guidance.
For adding the strained milk back to the blender, it’s helpful to have a bowl with a spout. I purchased this one and it’s great for pouring and for using to clean my nut milk bag: http://www1.macys.com/shop/product/martha-stewart-collection-melamine-batter-bowl-4-qt.?ID=1160660&pla_country=US&CAGPSPN=pla&CAWELAID=120156340000685043&catargetid=120156340001088107&cadevice=c&cm_mmc=Google_PLA_Home_Cookware_PLA-_-Cookware_Kitchen_Gadgets+-+GS_Martha+Stewart+Collection-_-54131087344_-_-_mkwid_zkIJy3Lc|dc_54131087344%7C-%7CzkIJy3Lc
Oh Learen, thank you so much for sharing your experience here. :) I means a lot to me and to fellow readers who love to read other people’s experiences. I am thankful that you trusted my process enough to try it. I hope you are enjoying the holiday season. Sending many blessings and creamy almond milk wishes. hehe amie sue
Omg…where have you been all my life?….I don’t know why I haven’t been making my own…it was so easy…I never liked store bought almond milk it was too thick for my taste but I bought it for the hubby…I decided to explore some more raw recipes and they called for nut pulp which I didn’t have because I don’t make nut milk.. hence the problem, so I decided to take the plunge…not only did my husband like it but so did I..i made mine a little thinner with sweetner and vanilla..and now I have tons of nut pulp because im making it 2 to 3 times a week.. I cant keep the milk in the frig…Thank you so much for your recipes and step by step instructions..whenever anyone ask about sites to go to for raw recipes you are the first one that comes to mind…you are truly a gem
Oh Aliyah… so wonderful to hear from you and thank you for the all kind words. You are such a blessing to me.
I am SOOO happy to hear that you have now taken on the easy and tasty task of making your own almond milk. hehe Now you see why I always make recipes with the wonderful bi-product… almond pulp.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us/me. What a true encouragement. Many blessings and love, amie sue
Hi! I am so intrigued by your site. You have done an amazing job with the photography and overall look.
I am wondering if you remove the skins of your almonds before making your milk. The photo of the almonds in the blender shows the skins still on, but in another post you said you like to remove the skins.
I am going to look into the cheese press you recommend. Excited to start using it and the thought of it being more hygienic is a bonus.
I’m just starting a new journey with making raw foods at home. Thanks for all the recipes.
Welcome Nichole. So happy to have you here and I hope I can be of help and inspiration to you as you learn more about raw/whole foods.
Thank you for the kind words. I live and breathe this site. :)
I don’t always remove the skins from the almonds. Some people do because they find them irritating to their stomachs. The only time I tend to remove them is when I want a white almond pulp for esthetic reasons, like creating a white cake batter or something. Or if my stomach is being extra sensitive I might. I hope this helps and please keep in touch. Blessings, amie sue
Hi, I have been regularly making almond milk (with the normal soaking process) and remove the one or 2 floaters. However I’ve bought some ‘activated’ almonds this time and found that after soaking, most of the almonds are floating. Is this right? I’m assuming that they are doing this because they have already been activated? It is a 5 kg bag, so I’m hoping there is nothing wrong with them :(
Good morning Colleen.
I find that activated almonds float when put in water so you are just fine. I make almond milk several times a week and use almonds that have already soaked and dehydrated. When I put them in the blender with the water to make the milk… they all float. You can rest. :) Many blessings, amie sue
Hello, how did you calculate the calories? 60Kcal: Is this for homemade milk or commercial almond milk. Thanks.
Hello Florencia. I based it off of commercial, plain, unsweetened, almond milk. There isn’t any way to be 100% accurate because every homemade batch will differ based on how much milk you squeeze out, etc.Blessings, amie sue
Hello!!!! I want to know if i can make milk from soaked and dehydrated almonds/nuts????
Of course, you can Alejandra. If you have a high powered blender such as a Vitamix or Blendtec, just add the nuts and water and blend. But if you don’t have a high powered blender, I would resoak the nuts just to help soften them up for blending purposes. Does this help? Blessings, amie sue
Hi Ami-Sue – can I add the lecithin into the blender when I’m blending the almonds with water? (to simplify the process)? Thank you!
Great question Tanner and the answer is “absolutely!!!” :) Enjoy. amie sue
Wow thank u for the infor
hi Amie,
I went through your post twice, trying to find out when should I mix in the lecithin but I couldn’t find it, should I add in after straining the milk? Thanks
Good morning Jeffoh,
Great question. I updated the post to be more clear but to answer your question here, add it after the milk has been strained. I don’t add any flavorings to the milk until after it is strained that way the pulp remains neutral in flavor and it can be used in any recipe further down the road. I hope that makes sense. Blessings, amie sue