Sugar Free Almond White Chocolate Bar

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~ high-raw, sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan ~
I am sure that most of you don’t need to be told how to enjoy chocolate, but I want to create a transcendent experience for you. That’s just the kind of gal that I am. :)
Put the chocolate in your mouth. You may chew it once or twice, but no more than three times. You are just wanting to break it up enough to melt smoothly and evenly. As the chocolate melts, start spreading it around in your mouth coating your tongue, roof, and sides of your mouth. Lightly and quickly smack your lips, to release aroma from your mouth to your nose.
How’s that for an experience? :) Not only do we need to learn to stop and smell the roses… we need to stop and savor the foods we put into our mouths. Well, that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.
These chocolate candies were not tempered. If you want to learn how and why, please scroll down to the bottom where I provided a link that explains that process. Tempering creates a more stable, shiny, and snappy chocolate. But that’s not to say that these chocolates are not equally as good!
This recipe will hold up at room temperatures, but don’t put them in your pants pockets. Your body temperature could cause them to start to melt, and that could create a real mess. Just saying. :) I prefer to keep these in the freezer just to prolong their shelf-life. I don’t eat much chocolate, but it’s nice to have a piece every once in a while.
Please create these chocolates as is so you can learn how the recipe is supposed to taste and feel in texture. From there you can experiment with other ingredients or flavors if you feel adventurous. There is a bit of science behind chocolate making, so it’s best to follow directions until you get really comfortable with this culinary way of making chocolate.
I created this recipe for a reader who asked if I could create sugar-free chocolate that used Swerve, sugar replacement. You can read all about it (here). I hope you enjoy this recipe. Another wonderful option which I love to use is Markus Sweet. Many blessings and please keep in contact below. amie sue
Optional topping:
- Have the chocolate mold(s) ready and waiting. Make sure that they are clean and dry!
- If you are using a silicone pan, be sure to place it on a sturdy baking sheet for transporting to the freezer.
- Grate or break the raw cacao up into small chunks.
- Do not start the recipe with melted cacao butter. By doing so, the other ingredients will fall to the bottom of the pan, causing a separation.
- Place the cacao butter in a high-powdered blender. This recipe works best using the Vitamix with the tamper.
- Add the lucuma; powdered swerve, vanilla bean seeds, and salt.
- It is very important to use the confectioner sugar grade, otherwise, the chocolate will be grainy.
- Powder the salt too if it is a coarse grade.
- Start the blender on low and quickly take it too high.
- Use the tamper to push the ingredients into the blades.
- If a lot of chunks of ingredients are collecting on the sides of the blender carafe or on the tamper, stop the machine and scrape everything back into the center of the blender.
- Once the chocolate has turned to a smooth texture, be sure to check the temperature and using the blender to bring it to 107 degrees (F). Do not go above. I use (this) temperature gun to check the temp.
- Pour the chocolate into the molds, filling them all the way up to the top.
- Optional, spread crushed almonds over the chocolate to creates an almond base.
- Slide into the freezer or fridge to set. It can harden at room temp, but the process will speed up when chilled.
- Once solid, pop the chocolate out of the mold, put in an airtight container, and place in the freezer.
- Enjoy within 2-3 months. Sooner is always better than later. :)
The Institute of Culinary Ingredients™
- Time-saving tips on how to grate raw cacao butter.
- Another fun way to prepare cacao butter for melting or gift-giving. Click (here).
- What is cacao butter? Click (here) to learn more.
- Want to learn more about raw cacao products? Click (here). This page will continue to grow, so please keep checking back.

Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, No Dehydration Required, Nut Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
Do these taste like almond even though there is no almond in the recipe?
There is an option of adding crushed almonds to the chocolate once molded. Somehow this didn’t save when editing. Sorry about that. It’s fixed. Have a great day, amie sue
Hello Amie,
I am happy you are in full swing concocting delicious recipes for us.
Is the package of the chocolate your own brand?
It’s beautiful!
Hello Claudia,
I am always in full swing of developing recipes. hehe It’s a daily passion. I did the packaging just for some gift giving. I do not sell these. :) Have a blessed day, amie sue
You said to powder the coconut crystals but they were not listed as ingredients.
Hello Erma, I meant for it to read, ” to use Swerve confectioners sugar” I fixed it. Thanks for brining it to my attention. Blessings, amie sue
You are so sweet. Thanks. You bring joy to so many lives. I love your website. I watch so closely because I would like to make so many of your recipes. We are rural and most things must be ordered. It takes time to get the items needed. But I’m hopeful. Keep up the good work. You are inspiring. Thanks again.
Thank you so much Erma. You really touched me with your kind words. I do understand what it is like to live in places where ingredients are challenging to get. I started my raw journey when I was living in Alaska and trust me, everyone thought I was part alien. lol they barely understood what it meant to be vegetarian… I always had to special order my ingredients and shipping to AK is so expensive. Just know that my recipes will always be here while you wait for the postman… I’m not going anywhere. hehe
Many blessings, amie sue
P.S. Again, thank you for taking time out of your day to share such kindness. :)
Thank you Ami Sue. I too lived in Alaska. In Big Lake in the early 80s. Im retired now. But life has not slowed down. Your recipes and encouragement is necessary for those of us who are just starting out. Change is good. But is comes with a measure of fear. You explain as though we who have never tried raw foods before can do this. We all know how good we feel when we eat right. Our body thanks us. And we thank you.
Hello Erma,
I was in Wasilla, just a hop skip and jump from Big Lake. In fact, my aunt taught me to drive stick-shift on the back roads to Big Lake. hehe :) Let’s see, we moved to Ak around 1983, I think.
Thank you so much for sharing with me. I am so thankful to hear that you find my site helpful. I do my very best to really explain things. I want to set you all up for success with each and every recipe. I understand the fears of the unknown when it comes to changing eating habits. When I first started out, I went 100% raw for a year and I didn’t have any support… other than my husband. I craved for guidance and I guess I found it… within myself. That is when the passion for healthy eating really kicked in.
Anyway, I am rambling. Keep in touch and many blessings, amie sue
hi amie sue! just saw this using swerve. wondering if u use this in any other recipes, or tea and how u like it. i do not like “aftertaste” of stevia, or monk fruit really.. never heard of this sweetener and would love ur opinion! thanks!
Good day Onebearheart,
I use Swerve occasionally. It is a nice option to reduce sugar that gets absorbed into the body. The one that I have found that I like even better is Markus Sweet.
“Made from Lohan Guo Monkfruit and Erythritol, a natural alcohol sugar found in the human body made from non-gmo plant sources. It was discovered in 1848 and been tested ever since with no side effects whatsoever. It is an all-natural product that’s even found in the human body. It’s actually classified as an ANTI-OXIDANT that fights free radicals! It passes right through the body without being absorbed and has no effect on the gastrointestinal tract- no gas, no diarrhea, nothing except a sweet taste on your tongue! It tastes like brown sugar with a hint of caramel. Zero Calories! Zero Glycemic. Does not raise blood sugar or insulin! Great for diabetics. Does not feed Candida or yeast!
I like the liquid NuNaturals stevia but Bob can’t handle the taste of any stevia so I have done a LOT of experimenting with alternative sweeteners that are low carb and don’t impact our insulin levels. The one I listed, nailed it.
I am just starting to share recipes using it. It’s not a raw product but I will always give people the option to use a raw sweetener if they are against these. I hope that helps. Blessings, amie sue
thanks amie sue!
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