Bee Pollen – A Superfood!

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It should go without saying… but I will go ahead and say it… this is not a vegan product. It’s bee-gan. Read below and decide if this is an ingredient that you want to incorporate into your diet.
Dried Bee Pollen Granules
It is often referred to as “nature’s perfect food.” Bee pollen contains 96 known nutrients, with a high degree of bioavailability. No other single food offers the array of vitamins, minerals, protein, amino acids, antibiotics, enzymes, trace elements, fats, and hormones found in bee pollen. It can alleviate the nutritional deficiencies common in today’s world, and help the body rebuild and rejuvenate itself.
Health Benefits
- Bee pollen contains up to 40% high-quality protein, more than any animal product, and all the essential amino acids, making it an excellent food for nourishing the brain and building strength. It is a rich dietary source of zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, and other minerals, and provides the highest concentration of vitamins of any food found in nature.
- It is also packed with live enzymes, as well as phytonutrients, including co-enzymes, bioflavonoids, phytosterols, and carotenoids. To preserve enzymatic and nutrient value, do not expose bee pollen to heat.
- Bee pollen is perhaps the highest dietary source of rutin, which helps increase the strength and integrity of blood cell walls, strengthens the heart, and helps control high blood pressure.
- Also, bee pollen is a natural antibiotic in which bacteria cannot exist, providing increased resistance to infection. Antibiotic factors present in the pollen have been proven effective against E. coli, proteus, and salmonella organisms.
- Many athletes take bee pollen to help increase their energy levels and endurance, and it has been widely used by Olympic athletes to improve their stamina while training. It has been of particular benefit to underweight athletes, enabling them to increase body weight and lean muscle mass. Because pollen is particularly rich in B-complex vitamins, minerals like potassium, and amino acids, it supports the glandular system, which is responsible for increased stamina and surges of vitality.
- Pollen is also an excellent free radical scavenger that can protect against the adverse effects of pollution and exposure to radiation.
- The wide range of nutrients found in bee pollen work together, providing a synergistic impact that seems to improve their overall absorption by the body and enable better utilization of other nutrients present in the diet. Pollen corrects imbalances caused by deficient nutrition and provides particular benefits when the body is challenged during times of increased stress.

An optimal dose is about one teaspoon per day – an amount that takes one bee working 8 hours a day for a month to gather. Beginning users should start with a granule, to guard against a rare but possibly extreme allergic reaction, and build up the dosage gradually over several weeks.
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Information provided by Living Superfoods
this is such an interesting post. where can i buy bee pollen?
Rhonda, check your local health food store or if you have a Whole Foods Grocery.
Is that the same as Royal Jelly?
Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly is a substance that is secreted by nurse worker bees glands. The secretion is known as royal jelly and it is the main food source for the first 3 days of the larva. One larva that is to be the Queen Bee is fed only royal jelly its entire life. Royal Jelly is rich in amino acids (29 to be exact), lipids, sugars, some vitamins, fatty acids and most importantly, proteins. It contains ample levels of iron and calcium. Royal Jelly also contains acetylcholine, which is needed to transmit nerve messages from cell to cell. Regular consumption of high-quality Royal Jelly has been shown to help balance hormones. This makes it beneficial to those individuals that suffer from a hormonal imbalance, as it helps to provide support to the endocrine system. It may also help with problems that are related to hormonal imbalance. A study done in Japan and published in 2007 shows that Royal Jelly has the propensity to mimic human estrogen, which may help those that suffer from low estrogen levels. Estrogen is essential for healthy bone formation and healthy gene expression, and is vital for a healthy menstrual cycle. This study also showed potential for increased size of uterine cells in the rats studied. While there may need to be more studies done to show full potential of Royal Jelly consumption on uterine health this is exciting potential for women with weak uterine muscles or thin uterine lining due to long-term hormonal birth control use.
Bee Pollen
As worker bees leave the hive for the day they go out and gather bee pollen and bring it back to the hive. They pack the pollen into granules with its own enzymes, some honey or nectar. Keep in mind that for each pack of bee pollen sold each one may be vastly different and this is because of the environment in which the bee was collecting the pollen. Because bee pollen varies from source to source depending on time of year, location, ect. it is hard to pinpoint exact nutritional benefits as they may be different with each batch. Bee pollen does contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins and amino acids. It is said that bee pollen contains antihistamine properties which may reduce allergies.
I always like to add a little honey and/or lemon juice where appropriate to take as these foods appear to increase the shelf life of the finished product. Has anyone else noticed or tried this?
I do Frank… all depending on the recipe and other ingredients involved. :) amie sue