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Peanut Butter Chocolate Pinwheel Cookies

Peanut-Butter-Chocolate-Pinwheel-Cookies served with almond milk

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ If I were forced to choose between chocolate and peanut butter, I would choose chocolate… no peanut butter… no chocolate… aahhh, I really don’t see a need for having to choose. Why can’t we enjoy both in one cookie… oh we can! With these cookies,… read more »

Cashew Cinnamon Maple Frosting

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ This is an excellent frosting for decorating cakes with.  It is thick and creamy which makes it excellent for piping.  The frosting will also hold up well at room temperature (around 70 degrees F) for several hours.  If your house is warmer than 70 degrees… read more »

Long Haul Trail Mix Bar

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Yesterday, the Trail Mix Bar came about as I needed to clean out the pantry!  I know the ingredient list may appear to be overwhelming, but trust me, it was easy-peasy to make! Better yet, it tastes terrific and is packed with nutrients.  I usually… read more »

Strawberry Banana Nut Granola

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ As addictive as granola is to eat, so is it just as addictive to make!  Often  I end up making granola simply based on what ingredients I have sitting around.  That is exactly how this one came about. I never grew up eating granola, so… read more »

Chocolate Cake Pops served Fondue style

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Bite-sized perfection… all rolled into a ball and dipped in a frosting fondue!   Your guests will love the taste, and you will love this treat, even more, knowing that you are serving a healthy dessert without anyone being the wiser! Fondue dipping can add… read more »

Rolled Oats | Soaking and Drying

Raw Food Diet - Activating Oaks

Oats, soaking & drying There is a hidden molecule that is floating in this bowl, do know what it is? Phytic Acid I don’t know why the Jaws theme song plays in my head when I look at the picture haha. Phytic acid is found within the hulls of nuts,… read more »

Green Salad, Polenta Croutons, and Potato Wedges | Plates of Inspiration

I try to get a big green salad in me once a day, but with our grocery trips greatly limited (due to COVID-19) so is my supply of fresh produce. As I mentioned in another post…I will never take fresh fruits and veggies for granted again. They have been such… read more »

#5 – Health Concerns when Juicing


By now, most of you know and understand the importance of including fruits and vegetables in your diet. Research has shown time and again that a diet rich in vegetables and moderate in fruits is an essential part of optimizing your health and vitality. Regardless of what your eating plan looks… adding more whole, fresh foods into the diet help to push out overly processed junk food.

Member Bonus

Thank you so much for supporting my website and for allowing me to take you on this Amazing Culinary Journey.  I know you will enjoy making your own Edible Veggie Bouquets.  Log in to your account first and then fill out the information below and you will receive an email with… read more »

Molasses Milk | Attention Ladies (but not limited to)

vegan molasses milk for PMS relief

You may be new to the idea of Molasses Milk or perhaps you may have grown up on it… either way, my hope is that you enjoy this rich, caramelly, drink (with a hint of rum!) as much as I do. My taste buds even detected a hint of black… read more »

Juicers for Citrus / Pomegranates

Citrus juicers come in all shapes, sizes, and price ranges. Today, I am going to cover the basic juicers that I have used throughout the years. I will discuss the perks and drawbacks of each one. I will also share with how to use each one. So pour yourself a glass of juice and let’s get busy learning what tool will best for your needs and kitchen.

#3 – Kombucha – Equipment Needed

Here is just a quick summary of the equipment that I use and/or recommend. We all know that starting off with the best quality ingredients makes all the difference in the outcome of a recipe.. the same goes with having the right equipment.

Cilantro and Spinach Cashew Pesto

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ I created this pesto with no end dish in mind.  Will I toss it with zucchini noodles as expected?  Been there, done that… there had to be something different,  but I didn’t know just exactly what,  but there was no doubt it would come to… read more »

Humble Gingerbread House

Everybody loves the idea of making a gingerbread house as the holiday season approaches, but that’s about as far as most of us get. As I was constructing this gingerbread house, I would explain to those around me just how challenging it is to create a raw, vegan, healthy(er) version.… read more »

Lecithin (emulsifier)

When preparing raw food recipes, a time will come when you need to thicken a recipe.  Lecithin replaces eggs in the “cooked world.” Learning to use raw thickeners will help to make all your creations successful creations! Ways to Use Lecithin Lecithin takes the place of eggs in recipes that require… read more »

Knives that I Recommend

Knives are a valuable tool to have in the kitchen… a sharp one that is. Some of you may not be aware of this, but a dull knife can cause more harm than a sharp one. When you have to saw back and forth and use downward pressure while cutting, there’s a chance for the knife to slip and knick a finger or two.

#7 – Knives that I Recommend

Knives are a valuable tool to have in the kitchen… a sharp one that is. Some of you may not be aware of this, but a dull knife can cause more harm than a sharp one. When you have to saw back and forth and use downward pressure while cutting, there’s a chance for the knife to slip and knick a finger or two.

Using Extracts and Flavorings

What is the difference between extracts, flavorings, and extracts? Unfortunately, many recipe designers loosely interchange the words… which can create disappointing results for the end maker of the recipes. Many extracts substitute well for each other. For instance, almond extract works instead of vanilla extract or lemon extract instead of lime extract. But some will alter the flavor of your resulting recipe, so be sure the new flavor will complement the other ingredients in your recipe.

Garlic Honey Throat, Cold and Flu Remedy

Honey and Garlic for Sore Throats

Garlic Honey Throat, Cold and Flu Remedy   This is a great cold and flu remedy to have on hand! Garlic… is a powerful immune-booster.  It is very effective against nasty bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.  The antibiotic qualities of garlic appear to be a direct result of the allicin… read more »

Cracked Black Pepper and Cayenne Brownies

raw vegan gluten free chocolate brownie recipe. Cracked Black Pepper and Cayenne Brownies

Do any of you have hobbies that end up being a full-time job with just organizing your supplies? I have been a crafter since my early teens, and I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of time I have spent just organizing all my little do-dads. I think… read more »

Flax Seed Flour – freshly ground as needed

Flax Seed Flour / Meal Flax seeds… touted for their amazing nutrients, are also known as the “holy binder” of raw foods.  So what makes them so magical when it comes to using them in recipes? For being such a tiny, itty bitty seed, it has an outer hull consisting of… read more »

Flax Seeds | Ground and Soaked

closeup flax seeds in a wooden bowl

Flax Seeds Flax seeds… touted for their amazing nutrients, are also known as the “holy binder” of raw foods. So what makes them so magical when it comes to using them in recipes? For being such a tiny, itty bitty seed, it has an outer hull consisting of five layers.… read more »

Yummy Chocolate Mint Fudge

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Well… who doesn’t like fudge?!  This Raw Chocolate Mint Fudge is delicious, deep in flavor, but not so rich that you can’t enjoy it bite after bite.  I have been taking a new (well to me) coconut oil test run, this time I am using… read more »

Cinnamon Honeycrisp Apple Fruit Leather

~ raw, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Honey crisp apples are characterized by an exceptionally crisp and juicy texture.  Its flesh is cream-colored and course.  The flavor is sub-acid and ranges from mild and well-balanced to strongly aromatic, depending on the degree of maturity.  It has consistently ranked as one of the highest… read more »

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