Tiger Nut Milk

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~
Are you looking for an alternative to dairy milk, nut milk, seed milk, oat milk, rice milk, hemp milk, or coconut milk? Today I am going to introduce you to a creamy vegetable milk. Yep, you heard me right! Tiger Nuts are a small vegetable tuber that grows in the ground, just like carrots or potatoes.
But what does Tiger Nut milk taste like? When I close my eyes and slowly chew a tiger nut, I get a sense of a slight hint of sweetness, much like a roasted chestnut. It is best served chilled, with ice, sweeten to taste (if desired), and a pinch cinnamon.
The nuts themselves have the texture of hazelnuts but way chewier. Once blended with water, it creates naturally sweet milk, with an almost vanilla flavor that doesn’t need anything added to create a delicious and delicate taste. But nothing is stopping you from adding in other beautiful flavors to enhance its greatness.
I’m going to let the tiger out of the bag…
I must share this again… Tiger Nuts are – NOT NUTS, they are Tubers! They are one of the top sources of resistant starch, a prebiotic fiber that resists digestion and becomes fuel for our probiotic bacteria. They are remarkably nutrient-dense as well. They provide as much iron as red meat, as much potassium as coconut water, and are high in magnesium, zinc, phosphorus (phosphorus is the second most plentiful mineral in your body, calcium being first. Your body needs phosphorus for many tasks, such as filtering waste and repairing your tissues and cells.) For more clinical research, click (here).
They are also 100% Gluten-Free, 100% Organic, 100% NUT FREE, 100% Allergen Free, 100% Dairy Free, High in Fiber, Low in Calories & Fats, High in Nutrition, Non-GMO, Paleo Perfect and Raw! They are also suitable for low carb diets since the tubers are one of the top sources of resistant starch, a prebiotic fiber that resists digestion and becomes fuel for our probiotic bacteria. ALL this is truly something to get excited about.
So far, I have tested two versions of the Tiger Nuts, the Premium Organic Tiger Nuts and Supreme Peeled Tiger Nuts. The difference nutritionally is fiber. The Premium Organic has 33% fiber, and the Supreme Peeled has 23% fiber. Otherwise, they have the same nutritional values. Visually their coloring differs; the Premium Organic is a darker brown and has a thin skin (not shell) on them. They are still edible with the skin on. The Supreme Peeled is a pale blonde color since the skin has been removed.
Harvesting Geek-Out Moment
If you are anything like me and LOVE to learn how our food is grown and harvested, click (here) to see a quick video that shows you just that. Click on the center video. I found it fascinating and would love to visit such a place one day. I think it is time to release you to the kitchen. I would like to hear your thoughts about “The Amazing Tiger Nuts” once you give them a try! P.S. I have made milk using both the Supreme and Premium (have the brown membrane on them), and I didn’t detect a difference.
Yields 3 cups of milk
Basic milk:
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp ground Ceylon cinnamon
- 1 Tbsp preferred sweetener
- Pinch Himalayan pink salt
Soaking the Tiger Nuts
- First thing first, the tiger nuts must be soaked for 36 hours.
- Place the tiger nuts and water into a bowl, cover with a cloth, and put them in the fridge to soak for 36 hours. Change the water every so often. The tiger nuts will soften a little (not much), they go more from chewy to crunchy. But they are easier to digest. I got this information straight from the company.
- After they are done soaking, drain the soak water and rinse.
- Place the water and tiger nuts in the blender, blending for 2-3 minutes.
- A high-powered blender will accomplish the job much easier.
- If you don’t own one such as a Vitamix or Blendtec, you might have to blend for 2-4 minutes.
- Do not sweeten or add flavorings until you have strained the milk from the pulp. That way, you can use the pulp in either sweet or savory recipes.
Straining the milk:
- Turn the nut bag inside out and keep seams on the outside for easier straining, cleaning, and faster drying.
- Place the nut milk bag in the center of a large bowl.
- Instead of a nut bag, you can drape cheesecloth over the edges of the bowl and pour the milk through it. I find this process messier, and it doesn’t seem to filter it as well.
- Desperate? Don’t have a nut bag or cheesecloth while you are vacationing in France? Take off one of those silky-French knee-high nylons, wash it, and pour the milk through it. I am here, always thinking for you. :)
- With one hand holding the nut bag, pour the liquid into the bag. Lift the bag, and the milk will start to flow through the mesh holes in the bag. The finer the mesh, the more filtered the liquid will be.
- Gather the nut bag (or cheesecloth) around the almond meal and twist close.
- Squeeze the nut pulp with your hand to extract as much milk as possible. Make sure that you don’t have any snags in your nails or have sharp rings on. These could puncture the nut bag and render it useless.
- Do not toss the nut pulp. Freeze and dehydrate it, which can be used in other recipes such as smoothies, crusts, cookies, crackers, cakes, or raw loaves of bread. The pulp will taste a bit bland and dry since much of the flavor has been squeezed out of it. But it’s still a rich source of resistant starch.
- I recommend flavoring your milk after the pulp has been removed. That way, the pulp remains neutral in flavor for other recipes.
- Liquid sweeteners: you can sweeten the milk with the sweetener of your choice. Start with 1 tsp and build up. For a sugar-free option, use NuNaturals liquid stevia.
- Dried fruit: Medjool dates add a wonderful caramel-like flavor to nut milk. You might want to run it back through to the nut bag to filter any small bits out. You can use all sorts of fresh or dried fruits for this.
- Spices: To liven things us, add cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, pumpkin spice… you name it.
- Extracts: vanilla or any other flavoring.
- Raw cacao powder
Thickeners and Emulsifiers:
- Lecithin – thickener and emulsifier
- Add up to 1 Tbsp per every 2-3 cups of water used.
- I highly recommend sunflower or soy lecithin.
- Coconut butter/manna
- Add up to 1 Tbsp per every 2-3 cups of water used.
- Do not use coconut oil. It hardens when chilled and may create small gritty pieces in the milk
- Nut butter:
- Add up to 1 Tbsp per every 2-3 cups of water used
- If using store-bought, watch for added ingredients such as salt.
Storing and expiration:
- Store the milk in an airtight glass container such as a mason jar.
- Always label the contents along with the date that it was made.
- If, for some reason, separation still does occur, shake the jar before serving, and the milk will come back together.
- Fridge – The milk can last anywhere from 3-5 days in the refrigerator.
- If the nut milk prematurely sours, it may be from an unclean blender, nut milk bag, or poor quality nuts.
- Freezer – There are several ways to store nut milk in the freezer. Freeze for up to 3 months.
- Pour the milk into ice cubes trays and freeze. The cube sizes are perfect for plopping into smoothies.
- Freeze in 1 1/2 pint freezer-safe jars.
- It is essential that you only freeze glass jars that are made for freezing. I have tested this, and sure enough, I have had jars crack on me, resulting in throwing everything in the trash — sad day.
- You can use smaller jars for better portion control if you don’t plan on using a full 1 1/2 pints worth.
- Pay attention to the “maximum freeze line” indicated on the jar. If you don’t see that, then it’s another indicator that the jar isn’t safe to place in the freezer.
Nut bag maintenance:
- It is vital to keep the nut milk bag clean!
- Wash with organic, scent-free soap, such as Dr. Bronners. Do not use laundry soap. (always refer to the manufactures cleaning method as well)
- Rinse well air dry. Ideally, in the direct sun to receive free sterilizing from the warm rays. Nylon nut milk bags should not be placed in the sun as the ultraviolet rays can damage the nylon.
- Do not hang the bags outside on the clothesline to dry. We don’t want an air-raid of bird poop coming down on it.
- Proper bag storage –
- I like to roll mine up and store in a glass jar to help keep it clean, protect it from dust, and accidental hole damage. A holy bag has no purpose when it comes to nut milk making.
- Also, if you use nut bags for multiple reasons, it would be a good idea to store them in separate jars, labeling them for their purpose, such as; nut milk, juicing, sprouting.
© AmieSue.com
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, No Dehydration Required, Nut Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
I’m thrilled to see this recipe on your website! I don’t know if you’re aware of it or not, but tiger nut milk is a favorite drink in Spain, particularly in Valencia where it originated (though it’s available all over Spain). The drink is called “Horchata de Chufas”, “chufas” meaning “tiger nuts”. In summer it’s served “granizada” or as an iced slush. It is sold in parks by vendors or in cafés, restaurants, or even by vendors on street corners. Depending on the vendor, it can come with or without cinnamon. It’s the most magnificent & refreshing drink I ever had while I lived in Spain & I have it whenever I return for visits, whatever the season. I make it “granizada” at home by processing it in an ice cream maker until it becomes like a slush, or else pouring it into a shallow baking dish in the freezer & stirring it periodically, as when making a “granita”. Thanks so much for posting this & also for providing a source for organic tiger nuts! You made my day! :)
Good evening Andrea,
Yes, I did learn all that through my reading and studying about tiger nuts. So you make the granizada with just the milk… the horchata de Chufas? :) Sounds good to me! Thank you for sharing, your excitement shines through and is contagious. hehe Blessings and have a great weekend. amie sue
Yes, I make it only with the finished tiger nut milk (sweetened with stevia, in my case) & nothing more. Once frozen as a slush, the typical way to serve “horchata granizada” is in a tall, chilled glass & drink it with a straw. In colder weather I simply drink it unfrosted, in a glass. Either way – bliss! Thanks again for the post. Have a great holiday weekend!
Oh that just sounds perfect Andrea… when my next shipment of tiger nuts comes in… I am so going to try this. And I love using stevia, thanks for sharing this with me. :) Sweet dreams, amie sue
And I happen to have some tigernuts just now–I will have to try this! I saw the tigernuts on Amazon a couple of months ago when I had an extremely restricted diet and ordered them so I could have a bit more variety ;) Thank you for the recipe!
Awesome Juanita. I hope you do try it and please let me know what you think. I am sorry to hear that you have been on such a restricted diet, I so understand how frustrating that can be. But I find that when I get in those situations that it forces me to continue to learn about other amazing foods that are out there. :) Blessings, amie sue
Dear Amie,
I’m happy to see the recipe with tiger nuts on your site :) More I use the tiger nuts, more I’m excited about them. I use raw tiger nut flour too…
I can’t wait to see what masterpiece you will create from them… :)
Kind regards,
Thanks Tina. I have been monkeying around too with the tiger nut flour. It’s been a great joy :) Stay tuned for more creations! :) Have a wonderful day. amie sue
Hi, I did watch the video that you recommended, and also sent them an email asking about a little confusion as to why one of their products said ‘Raw’ but the others didn’t.. Here is their reply..
{Our Premium Organic Tiger Nuts are raw, and the Suprme Peeled Tiger nuts go through a patented all natural process, which means they are not raw.}
I wonder what their ‘patented all natural process is’…i guess it has to do with high heat. These little tubers sure take a lot of processing….Thanks for the post. k.
Hello Kate,
Can you please let me know who you spoke to? I have two emails, one from the New York office (spoke with James) and from the facility in Watlington,Oxfordshire (spoke with Jim). They both assured me that both the Premium and Supreme Tiger Nuts were raw and never reached past 115 degrees (F) in temp. I have an email from James and I just waiting for his consent to share his response with me on my site.
Have a great day, amie sue
I got permission from Jim, at the main headquarters of Tiger Nuts, to share an email that was sent to me regarding if they are raw or not. The following reads:
Hi Amie Sue,
As requested through our New York office, hopefully the following explanations will answer your questions.
Our Tiger Nuts are raw, they are not heat treated and not going through processes that imply heat. We dry the Tiger Nuts most of the time naturally or in a dedicated drying equipment below 38ºC.
This is also valid for Tiger Nuts Flour. Our company uses a unique process of producing Tiger Nuts Flour and mill the Tiger Nuts below 45ºC , then immediately pack the product in vacuum packaging.
Tiger Nuts Oil is a high quality oil extracted by a cold, virgin process in order to ensure that it retains all the unique nutritious qualities of the Tiger Nut itself.
When making Tiger Nuts milk, the remaining material on the bottom of the container is starch, known as resistant starch. This is absolutely normal and also healthy, it can be found in fresh horchata and some horchata produced in Spain as well. Just mix it all well before drinking.
I hope you find the information helpful.
Best regards. Jim
UK Office, Jim McNulty – Partner
Suite 11, 41 Couching Street, Watlington, Oxfordshire, OX49 5PX
Regarding reply you received from Jim….Still doesn’t really say a lot. Leaves things to wonder about. thanks, k.
At this point you will just have to decide for yourself if Tiger Nuts are an ingredient that you want to use or not. We all have to pick our battles. I am quite pleased with them for multiple reasons and look forward to creating more recipes in which I incorporate them.
It’s a gorgeous day, off to enjoy it! Blessings, amie sue
Hi, Amy…I emailed tigernuts USA, the site that you sent with the videos….got a reply from Jack there. In the last email that he sent, he stated that they are not subject to high heat, but that this ‘process’ rendered them not raw. strange. It’s proprietary, and I wonder just what that process is. Here is what he wrote…
[Creating Supreme Peeled Tiger Nuts does not involve high heat, but I am sorry as it is a patented process, I cannot dosclose more datails as the competitors would love to know how it is done. All I can assure you is that it is all natural.]
This sends up a red flag for me….when a person cannot get an answer for how a food is processed, it makes me wonder. thanks. kate (note the two words above spelled incorrectly…)
I have received 3 emails from them stating that they are raw and are not subjected to temps above 115 degrees (F), perhaps he mistyped when he wrote, “but that this ‘process’ rendered them not raw”. We all make mistakes.
Being in the manufacturing business myself, I completely understand having proprietary processes so that doesn’t surprise me at all.
Have a great day, amie sue
Yes, you’re right. must pick what we want. think I will stick to almonds….thanks. =)
Indeed, and almond milk is great too… just working on continuing to educate myself on alternatives. More and more, people are coming up with allergens to everything…. very sad. Anyway, have a blessed and wonderful day, amie sue
Hey Kate,
I also checked with another company that sells organic, raw tigernuts. She gave me permission to share the email on my site. P.S. I had also asked if the tiger nuts were alkaline. You didn’t ask about that but wanted to address that since it is in the email response. :)
“Hi Amie,
Thank you for reaching out! I can assure you our organic tigernuts are sun dried at below 104 degrees Fahrenheit. After that process, they are not exposed to any heat. They are washed, sun dried, sorted and packaged.
Most root vegetables are alkaline, we have not tested whole tigernuts. We did fund a study to examine the pH of our tigernut beverages, they all came back with a pH of 7 to 8 (with the exception of the strawberry and coffee flavors)
Please let me know if I can further assist you. Thank you!
All the best,
Chris Tantalean
Organic Gemini
68 33rd Street, 4th Floor
Industry City – Brooklyn, NY 11232
Cell 917.680.6526
Hi Amie-Sue, thank you for all the inspiration you share!
Loving this tigernuts idea, ordering right now, just one question … are these considered alkalizing like almonds or more acidic? And not the drawbacks which peanuts have?
Thank you,
Good morning Tina,
I have been researching this very thing and have a few emails out to companies to get further information on this. I did read in the follow book, “I have Breast Cancer, Now What” (http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?index=books&linkCode=qs&keywords=9788461671298) and it states that they are, right along with almonds. As I find more information, I will be sure to share it.
Blessings! amie sue
Thank you so much Amie-Sue, they sound great and pretty happy about it nut being a nut for a change. Love the ice cream you made, will be trying that also,
Tina xoxo
Thank you Tina. :) Enjoy and keep in touch. amie sue
Hi Amie-Sue! I really appreciate all of your recipe development and posts! I have perhaps a silly question. Does anyone know how to calculate the nutritional info on this, being that you remove the pulp? I have always been curious! At any rate, I look forward to Tiger Nuts and your future posts!
Hello Stephanie :)
Thank you very much for kind words. You know, I wish we could calculate the nutritional data on nut/seed/tiger nut milks but there isn’t really and accurate way, far too many variables for starters. I guess we just have to be content with knowing that it far better than the processed stuff. :) Have a blessed and wonderful week Stephanie. amie sue
Haha, “…looking forward to Tiger Nuts” reads funny! ;)
It sure does, but good for a giggle and we all need more giggles in our lives! ;)
Hi! my name is Miriam,from Nigeria.Am working towards bringing out a new product in Nigerian Market,as such thought of tiger nut and soyabean milk blend.Please, can i get someone to direct me until i achieve this project with a great result.i studied Food Science And Technology,but the high level of unemployment in Nigeria have triggered me to go into this.please, i need your assistant over there.God bless you all.
Hello Miriam, I am not exactly sure what information you are looking for here. I haven’t ever had soyabean milk so I am afraid that I can’t help you there. Best of luck on your journey! amie sue
is it possible to preserve nut milk especially tiger nut milk to last longer besides freezing.
Not that I am aware of Jennifer. amie sue