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Honey Oat Bread

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a close up of sliced raw vegan gluten-free Honey Oat Bread displayed on barn wood

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~

I am so excited about this bread recipe that I could do cartwheels!  This recipe is the closest to bread that I have ever tasted in the raw world!  It is absolutely fantastic and so easy to make!

I took it out of the dehydrator, and while it was still warm, I spread some Raw Strawberry Date Jam on top, and for the first time in 4 years, I had a taste of some beautiful bread!   Before I knew it, I had consumed two slices.  The bread has a nice crunchy crust around the edges and is semi-soft inside.  It doesn’t have the texture of Wonder Bread, but it is pretty darn amazing, and I don’t have one complaint!

I can’t wait to keep exploring new creations with this recipe.  When I put this recipe together, my goal was to make it a neutral flavor, just like bread ought to be.  Now sometimes bread is meant to stand on its own, packed with amazing flavors, but I wanted this to give me a hint flavor but for it to be in the background — the supporting cast of the play.

Before we dive into this recipe, let me share with you why I choose some of the ingredients that I did.  The moist almond pulp is, by far, my favorite ingredient used in all of my raw bread recipes.  It gives the bread a beautiful texture that is light and airy almost.  I don’t recommend any substitute for it.

Ground flax is the binder of choice which holds the bread together nice and tight.  If you don’t have flax or can’t consume it, you can use ground chia seeds in its place.  Irish moss gives a spongy texture to the bread, which makes it feel pretty darn authentic.  You can use 2-4 Tbsp of psyllium husks as a substitute if you wish.

Enjoy, and please let me know if you try this bread.

a close up of sliced raw vegan gluten-free Honey Oat BreadIngredients:


  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine; oat flour, ground flax, seasoning, and salt.  With your hands, mix all the dry ingredients.
  2. Add the water, almond pulp, Irish moss, honey, and lemon juice.
    • Regarding the water… Start with 1/4 cup first and see if you need to add more.  This will depend on how moist or dry the almond pulp is.
    • Mix everything with your hands, working it into a nice dough.
  3. Shape the loaf… you can shape the loaf by hand into a circular or rectangle loaf.  Or like me, you can press the dough into a bread pan, shape the top, and pop it out, leaving you a nicely shaped loaf.
  4. Place the whole loaf on the mesh sheet that comes with the dehydrator.
  5. Brush honey on top of the bread and sprinkle extra oats on top.
  6. Dehydrate at 145 degrees (F) for 1 hour to form a crunchy crust on your bread.
    • Remove from the mesh sheet and place it on a cutting board.
    • Slice the bread into desired thickness.  I cut mine about 1″ thick.
    • Lay bread slices back onto the mesh sheet and continue drying for about 4-6 hours at 115 degrees (F).
  7. Shelf life and storage:  I recommendation to store this bread in an air-tight container, in the fridge, for 3-5 days.  The more moisture that is left in your bread, the shorter the shelf life.  Therefore, shelf life will vary with your drying technique.  Whenever I make this bread, it never lasts very long enough to spoil.   Keep in mind, the whole purpose of eating a raw diet is to eat foods at their peak of freshness, so don’t expect this bread to have an extended expiration date.  This bread will also freeze wonderfully.

The Institute of Culinary Ingredients™

Culinary Explanations:

  • Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)?  Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
  • When working with fresh ingredients, it is essential to taste test as you build a recipe.  Learn why (here).
  • Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do, however honestly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.

a loaf of raw vegan gluten-free Honey Oat Bread




164 thoughts on “Honey Oat Bread

  1. gen says:

    Hey, I’ve been putting sweet potatoes into my bread of late :) Not yams, mind you……..

    • amie-sue says:

      I bet that is really good. Your breads were always amazing!

      • caYgirl says:

        HI Aimee Sue – can you use wet almond pulp or should it be dried first?

        • amie-sue says:

          Hello caYgirl :)

          It calls for: 2 cups packed, moist almond pulp… so use it wet. :) In my recipes, the almond pulp will always be used MOIST unless indicated by stating, “almond flour” and it would be linked to almond pulp that has been dehydrated and ground to a powder.

          In bread-like recipes, you want to use moist almond pulp to give it that loftiness. If you used almond flour (regardless of where it originated from) the bread would be denser. I hope that all makes sense. :) blessings and enjoy, amie sue

  2. Georgette Poulos says:

    Amie Sue,

    I can’t wait to make this. In fact, I loved the doughnut pictures too. Oh, why do we have to live so far away. I notice while I am on your website a whole bunch of new recipes. I will keep you posted as I make them. They are all so beautiful. You know, I am finding out as I try out dessert recipes from some raw food books, that they sound great in the book, and when I actually make them, they don’t turn out. All except for Vinnette and Cherie whose recipes are foolproof. And I’m quite sure my dear friend Amie Sue, who is an amazing chef and artist.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe friend. love, georgie

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Georgette!

      I think you and I would be amazingly dangerous if we lived near one another. hehe If you make any of the recipes, I would value your input, PLEASE. :) I know what you mean about trying recipes that don’t work out. I hate to waste ingredients…well I never do but I might end up making something completely different then what was planned just to save the ingredients and money. I look forward in hearing from you. Love and blessings! amie sue

      • amie-sue says:

        Oh and I wanted to share that this bread got even better after it was in the fridge a day or two later!

  3. amie-sue says:

    From: Carla Martins
    Subject: Congrats

    Message Body:
    I just wanted to say that since I found out about your website I’ve been visiting it almost everyday!!! Your food and presentation are just amazing! I live in Brazil and there’s not much about raw foods here and my dream is to be able to take a raw food chef course!
    I noticed you use oat flour and irish moss when making breads. Is the iris moss for consistency? Is there anything that could be substituted for the oat without changing much the results?
    I like to make gluten free recipes and irish moss is impossible to find here, but your pics look so amazing that I can’t wait to try them!!!
    I’ve tried your chocolate empanadas and my boyfriend who is just now becoming a raw vegan loved it and asks for it all the time!
    Anyway..I just wanted to congratulate you! Thanks for the inspiration and for sharing so much!

  4. Carla says:

    OMG! That’s all I can say to describe the bread! It turned out too perfect that I have no words to express it!!!

    • amie-sue says:

      We ought to start an “OMG” Club! haha I so glad that you enjoyed it. Isn’t it amazing?!! It’s the closest thing to real bread that I have had in 4 yrs! Thank you for posting Carla. Blessings, amie sue

      • Jessica0712 says:

        I am going to attempt this recipe but i dont have irish moss can i use psylium husk instaed

        • amie-sue says:

          Good morning Jessica,

          Yes, you can use psyllium husks instead of the Irish moss. Use 2 Tbsp worth. I hope you enjoy the process and the end result. Please keep me posted. blessings, amie sue

  5. Alta says:

    Amie Sue,

    If you don’t have the Irish Moss, what can you use as a substitute? I want to make this today!

    • amie-sue says:

      In this particular recipe Alta, I would just make the recipe without any substitution. The Irish moss mainly helps a bit with the texture so you bread may be a bit more dense. Let me know if you end up making it without and how it turns out for you! Good luck, amie sue

  6. Candice says:

    i can’t believe that i’ve just come across your website. this is really amazing, the best i’ve seen yet. kudos to you and your husband. peace

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Candice. :) Your kind words are a great encouragement to me. I hope you explore and test some recipes out. If you do, please keep me posted. Blessings, amie sue

  7. LePeep says:

    Made the Bread… tastes pretty good. There is something I noticed when making this and the Corn tortillas. There is a smell, I can’t put my finger on it… almost like the smell of yeast when you make bread in a bread machine. Don’t know how else to describe it. It’s a bit odd. Though I still liked the bread.
    Is that smell normal for raw breads that use flours like these… in a dehydrator? Hopefully, you know the smell I’m talking about. Just curious, since dehydrating is still Really new for me. Thanks for a Great Site.

    • amie-sue says:

      I am not sure of this “odd” smell that you are speaking of. To me it smells like heaven when it is in the dehydrator. Wish I had a better answer to give you. If anyone else makes this recipe, please chime in as to if you have experienced this “odd smell” during your process. Thank you! amie sue

      • LePeep says:

        Maybe I have New smell syndrome with my new inferior dehydrator (though it is a multi sq. tray one… just not top of the line)… only thing I can think of now. And since I don’t have a clue about other dehydrators… I am sticking with that thought. Thanks for answering… I just honestly have no clue.

        Still like the bread… only wish my dehydrator smelled like a bit of heaven too when I am using it.

        • Amity says:

          I have made this bread and found it to be wonderful and smell amazing, HOWEVER. One day I made a recipe and hadn’t realized that my nuts had gone a bit rancid. it give the finished product a not real great taste and a funky smell. Make sure your nuts are fresh if in bulk smell them, taste them, are they pleasant. I also now keep all my nuts and seeds in the fridge or freezer so that I can minimize having this happen to me again.
          Could this have been a possibility?

          • amie-sue says:

            Could what have been a possibility Amity?

            It is always best to taste test ALL ingredients used when preparing food. Nuts and seeds specially, since they can go rancid due to their natural oils. I store all mine in the fridge and freezer too.

            Sorry, that you had a bad batch. Have a great weekend, amie sue

  8. MonaRaeHill says:

    This is sooooo great to see. Honey & Oats are one of my favorite combos’ and I am really grateful to see a recipe for a raw bread that includes them. Thank you so very much. Awesome. :)

  9. Barbara says:


    Love the website and the pics are beautiful!

    I really love the look of the vegetable bouquet Ebook and am wondering what kind of special tools might be needed to make some of the flowers in the picture. Do you sell the tools needed to make the arrangements?

    Also, a friend of mine made one of your cheesecakes for a potluck and it was a real hit! Oh so yummy!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi Barbara,

      The eBook lists out each tool needed to make the bouquet, along with where you can find most of them. You can order them off my site which is through Amazon too. Just click on the NouveauRaw Store on the left side menu.

      That is so wonderful to hear about your friend! Those cheesecakes are so darn good! Have a blessed day, amie sue

  10. Jana says:


    You do deserve every single word of honor for your work!

    I do tend to gain weight when eating oat, and all kind of wheat. Buckwheat is better for me in that case. Maybe it would also be nice with sprouted Quinoa or Amaranth.
    My digestion is always better if I soak everything. But I’ll try the bread with oats, just out of curiosity.:) As soon as I have more time on my hands, I’ll start working on your recipes, and keep you posted about it.

    Raw greetings,

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Jana,

      I so understand all that you are sharing. Let’s explore this together! I am positive that we will find a wonderful replacement for oats so you can eat the bread more freely. :) Have a blessed day! amie sue

  11. shireen says:

    HOLY COW and OMG!!!! i haven’t had bread in so long and this…well, this bread is worth committing crimes for!!! i added about 1/2 tablespoon more honey but other than that i followed your recipe…making bread has never been this easy or scrum-dee-licious!! thankyouthank youthankyou, amie sue!! you should call yourself the raw alchemist!! :o)

    • amie-sue says:

      I so understand your excitement Shireen. hehe I haven’t had bread in over 4 yrs so when I made this, my head went backwards, my eyes rolled into the back of the head and drool puddled on the floor. haha I have to control myself from making this to often because I can’t control myself and eat to much. :) The beauty with this recipe is that you can add any spice, giving it any flavor profile that you want! You MUST go try the raisin bread one….OMGosh!!! Have a happy day Shireen. amie sue

  12. Sommer says:

    This bread turned out amazing! I have tried a number of raw food breads from raw food recipe books and numerous websites and they seemed to be missing something, but this one is perfect. I did have to substitute the Irish moss gel with psyllium husk gel (powder + water) as I can’t find Irish moss gel easily in South Carolina. This recipe passed the ‘hubby test’ and that always makes me happy. Thank you so much for all the lovely, creative recipes that will keep me busy in the kitchen, I can’t wait to try them all.

    • amie-sue says:

      Oh Sommer that is so wonderful to hear!! I love these bread recipes too. If you both enjoy raisin bread, you must go try that recipe too. Makes my mouth water as I sit here! Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful day! amie sue

  13. Dee says:

    Omg! I am impressed..This bread is in the dehydrator as we speak..This will be the 2nd bread recipe I’ve tried, the last one tasted so horrible I was mad that I wasted my time and money..but this one here…I’m so excited! It’s only been in the dehydrator for 2 hours but I’ve already broken off a small piece and I’m impressed! I love the consistency and it smells so good! I can’t wait to make an avocado, tomato, and some vegan mayo sandwich..also thinking about warm melted butter (wish I knew a good raw version)..ok so now I trust your recipes ( had some bad experiences with so many online) I will try one of your cracker or chip recipes..haven’t found a good one that taste good yet!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank Dee!! I am so glad that so far you are liking the recipes that I have to offer. I hope each one lives up to your liking! Please keep me posted. Many blessings, amie sue

      Oh, and if you love this recipe and enjoy raisin bread…you must try my recipe for that too….I can’t control myself around that stuff. haha

      • Dee says:

        Update: This bread smelled and looked so good while in the dehydrator that I sliced a piece and ate it before it finished..it was delish! But alas, a few minutes later I had an allegic reactoon to the almond flour..I knew I was slightly allergic to almonds but thought by the time they are soaked, dehydrated and ground that it would be less potent..so now I have to remake this lovely bread and find a sub for the almond flour..I’m thinking coconut flour perhaps?

        • amie-sue says:

          Oh Dee, I am sorry to hear that. Yes you could use coconut flour or even cashew flour… Keep me posted. I hope you are feeling better!

  14. Jeannie says:

    OMG I just made this recipe yesterday and its delicious and unlike any raw bread out there. It actually has ‘the bread factor’ that other raw breads are missing. I also mad the raisin bread which is my favorite. I added a lot more cinnamon than the recipe called for and I cant stop eating it. Im going to have to freeze almond milk just so I have some pulp to make more bread. That irish moss stuff is amazing. I did read somewhere that you can substitute kelp noodles blended into paste for the irish moss but I havent tried that. Thank you so much for this great website. I cant wait to try other recipes.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi Jeannie,

      Seriously addicting isn’t it? I haven’t ever heard of using kelp noodles blended into a paste. Wow, I would love to learn more about that. Do you have a link for that? So happy that you are enjoying your bread. Now you know why I always want more nut pulp! haha Have a great evening.

  15. Jeannie says:

    Here is the link for the kelp noodle video but he says he got the idea from Ani Phyo. They use it in dessert recipes for thickening but it might work for the breads too. What I love about your bread recipe is that you actually make use of the almond pulp and it taste great. In the past everything Ive tried making from almond pulp has been icky. The pulp is much lighter than the actual nuts so the bread is actually a nice light texture compared to raw breads Ive made in the past. Its even lighter than sprouting to make bread. This is a must have for all rawbies because it taste great and its sooo easy to make!! These breads deserve a blue ribbon!! Seriously you should be selling this bread. Thanks again!!

    • amie-sue says:


      Thank you, I am going to play around with that method. If it works, it would be a great substitute for those who have a hard time obtaining Irish moss. Have you tried making the croutons? To die for…well IMHO haha.


      • Jeannie says:

        Its funny you mention those croutons because my daughter has already told me she wants some. So many recipes such little almond pulp. I need to figure out what to do with some of this almond milk. Dont get me wrong I love almond milk but its a lot of milk and a little pulp. Have you tried using irish moss in any cake or brownie type recipes? Im soaking almonds now because I must make the not tuna recipe. Will let you know how it turns out.

        • amie-sue says:

          I hear ya Jeannie. I have thought to get into almond milk production to sell just to get the pulp for myself. lol You can use other nut pulps in place of almond if you want to mix of your variety on milks too. :) Well, need to get my day on…I am teaching a food class tonight for 50+ ppl. Gulp. haha Talk to you soon!

  16. Beth says:

    can this be done with only oat flour? (Its just the whole almond milk/pulp issues) How do you think it would turn out? I am beyond excited (my husband doesnt get on with wheat or yeast) and am sourcing some irish moss immediately!

    • amie-sue says:


      It should work out fine. The flavor might be different then what I know of it since different ingredients lend to different flavors. But give it a try, I don’t think you will have a problem at all with it. Keep me posted and have a grand day!

  17. Pilar says:

    Hi Amie,
    I just put my bread in the dehydrator, so excited! I thought the temperature had to be lowered at some point but now I don´t read that anywhere in this post. So, is it meant to dehydrate at 145 all the time?
    Thanks for your support!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi Pilar,

      Go ahead and turn it down to 105 degrees now. I made that adjustment on the recipe blog…sorry about that! Thank you for pointing it out. :) Let me know how it turns out!

  18. Pilar says:

    Hello again,
    Thanks for responding me so promptly on saturday. I knew I had to turn the temperature down as indicated in the French Garden Bread, which seems very alike. However, I went out for dinner and forgot to do it ;-(. So it stayed a bit more than 3 hours at 145 and then like 8 hours at 105. The result: it was hard. Still, I am glad that it is a seriously close-to-bread option and I can definitely go for it when I crave for “proper” bread. Another observation to make for next time is that I should substitute the almond pulp. After having eaten raw cheese made of almond pulp, I noticed it is really heavy from the moment I try to swallow it. And it also made this bread less easy to digest. So I will definitely try to do a better job next time temperature wise and incorporating a substitute. Do you think the psyllium could work?

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi Pilar,

      Hmm, I find the almond pulp much lighter and easier to digest… funny how we are all so different. :) Are you asking if you can sub out the almond pulp for 2 cups of psyllium?

  19. Pilar says:

    Yes, I guess that’s what I meant, but now that you articulate it sounds a bit crazy, doesn´t it? I don´t know, any suggestions from you will be welcome. And the less nuts it contains, the better. But that’s just my feeling, and maybe it is really neccessary to add that amount of nuts to make the recipe work…

    • amie-sue says:

      Ah, 2 cups of psyllium husks wouldn’t taste good in my book :) Not to mention I think it would make slimmy in texture. You can try using coconut flour in place of it… just going to have to play around. :)

  20. Pilar says:

    Dear Amie,

    I just had some leftovers of this bread for breakfast. I rubbered a little bit of raw garlic and tossed some olive oil. I t was very nice. It works much better by the slice than by a sandwich: too dense for that purpose.

    I have two more questions:

    1. Does coconut flour add any coconut taste to the bread?
    2. I may try the psyllium in smaller amounts, such as 1 or 1/2 cups; in that case, should I still use the Irish moss?

    Thank you!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning. Personally, I don’t taste much coconut in the coconut four myself. I suppose different brands will differ just like it does when it comes to coconut oil. I use Irish moss for the texture and nutrients.. I would use it… but I wouldn’t use more of the husks. But if you try, keep me posted. :)

  21. Kelly Noskov says:

    I made this today and it is so delicious!! I’ve only been raw 3 1/2 weeks but have learned so much from people like you who are kind enough to share. Thanks so much!! Your lasagna recipe also looks super yummy (will probably make it soon).

    Raw ‘cooking’ is so much fun! :)


    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you for sharing Kelly, I am thrilled that you enjoyed the recipe. :) We all learn from one another. I hope your love for healthy eating continues to grow. Many blessings, amie sue

  22. Kathy says:

    Hi, I just stumbled upon your site and am amazed at your recipes. This bread looks incredible. I want to make it but I don’t make my own almond milk (I buy it), and don’t have the nut bag etc. Is there a way to make the almond pulp without the bag? Not sure where I would buy Irish Moss either. Thanks for putting up such a great site. Can’t wait to search all your recipes.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Kathy,

      Welcome. :) You can use cheesecloth to strain your nut milk with in place of the nut bag. You can usually buy that at your local grocery store in their small baking isle, or at craft stores, etc. Do you live in the states? I do recommend purchasing a nut bag in the future. They are inexpensive and a great little tool to have on hand. Plus, making your own nut milks are so much better than buying them. I have many recipes that use the nut pulp so it’s worth giving it a try. Here is a link of the ones I use. Oh, and Irish moss… I usually always have to order mine. I will post a link for that too. I am picky about the brand that I use. :) If you have more questions just let me know and I will do my best to help.. amie sue

      Nut milk bag – http://astore.amazon.com/nouraw-20/detail/B00158U8DU
      Irish moss – http://astore.amazon.com/nouraw-20/detail/B002EUZEVY

  23. Kathy says:

    Thank you so much Amie-Sue – you are very helpful. I live in Canada and know that I can get a nut milk bag, just not at my local grocery store, so will have to drive a little further to get it. Then I will give this almond milk/pulp a try. Your recipes all look so incredible. I don’t eat exclusively raw, trying to have 55-60% of my meals raw. Sometimes it is hard with my son. We’re vegans but he’s not overly fond of completely raw foods – I’m working on him. Thanks again and for posting the links :)

    • amie-sue says:

      Your welcome Kathy. I am not 100% either. It’s all about crowding out the garbage foods with healthier choices. How old is your son? Have a great afternoon! amie sue

  24. ben says:

    Sorry to bug, Amie-Sue. This is a serving-size question. I assume this recipe makes one small loaf? By small I mean 6 inches long and 3 inches high.

    • amie-sue says:

      You never bug me Ben :) You are correct on the basic size. All the bread recipes I make are enough for one loaf. Size will determine on how a person forms it. I am always playing around with the shapes and sizes. So much fun. :)

    • ben says:

      Thanks, Amie-Sue. I’m making this bread this weekend, with sun-dried tomato pesto.

    • ben says:

      Congratulations on another superb creation, Amie Sue. This bread truly tastes like bread. It’s the best raw (or baked, for that matter) bread I’ve eaten. And you’re right–it lends itself to endless modifications & flavors.

      I used psyllium husk in place of half the flax meal called for in your recipe. I also used raw almond meal (I’m too lazy to make nut milk; plus I don’t yet have a nut milk-bag) instead of almond pulp. This meant I had to increase the water used to turn the wet ingeredients to a stiff dough, and I played with the dehydrating time. But the result is fantastic.

      I’m mentioning my substitutions as a compliment to you–your creations are so sound that they allow for people to customize the recipe without any loss of texture or taste.

      • amie-sue says:

        Thank you Ben… I always appreciate feed-back and I never take offense to others modifying recipes. That is what this site is about… to encourage others to add in healthier foods and to get comfortable enough to experiment with foods that speak to them. No matter what “diet” we follow, recipes are always just guidelines. The same recipe can come of very different based on climate, what brands of ingredients are being used, the fresh and ripeness of the produce being used, the type of appliances being used and so forth.

        Thank you for sharing Ben…. your a great encouragement to all! Have a great day, amie sue

    • ben says:

      Thanks, Amie Sue. Also, I used agar-agar instead of Irish moss. I thought I’d say these things, because some readers have asked questions on substitutions (almond meal instead of pulp, substitution for Irish moss), etc. And I want to tell them: the recipes work, because the foundation is sound.

    • ben says:

      Sure. A note to purists, though: using agar-agar means the recipe won’t be 100% raw. But I don’t like the taste of Irish moss, so I substitute agar-agar, and am happy to live with a less-than-100% raw recipe.

      I buy my agar-agar from a Japanese market, where it comes in the form of sticks that look like transulcent plastic that are about 8 inches long. There are instructions on the package as to how much boiling water you need to dissolve 1 stick of agar-agar, and I follow the instructions. Once the mixture cools down, I save it in the fridge. It lasts quite a while–it becomes a colorless jelly once refrigerated.

      For your recipes, I use the exact amount of agar-agar that you specify for Irish moss. Since the agar-agar will be a solid jelly after refrigeration, you’ll need to process it in the blender or food processror, until it becomes a thick, creamy liquid.

      Hope this helps.

  25. Anastasia says:


    I am all set to make the gorgeous looking bread, but I’m unsure about the almond pulp. Is it supposed to be dehydrated on its own before it goes into the recipe? Or can I use it pretty much straight out of the nut pulp bag?
    After that I’m ready to go, the irish moss is ready… waiting :) Thank you!

    • amie-sue says:

      The almond pulp is always wet unless specified differently. Use it straight out of the nut pulp bag. :) Good luck and enjoy!

  26. Grish says:

    Can I use almond meal instead of almond pulp?

  27. Kathleen Miller says:

    My bread is in the dehydrator now…I used Irish moss powder that i mixed with water and turned in paste. You
    posted a website on a earlier post were you buy your Irish moss. My question is how do u turn the Irish moss into gel? Your page is wonderful…keep up the good job

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi Kathleen,

      I haven’t tried the powdered version of Irish Moss… though I want to someday when I can order some. Under the ingredient list I have “Irish moss” linked ot the page on how I make the gel, please refer to that. Keep me posted how your bread turns out. Blessings, amie sue

  28. Grish says:

    One more question! Can I use 2 oz. Irish moss flakes? I’ve never cooked with it before and am not sure if it makes a difference. I’m so excited to try this bread!

  29. Sally Bivins says:

    I’ve never used irish moss so I started reading about it and ran across the following article. What is the purpose of irish moss and what can I replace it with in the oatmeal bread recipe? Thanks so much!

  30. Vanessa says:

    Hi Amie!

    I made an adaptation to this and it was sooooo… good!! You definitely have skills! :) I used ground up walnuts and ground coconut flakes for the oats and used kelp noodle paste for the Irish moss paste and it worked wonderfully! It is a keeper! My boyfriend loved every bit of it. I posted my modifications and pictures of it on my blog if you want to check it out. Thanks so much for your inspiration and your wisdom!


    • amie-sue says:

      That is wonderful Vanessa! Thank you for sharing. I will hope over to your blog and check it out. Many blessings… amie sue :)

  31. Abby says:

    Could I use almond flour instead of the pulp for this one?

  32. Mary says:

    I discovered Nouveau Raw the other day and could’t keep myself from jumping page to page! I really must get focused. Your site is simply beautiful it has such a warm and earthy feel to it. I’m interested in making the Honey Oat bread and I’m wondering how long does it take to get 2 c. of almond pulp? I haven’t started making nut milk yet but do plan on it for next week. About how much pulp do you usually get from a batch of almond milk?

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Mary,

      It depends on how big you make your batches. I roughly can get 3/4 cup of pulp from 1 cup of nuts. Thank you for your kind words. :) I run the site with passion for healthy foods and the just for the art of sharing. Many blessings, amie sue

  33. Ana says:

    Uauu, congrats on your website! Oh, my, can’t wait to try all of this out! So yummy! I have a question, though. I’m having really hard time finding irish moss, so I wonder if it would work with any other algae, say agar-agar or something like that. Thanks so much! Have a lovely day! Ana

  34. Annie says:

    Hello Amie-Sue…. I would like to make this bread.. it looks sooo yummy!… I don’t have any ‘pulp’ from making almond milk, but I do have almond flour.. if I use the almond flour will it change the consistancy of the bread?.. because it’s finer than the pulp, should I use more/less?… can’t wait to get it in my dehydrator!… thanks, joy, Annie

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Annie,

      Yes, almond flour will give it a different texture, more dense. I am sure it will still taste good. I would use the same amount for volume but if the batter seems to dry, increase your fluids. Taste test as you go, you can modify it. That is the beauty of raw foods! Have a blessed weekend. amie sue

  35. Carmen says:

    Question: If i want to double this receipt would i use the same amount in everything ? My first batch is the dehy but it’s a bit small for all us. Can i use something other then almond pulp ? I don’t always have that around.

    Thank you :)

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi Carmen, this recipe ought to double just fine. You can try other flours; oat, almond… but don’t recommend it. The nut pulp helps to give it that texture. Have a great evening, amie sue

  36. Marlys Wilson says:

    Aime-Sue: I love making your breads and your honey oat is one of my favorites. It is absolutely delicious. I made it for my book club, along with your mayonnaise, an fabulous almond milk. Everyone was so impressed. What a treat to get to look forward to all of your beautiful presentations and ideas. I can’t wait to try your cherry chip layer cake.

    Thank you,

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Marlys! Sharing this gives me amazing support and I appreciate that. :) You have a luck book club group in that you make them such wonderful, healthy foods. :) hugs

  37. Natalie says:

    I just discovered the website! It’s great :)
    My dad should be on a raw food diet for awhile so I’m experimenting.
    Can I make the honey oat bread using a round dehydrator .. where I can’t set the temperature?

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi Natalie,

      Welcome to my site. Good to have you here. :) Your round dehydrator… does it have a hole in the center so you basically have a ring? I am not sure what unit you have but if it is like most rounds I have seen, you might have to spread the batter into a flat shape from the get go, unless you have a lot of height between trays. You said, “where I can’t set the temperature?”… what are you asking me? amie sue

      • Natalie says:

        Hi, thanks for your reply. Yes the dehydrator has a hole in the middle. I was wondering, I can’t set the temperature… so I don’t know what temperature it is at.. and how that would effect the bread. Could it be to high? Or are you not as familiar with that kind.. Salton dehydrator

        • amie-sue says:

          Hi Natalie… Ok, I looked the unit up. So it looks like you will have to slice the loaf into thick bread sizes… 1/4 – 1/2″ or whatever thickness you want or what will fit in between the trays. Since it doesn’t a temp gage (can’t believe they make them without, what were they thinking :) You might want to invest in a temp reader like this… http://www.amazon.com/Weber-9815-Replacement-Thermometer/dp/B00004U9VF/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1375417595&sr=8-12&keywords=food+temperature+gauge. You can find this particular one in most stores, I have even seen these at grocery stores in their small baking section. That way you can watch the temp.

          Without such a thing, you are going at this blindly and it will be hard to know if it is going to keep it low enough to remain raw. If raw isn’t the main goal, then you will just have to keep an eye on it as to how long you dry it for. I hope this helped. amie sue

  38. Melissa says:

    Hello I am about to try this recipe but i dont have irish moss…. Can I use chia seed gel?

  39. Sarah says:

    This bread is just so GOOD! I ate a big piece after the first hour in my oven (I don’t have a dehydrator, but just bake it on very low temp)… I had to eat two pieces. It’s so good.

    • amie-sue says:

      Well I have to say that it is good to know that it works in the oven… I usually have a handful of people asking :) Thanks for sharing Sarah! amie sue

  40. Wm says:

    I’m glad the Rawmazing link to the health concerns for irish moss was posted above. I was getting excited about irish moss as, although it’s been around for a couple of years of so, it took me time before I was ready to adopt it. Once I’d reached that stage, I then found out about the potential health concerns using it. So thanks for mentioning that psyllium husks might work as a substitution or that we could even omit it. Since I’ve never used it, don’t know what it really does do to recipes so glad I can just avoid the whole irish moss issue but not adopting it into my diet.

    Thanks for your fantastic site! I’d only had Rawmazing as my go-to place for lovely, gourmet-looking beautiful raw recipes. So very, very glad to add Nouveau Raw to my bookmarks as another beautiful site to go to!! Lovely.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Wm,

      Rawmazing is a gorgeous site and she does amazing work… pure talent. :) I am glad that you find some inspiration through out my site and I hope to hear from you in the future. Many blessings, amie sue

  41. Nicole Yorke says:

    This looks so good. I have a couple slices of the onion/cheese bread….you know I tried this twice and this time the texture is to die for (bread lovers inc), the taste never changed. Your recipes are so spot on for taste, not to mention presentation (still working on that:-)).

    A million thanks for sharing!!

    • amie-sue says:

      Your welcome Nicole. I love all of the raw breads. I need to make this one again myself. Have a blessed day, amie sue

  42. Nicole says:

    OMG..delicious from the smell, then the look…heaven in the taste.

    I thought I would have to settle for whatever ‘raw’ had to offer but baby you rocked my world of bread and there is no turning back because this right here is the real deal of taste, nutrition and texture!!!

    You’re a WINNER Amie!!

    • amie-sue says:

      Awe, thank you Nicole. I am glad that you are just as excited as I am about the raw breads. They are winners for sure. Enjoy!

  43. Nicole says:

    Quick one – mine was narrow, your pic looks like a nice broad baby….any tips?

  44. Gitika says:

    Hi Amie-sue, before I make this delicious looking bread, please tell me – do I use oats before anything is done, ie’ soaking, sprouting?
    And have you made this recipe with sprouted dehydrated oats?

    • amie-sue says:


      It is always best to soak and dehydrate the oats for digestibility. I have gotten in the habit of soaking and dehydrating all the nuts, seeds and oats when I bring them home so that they are ready for recipes when the inspiration hits me. Have a great evening, amie sue

  45. Susan says:

    This recipe looks like a slightly different version of Russell James garlic bread recipe. I bought his raw cheese book 2 years ago and this recipe was in it. It was very nice. His version looked a bit lighter in color and tasted great. I may give this a try as well.

  46. Sabine says:

    can I make this without Irish Moss? Have you ever tried? Thank you for all your recipes and your awesome site!
    Greetings from Switzerland

    • amie-sue says:

      I haven’t Sabine, but you can omit it if need be. The Irish moss adds a spongey texture. It will still be good though without it. :) Have a wonderful day in the beautiful land of Switzerland. :) amie sue

  47. Karalee says:

    This bread is wonderful…we love it! Have you ever tried to freeze the kelp noodle paste and then use it successfully in the bread? I can’t find any answers online. I know the bag says not to freeze the noodles but not sure it would matter if it was in paste form. Thanks!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Karalee,

      Nope, I haven’t tried freezing the kelp paste. You could always just freeze a single portion of the paste and see how it responds. I will next time I make it. Have a great weekend! amie sue

  48. kym says:

    OMG. This bread was great. My family loved it. Making the fig & seed today and can’t wait to make the olive & garlic loaf. I love this site, makes being healthy so much easier. Thanku for all the amazing receipes.

    • amie-sue says:

      Your welcome Kym. :) I am so happy to hear that you are enjoying the site. I pour my heart and passion into it. Blessings, amie sue

  49. Linda St Angelo says:

    Hi Amie Sue,

    Haven’t been on in a while. Been in New Mexico again visiting my mother. Am back home now and getting back into the swing of things. I am making kelp paste so I can make your “Tapioca Vanilla Custard”. I have read several comments but haven’t really received the answer I was looking for. Am anxious to try this bread. The kelp paste seems to have pretty much the same consistency as the Irish Moss~~think it would work? Well, I guess there is only one way to tell and that is to try it……(Could have thought of that before) ha-ha. I will let you know how it turns out.

    Happy New Year (belated) by the way.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Linda, have you made it yet? If so, how did it go? The kelp paste should work just fine in place of the Irish moss. Keep me posted. :) amie sue

      • Linda St Angelo says:

        Hi Amie Sue,
        Made the bread with a few changes. I was anxious to make it and had absolutely nooo flax seeds. I mean I searched every nook and cranny of my kitchen and fridge looking for them. They disappeared into thin air??? ha-ha Anyway, I think you stated earlier that flax gave them a certain consistency, but I tried it anyway. I had chia seeds and hemp seeds, so used 1/4c of each one and also used the kelp paste. Tasted great, except I left it a little too long and was a bit crunchy, also made the slices a bit too thin, so it was a challenge making a sandwich the other day…. with an inch and a half width of bread…. very very skinny sandwich I might add… LOL Will try this again with flax seeds and will make the loaf a bit taller so I can actually fit two pieces of bread together without doing the balancing act of keeping the pieces together~~ha-ha

        • amie-sue says:

          Good evening Linda,

          Thank you for sharing this with me. I bet the dust bunnies ate all your flax seeds, they are known to do that. :P

          I am proud of you for trying the substitutions, great job… even it wasn’t 100% the outcome you wanted. It is how we learn. And I am so thrilled that you weren’t so discouraged to where you are willing to try it again. Keep me posted and have a blessed evening. amie sue

  50. Jaime says:

    I am not sure about Irish moss…is there something else that I can sub since I am allergic to fish and shell fish products? oh and some things that come in contact with fish.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Jaime, You can use psyllium husk powder in its place. It will help to give the bread that spongy texture. amie sue

  51. Kathy says:

    I sure do miss bread…it’s been 11 years so when I can I am going to try making this it looks so tender and moist and really good to know it holds well in the fridg. Thank you so very much for sharing your beautiful recipes photo’s and insights.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Kathy,

      It freezes well too. :) I know what it is to go without bread for so long.. I hope that soon you make it and savor the first bite… I must hear about it. hehe Have a great evening! amie sue

      • Kathy says:

        Delighted to hear it also freezes well, that is wonderful to know. I will definitely keep you in the know~ Hugs.

  52. vally says:

    Fantastic bread!! after spending several weeks looking for the Irish moss and not finding it.. I read through your postings for this recipe and it said “just to skip it” It’s wonderful. I’m going to try the onion bread next.

    • amie-sue says:

      I have to agree with you Vally…. these breads are fantastic. :) They really hit the spot and fill that craving for bread! Blessings and have a great evening, amie sue

  53. Helene says:

    Best raw bread ever!! and was so much easier to make than I thought. I was just wondering though, is there any way to turn this into a wrap instead of bread slices? If you flatten it out, is there something that could be added to make it roll up without breaking apart?

    • amie-sue says:

      Thanks Helene, we love this bread too! I am so glad that you gave the recipe a try. :) I haven’t tried it in a wrap version but you could… the flax might be enough to hold it together. The key will be the timing in the dehydrator so keep an eye on it that it doesn’t dry out to much and become a cracker. :) Keep me posted if you try it. Blessings, amie sue

  54. Chemese says:

    I just discovered your website! It’s great. I think I’m in love. I wish you had a video or more pictures on shaping the loaf. Yours look so perfect. Can’t wait to give this a try.

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Chemese. Love at first site? hehe The breads are easy to form, just shape them exactly how you see a loaf of bread and it will hold the shape. :) Have fun and enjoy! amie sue

  55. Christa Degryse says:

    Hi Amie-Sue,

    can I use sprouted buckwheat and ground it to a powder? I read that buckwheat is a seed.
    I wonder if I can use it to make this bread?
    Thank you so much, Amie-Sue.


    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Christa,

      You could. I don’t like large doses of buckwheat flour… I find it drying on my palate. I might try a combination of ground buckwheat and ground sunflower seeds. Good luck and I hope you have a wonderful day, amie sue

  56. lori says:

    A question on the Irish moss. I have never used this before and I was on amazon looking for it. There are a few different types. Flakes, powder, wild crafted. What do you use? I don’t know what to buy!!

  57. Bj says:

    I can’t seem to find the print button. Is it no longer available? Thanks :)

    • amie-sue says:

      The print button is deactivated at the moment. Doing some behind the scene work on the site right now. Have a great day! amie sue

      • BJ Kochendorfer says:

        Thanks Amie Sue

        Now my question is the Irish Moss. I found it on Amazon and you have to clean it etc., so once I do that and make the gel, how long will it keep in the fridge?

        • amie-sue says:

          Hello BJ, store the gel in an airtight container in the fridge for 2-3 weeks (the cautious approach.. I’ve had it last way longer). Nice to hear from you, I hope all is well. Blessings, amie sue

    • amie-sue says:

      It’s back now BJ :)

  58. lucia says:

    hi Amie-Sue, can I substitute kelp noodle paste for Irish moss in all your recipes calling for Irish moss ? have you ever used food-grade carrageenan kappa powder? thanks

    • amie-sue says:

      I am going to say yes Lucia. I have been testing a lot of different recipes by using the kelp paste and getting good results. I have tested all but the results have been consistent. And no,, I haven’t tried food-grade carrageenan kappa powder, so I don’t have much to offer regarding that. Have a blessed day, amie sue

  59. Michele says:

    Hi Amie Sue –

    Quick question. . . why can we not dehydrate the whole loaf as opposed to cutting it into slices and dehydrating it? Also, if I have a glass bread loaf pan – can I dehydrate the loaf in this as well?

    Just curious.

    I look forward to hearing from you!


    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning Michele,

      Great question… glad that you asked. :) By leaving the loaf whole during the complete dehydrating process, it will take too long for the heat / air to get to the center to help dry it and by the time it would… fermentation and bacteria could set in, ruining the whole loaf. Does that make sense? You could make mini loaves and perhaps do that but I don’t recommend for the a full-sized loaf.

      I start the loaf off as a whole, drying at 145 degrees to set a crust around the bread. Then slice, drying the slices flat. This way you can monitor the dryness. You can take it out at any point, just depends on how moist or dried out you want it. Remember, the more moisture that is left in a dehydrated product and shorter the shelf-life.

      Please let me know if this helps? Blessings! amie sue

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Brigittegoble,

      I don’t see why not. I haven’t tested it but they are fairly similar in texture and both are somewhat neutral in flavor.

      If you do, please let me know how it goes. amie sue

  60. brigittegoble says:

    I tried this bread with a few substitutions. I subbed oat flour for sprouted millet flour and honey for coconut nectar and italian seasoning for herbs de provence seasoning. It was pretty good. I think the seasoning I used had a bitter finish though so maybe I should have tried using something else – just didn’t have italian seasoning on hand. The bread looked like bread, smelled like bread, and tasted like bread. However, my bread turned out a bit dry for my taste but I worry that had it been any more moist it would have felt too dough-y. Is this normal for consistency of raw breads in general? It would instantly become gummy in your mouth with the moisture. I don’t know. Maybe it’s been too long since I’ve had real bread. lol It was good with a date jam I made.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good morning,

      Good job on finding some substitutions for the recipe. Sometimes we have to do that based on availability and allergies. Raw breads are always more dense then what most people expect of a bread. I am a bread lover and back in the day when I was eating it, I loved the dense breads so coming up with raw breads and experiencing their taste and texture, was pretty spot on for me. I do find that there is a sweet spot in the drying time. You may need to play around with it to find the right texture for yourself. Be sure to always write down the times, etc, so you know how to dry the next batch.

      Thanks for sharing your experience. Blessings, amie sue

  61. monirdzhefferan says:

    Dear Amie,

    Is it ok if I sub the oat flour for buckwheat flour? Much Love to you!!


    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Monica,

      I am sorry that I didn’t your comment, it somehow got lost in the shuffle. Yes, you can sub it out. I would use sprouted buckwheat for the most nutrients. :) Blessings, amie sue

  62. bhatfield2 says:

    After the one hour on 145 in the dehydrator, I tried to slice it. I tried to slice it. It just fell apart into crumbles. Would not hold together at all. Where did I go wrong?

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening,

      I will need to have more information in order to answer your questions. Did you use the exact ingredients as listed? If not, what variations did you make? Just curious but did you use Irish Moss or kelp paste? What the bread dough holding together really well while shaping it or was it a little on the dry side, perhaps cracks where showing the in the loaf? When you cut it did you do it gently? Let’s start there. Blessings, amie sue

  63. monirdzhefferan says:

    Dear Amie,

    I love your recipes and this site! But it is a bit discouraging becaus I do not hace a dehydrator and most of the recipes requiere one. Could you please avise me what to do it I cannot financially afford a dehydtrator at the moment? Thank you and blessings :)

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon,

      I understand totally. I do highly recommend adding one to your kitchen… it will open a whole new world in the raw culinary world. I don’t know where you live but I like to check Craigslist for used ones. I have purchased 3 over the years for friends and family for a fraction of the price.

      But in the meantime, I do include in these recipes on how to use your oven in place of a dehydrator. Look under Culinary Explanations below the preparation.

      I hope this gives you some encouragement. Keep me posted. :) Blessings, amie sue

  64. JacqulineHorn says:

    quick question. I know sea veggies are good for us. I am trying to get my taste buds to adapt, and trying to incorporate tiny bits of Atlantic grown sea veg. But the fishy taste is a put off for me, I did not like fish as a meat eater, But I have thyroid issues, and know I need to get my taste buds to adapt. My question is about the Irish sea moss in this and other recipes. Expensive, so want to ask before I buy. Does it incorporate any sea, ocean, or fishy taste? Thanks ahead of time,

    • amie-sue says:

      Good day Jacquline,

      I am just like you so I understand. I don’t care for strong fishy foods. If you follow the directions on how to make the Irish moss, and use a good quality brand of it, you shouldn’t taste the “sea” at all. When I use it in my foods I never detect it. I hope this answers your question. :) blessings, amie sue

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