Nutless Veggie Burger Patties

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~
So I just caught wind that there is a hip new raw restaurant that just opened in Tucson. Have you heard about it? It’s supposed to be a very cool place to hang out, with a charming and inviting decor, free Wi-Fi, and oh the chef is right there behind a glass wall so you can watch her every move.
Apparently, on Tuesday nights, the chef comes out and prepares your raw meal right at your table! All the while she shares with you all about the benefits of eating raw foods and how good it is for your body.
The chef, so I heard, is a wizard with gourmet raw cuisine. I got all this info off of The Oprah Show where she was interviewing this gal. I then changed the channel and wouldn’t you know it… Martha Stewart was working right along this very same chef! She was showing the audience how to make a raw gourmet cheesecake! Martha was even dangling a piece of Irish moss in front of the camera! Wow, had raw foods really become mainstream?
I have been to several “raw” food restaurants, and sometimes the food is just to “foo-foo” to enjoy. I want comfort food; I want food that takes me back to my childhood days when I didn’t even know what phytonutrients where or that I needed to care about my colon.
Anyway, I have heard great things about this place. It is owned by the chef and her husband who is a real crack-up. I can’t wait to check it out. I will definitely keep you posted.

“Wake up Amie Sue, wake up.” What….huh….did I nod off? Oh, shoot, you mean to tell me that was all a dream?! Well, fiddlesticks. I guess until that dream becomes a reality :), I will share my new recipe for a Raw Nutless Veggie Burger….did I have any of your fooled? Not even for a tiny little bit? hehe
Yields 5 (1/2 cup patties) + 1 slider size
- 1 cup raw sunflower seeds, soaked
- 1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes, re-hydrated
- 1 1/2 cups carrots, rough dice
- 1 1/2 cup fresh mushrooms; your choice (6oz container)
- Handful fresh cilantro
- 1/4 cup ground flax seeds
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tsp coriander
- 1/2 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- 1/2 tsp ground chili peppers
- pepper to taste
- Start by preparing the sunflower seeds and dried- tomatoes.
- Sunflower seeds – soak in 3 cups of water and a pinch of salt for 4-8 hours. Once done, drain and rinse.
- Sun-dried tomatoes – soak in 1 cup of water for 30+ minutes. Drain and discard the soak water. If they are in large pieces, roughly chop them before adding to the food processor.
- In a food processor, fitted with the “S” blade, process the carrots to a small shred. (see below)
- Add the sunflower seeds, tomatoes, mushrooms, cilantro, flax, and spices. Process until the batter sticks together.
- You can leave small bits of texture in the “burger” for a more toothsome bite, or process it more towards a pate texture.
- Using a large ice cream scoop, create the patties and place on the mesh trays that come with the dehydrator.
- Dehydrate at 145 degrees (F) for 1 hour, then reduce to 115 degrees (F) for 16 hours or so. Depends on how well you want them done.
- You can store them for many days in the fridge in an airtight container.
- Enjoy with a raw bun… check it out here!
Culinary Explanations:
- Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)? Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
- When working with fresh ingredients it is important to taste test as you build a recipe. Learn why (here).
- Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do however truly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Nut Free, Soy Free, Vegan
HA, here I thought you were talking about yourself, but then you were going back and forth with the he/she thing…. Never really know with you, now do we?? Other than just love you to pieces!!
Haha….I was trying to be so sneaky…at first anyway. Love you too!
Wow…. These look fantastic! The best part: they’re nut-less! Thanks so much for creating such a healthy alternative to typical high-fat raw food burgers, highly processed, packaged vegetarian burgers, and even the SAD burger! I can’t wait to make these! My sister said that they just like the “real thing”.
I hear ya Erica…I am always looking for ways in making nutless recipes too. Not that nuts are bad by any means, but with those who are sensitive to them, I was to offer alternative! Please let me know when you make them, how it goes. Many blessings, amie sue
I’m excited to try these. I have been extremely disappointed with most raw burger recipes I’ve made and have yet to attempt a recipe on your site that is not ridiculously delicious. Thank you so much for sharing!!
Hi Catherine,
Oh dear, the pressure is on! haha Let me know how they taste if you make them….got me shaking in my boots. :P blessings, amie sue
How many “burgers” does this recipe make?
Chris, I didn’t document it when I made them, my bad. In the end it really depends how big and thick you want them. Next time I make them I will be sure to get that info. Sorry. amie sue
Thanks! I always like to have an idea of how many servings. It helps when planning meals for either left overs or guests!
It would be great if you start recording how many servings your delicious creations make, and maybe even some of the nutritional stats!
I completely agree Chris. I tend to get overly excited when making raw foods that I simply forget to measure out what a recipe will yield. I play around so much, to much? haha But I will work on being better about that. As far as nutritional stats….perhaps one day. It’s a time consuming thing and with my schedule I am lucky to get out what I do. hehe Personally, I would love that info too so I will work on that. Have a great day, amie sue
Hi.. I was wondering what sauce is it that you use in the picture underneath the pattie?
It is a raw mustard sauce that I made. Here is the link to the recipe. :)
These burgers are very good. I’m not 100% raw, more like 50%. Myself and the husband were very happy with this recipe. Thank you for sharing.
Hi, I was wondering if a person doesn’t eat mushrooms, what would you substitute for that part of the receipe, or would it be better to just use a different burger receipe? Thanx
Hi Donna, you could use walnuts instead of the mushrooms. amie sue
What, pray tell, is the ‘bun’ made of? Is it just a sesame cracker recipe formed to look like a hamburger bun? My mouth is watering just looking at this.
Here is the recipe Carolyn for the bun… Enjoy!!
Just made these yesterday and they are so full of flavor! I didnt have time to make the buns, so i just served them mille-feuille style with sliced avocado with a fresh tomato salad on the side. I’m so glad I found your website. Everything on here looks amazing and the directions are easy to follow.
Good evening Stephanie, I am so glad that you found my site too. I try really hard to make the recipes easy to follow and to have them full of flavor. If you have any questions about any of the recipes on my site, never hesitate to ask. Many blessings, amie sue
I tried this last night and it turned out great!! The whole family loved it!
Hi Amie-Sue, This recipe looks amazing! Do you have any suggestions for substituting the mushrooms? Thanks. Michele-Ann
Hi Michele-Ann,
You can use soaked walnuts. :) Have a wonderful weekend! amie sue
Thanks a lot! do I use the same measurement? You are such a live safer on this raw journey and i want to thank you for your dedication. :) have a great day!!
Yes, I would use the same measurement. Be sure to taste test as you build the recipe. You might need to tweak it a bit but it should be delicious! Have a blessed weekend, amie sue
I would love to try these, however my husband is extreamly alergic to sunflower seeds. What else would you sub. for them?
You can use walnuts Dawn. :)
Amie-sue What is the name of the Chef you refer to and also the name of the Tucson cafe?
Thanks can’t wait to try this recipe.
BJ…. It’s me. lol
Hi Amie-Sue, we are not crazy about cilantro :( do you have another suggestion for me? Thank you so much for all the time you are taking to answer our questions and that beautifull website.
Hi Amie-Sue,I would love to try these but we are not to crazy about cilantro…any suggestions?Thank you for this amazing website!
Hello Claire.. just leave it out and maybe use parsly. Season it as you see fit. :) Have a blessed day, amie sue!
would like to know if the sunflower seeds are soaked and then dehydrated (prior) then used in the recipe. am still a little confuse about this part of the raw food life style. also when making the flax meal. do you soak then dehydrate, the grind to a meal???
Hi Minnie…
Flax seeds – you don’t soak and dehydrate them for recipes. They are either soaked in a liquid or ground to a flour before using to release the enzyme inhibitors. For this recipe you can just soak the sunflower seeds, drain and rinse them. No need to dehydrate them prior. IF you already had soaked and dehdyrated sunflower seeds in the pantry, then you could use those. It can differ from recipe to recipe, all depends on the texture of the end product. You will soon get the hang of it, but till then…ask away. :) amie sue
So I have made these twice and I am not sure what I am doing, but they are almost a black color when pull them from the dehydrator? I thought it was the portabella mushrooms, so the next time I used white and they still turned black? The flavor is great and they did not go to waste, they just do not look very appealing. Am I the only one with this issue? Thanks
Hmmmm I haven’t experienced that KT… Mine are on the darker side but not black. Just curious, your sun-dried tomatoes… what color are they?
I buy the WF brand Organic sundried tomatoes packed in seasoned olive oil. The color of the mixture is the same as your pictures….until dehydration….weird….I will try them again. I do like the taste, I actually just dip them in the spinach dip and eat it like that….
Can I recommend to try making it with just plain sun-dried tomatoes? I wonder if that could have anything to do with it. Worth a shot. Have a great evening, amie sue
Very nice recipe, I will try it today. Thank you.
Just to let you know everybody that in dehydrator over temperature of 40 degrees the raw food lose all vitamins and minerals.
In all world raw food is cooked under 40 degrees.
Good morning Mauela,
Actually it is still considered raw at 115 degrees (F) … 46 degrees (C). I learned this way back when I attended raw culinary school as well as through my studies with raw foods ever since. Many raw foodists stay between 104 – 115 degrees (F). Have a great weekend! amie sue
Hi! I was just looking at this recipe wondering what I can use in place of the dried tomatoes? I am one of those nightshade-without people… And I plan to be trying your no-tomato ketchup with this! I’ve been looking at all your bread recipes and drooling…
Hello Juanita,
You can omit them and maybe just add a few tablespoons of the No-tomato ketchup or add in a bit more of the mushroom or carrots to make up the measurement. The ketchup being added would help give it that depth of flavor. Let me know how it goes. Blessings! amie sue
Hi Amie Sue, how are you? Hopefully you and yours are well…So,I am here on your site drooling again…lol. I am not a raw foodist, and I’ve never tried a veggie burger, but to my knowledge, all of my foods are clean, and GMO free(HOPEFULLY)!!!=). I’ve also never tried mushrooms of any sort, as they’re one of those foods along with beets that I’ve dreaded from childhood=)I know how good for you these two foods are, and I want to learn how to consume them, so I think I’ll start on your site. I have been contemplating on trying those two items for a while now, and perhaps in some kind of a vegan meat(less) dish, and your burger has me intrigued, because it looks so yummy (just like all of your recipes). I’m sorry that I had to write a novel just to ask you this, but does this taste like a hamburger=)))))? I am thinking of becoming a vegan, and so far I love all of your recipes that I’ve tried, but now I’m just kind of being a chicken(no pun intended)=).
Good evening Kiki,
I can’t wait for the sequel. hehe Just teasing you. I love that you shared all that you did. :) So never apologize or hold back sista’! hehe I can understand your hesitancy with trying recipes with mushroom. I will be honest, I too once HATED mushrooms. I spent my childhood years picking every single one out of the foods presented to me. Not one slipped through my lips. But after I started to eating a high raw diet, my tastebuds changed on me and one day out of the blue… I got a craving for mushrooms!!! The nerve of my taste buds changing on me and with NO notice! Just minding my own business when BAMB!lol
To me, I don’t taste the mushrooms in this recipe. I highly recommend maybe trying this recipe too, if not first… my ground nutburger. I have feed that to many people and they had no clue that mushrooms where even in there.
I encourage you to give it a try. Worse case scenario is that you don’t like them… life moves on and another raw recipe awaits you. :) If you try it, let me know. Have a wonderful weekend. amie sue
I love your speedy responses=). I will let you know if I build up my nerves to take this next step=))). I checked out your ground nut burger, and boy does it look like the real thing!? Thanks for all you do.
Hi Amie-Sue,
This is my first comment on your beautiful and inspirational site. Thank you very much for sharing you delicious recipes. Your are my RAW-Guru for making delicious food!!!! I made this rawsome nutless burger with the buns. I was floored at how savory and delicious it was!!!! It was the best veggi burger I ever had. My husband at the dinner table even said that your recipe is a keeper. And he is totally new to the RAW food scene. I used hemp seeds to replace the sunflower. And I used Kelp paste to replace the Irish Moss from the burger buns. Simply amazing!!! I can’t wait to see have it again :). Thank you very much!!!!
Good afternoon Jenny,
I just loved that you shared all of this. I appreciate your kind words. :) You made me blush. hehe I hope that you are having an amazing week! Blessings, amie sue
Thanks so much… Can hardly wait to try them!! hugs again, jan
You bet Jan. I hope you enjoy them! Keep me posted and have a wonderful evening. :) hugs, amie sue
Got these in the dehydrator now. The batter is delicious! I hope to tackle the buns yet as well. I’ll let you know!
Hi, please I would appreciate if you share the yellow cheese in the picture.
Thank you very much
Hello Patricia… I will be sharing it soon! Have a great evening, amie sue
Hi amie-sue,
Could you tell me please what is the recipe for the cheese you put between the burger? Thank you very much for your fantastic recipes. This Saturday I’m opening a raw vegan food bar in Belgium and guess who’s recipes I am serving ;-)
Have a great day,
Hello Sven,
The cheese in these photos is a vegan single slice cheese that I created. I haven’t shared the recipe yet, but I will make that the next one that I do. Will you be serving some of my recipes? Ooooh, which ones? I would love to see some photos of your grand opening with the foods that you make from me site. If you can do that, please email them to [email protected]. If not that ok too… I am honored :) Have a blessed day, amie sue
hey amie
I am allergic to mushrooms what can I use for a replacement. I really want to make these burgers.
Hello Dot,
Mushrooms are the key ingredient in giving these veggie burgers a “meaty” taste, umami! Walnuts would be a good replacement or you could even use a mix of chopped veggies. I hope this helps, blessings, amie sue
Hi, is this burger recipe anything like the raw bella burger I had at Thrive in Seattle a few years ago? Apart from being too spicy it was delicious.
I can’t really say Cat… I haven’t eaten there. :) amie sue
Hi Amie! This recipe was delicious! Btw, what is the name of the raw food restaurant you mentioned in the beginning of the article?
That is awesome Mandeepkaurhere. So happy that you enjoyed the recipe. The restuarant…(?) I was just joking around indicating that my kitchen was the restaurant and it was all a dream. Be a goodball. hehe Sorry to confuse you. Have a great and happy day, amie sue
Hahaha…you got me!
Hello Amie! Please would you share the yellow cheese.
Appreciate it!
Best greetings!!
Good morning Patyreal,
I used the following recipe:
Enjoy and keep me posted how it goes. Blessings, amie sue
Thank you Amie!!