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Quality-Time Breakfast

Today I wanted to share a neat way to create single serving cereals that are raw, vegan, and gluten-free.

Juicing Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is a complete food and an excellent source of vitamin C, E, K and B complex (including B12). In the minerals department, it is rich in calcium, cobalt, germanium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, protein, sodium, sulfur, and zinc. It is often called “Liquid Sunshine” because of its very high content of chlorophyll, which is the green pigment that harnesses the sun’s energy.

#2 – Kombucha – Ingredients Needed

Just like I share in all my other recipes, the quality of kombucha begins with the quality of your ingredients. Don’t forget this first rule of food preparation, or think of it as a place to skimp.

How to Store Your Knives

To preserve the quality of a knife and our fingertips, we need to start off with some proper storage ideas. I will be sharing many different ways that you can store your “investments.” It will be up to you to decide which works best, with consideration of your family and kitchen space.

#1 Dehydrators – Why and What I Recommend

If you ask me, a dehydrator is a must in the raw culinary world. It will open up a whole new world to you… allowing you to create raw breads, crackers, cookies, cakes, dried veggies and fruits, trail mixes, and so much more.

Measuring Utensils and Scales

I like to think of raw food cuisine as a form of art, whereas baking is a combination of science and precision. Unlike baking, raw food recipes are forgiving. A decade ago, I thought that I wanted to be a baker because I couldn’t cook anything without a recipe. I loved… read more »

#6 – How to Store Your Knives

To preserve the quality of a knife and our fingertips, we need to start off with some proper storage ideas. I will be sharing many different ways that you can store your “investments.” It will be up to you to decide which works best, with consideration of your family and kitchen space.

Mandoline – Why and What I Recommend


A mandoline isn’t mandatory… well shoot, none of these items listed here today are mandatory… but they will help get the job done safely and quickly and who isn’t for that?

Orange Spiced Meltaways

Raw Food Recipes

 ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Nutrients in oranges are plentiful and diverse.  We all know oranges for their vitamin C content, that the fruit is low in calories, contains no saturated fats or cholesterol, but they are also rich in pectin! Pectin, by its action as a bulk laxative, helps to… read more »

Chili Pepper Peach Fruit Leather

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I love buying little gifts for my husband, not only because I love him so much but because he finds joy even in the smallest of gifts. For instance,  while I was out grocery shopping a few days ago, I came across the most… read more »

Cultured Young Thai Coconut Yogurt | Using Rejuvelac

raw vegan Cultured Young Thai Coconut Yogurt

There are many ways to culture young Thai coconut when making homemade yogurt.  Each method deserves its own posting, because there is always so much to learn about each technique. Sprouted Quinoa Rejuvelac… Speaking of which, today I used sprouted quinoa rejuvelac to ferment my yogurt.  I will be honest…… read more »

Strawberry Jam Cultured Cheesecake | Served 2 ways


This cheesecake is loaded with probiotic-rich nutrients, has a creamy, luxurious texture and coats the mouth with a delicate kiss of strawberry freshness. Raw, vegan, and full of nutrition!

Ginger Pumpkin Spiced Sugar Cookies

Ginger Pumpkin Spiced Cookies

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Growing up I use to love Ginger Snap Cookies dipped in milk.  Just the kind that I purposely accidentally dropped in the milk and had to fish out with a spoon.  We never had them in our kitchen pantry but gramma did, and I would… read more »

Blood Orange and Strawberry Fruit Leather

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Last week I made a pass through Whole Foods in Portland and much to my delight I found blood oranges were in season.  As I have been in deep development of fruit leathers this past month,  I now look at produce in a whole… read more »

Garlic Kale Chips

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ If you are a garlic lover, these Raw Garlic Kale Chips are for you!  They are a wonderful staple to have in the pantry to satisfy that crunchy desire in your raw food diet.  I had these in the dehydrator through the night, and… read more »

Sweet Spinach Hemp Smoothie

Raw Food Diet

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ This morning marked day 1 of my 30-day smoothie / 100% raw adventure.  Eating 100% raw is not new to me.  A few years ago I was 100% for a complete year and in between then and now I have been eating high raw.… read more »

Cranberry Pumpkin Spiced Meltaways

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Looking for a quick, easy, delicious, nutritious treat to whip up for the Fall season celebration?  Look no further… these Cranberry Pumpkin Spiced Meltaways will not let you down. I like to make these up ahead of time and keep them stored in the freezer.… read more »

Medjool Dates – “King of Dates”

Today I want to share about the famous large, soft, moist, Medjool date/palm tree. I call them famous because Medjool dates are one of the top fruits used in the raw culinary world for their health benefits, natural sweetness and binding qualities in recipes.  Did you know that Medjool dates are a FRESH FRUIT? Most people think of dates as a dried fruit, but they are actually harvested from the date palm, cleaned, sorted and packaged right away. There’s no processing and they’re never physically or chemically dried. So where do they come from? How do they grow? Let’s find out!

Italian Balsamic and Strawberry Ice Cream

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ The velvety ice cream base meets with the sweet juiciness of fresh strawberries in this luscious frozen summer treat. It is truly nothing short of a taste of summer in perfect culinary form. I have shared before how much Bob and I enjoy quality balsamic vinegar.… read more »

Coconut Oil vs. Coconut Butter

Raw Food Diet

  Throughout the years of my recipe blogging, I have come to notice that there is some confusion about the difference between coconut oil and coconut butter.   So I thought I would write a little explanation about each and put the confusion to rest. Coconut Oil vrs Coconut Butter Coconut oil… read more »

Fava / Broad Bean – Worth all the Work

Hidden inside those fat, long pods are handfuls of delicious beans, but they make you work for it. All good things in life require a little work, and work builds character, right? So think of these as a character building bean! I am not selling this very well, am I? But seriously, despite the seemingly never-ending shucking involved, fava beans have a buttery goodness that you don’t find in other beans, making the toilsome undertaking a true treasure hunt.

Dspite the seemingly never-ending shucking involved, fava beans have a buttery goodness that you don’t find in other beans, making the toilsome undertaking a true treasure hunt.

Interior Landscaping (plant styling)

Have you ever heard of the term biophilia hypothesis? Edward O. Wilson introduced the theory in his book, Biophilia.  The word “biophilia” means “love of life or living systems.” It refers to the innate tendency of human beings to seek out connections with nature and other living things as a result… read more »

Spicy Celeriac Noodle Soup

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ The first thing I think when I see a celeriac root is… only the love of mother could find beauty such a thing.  It is truly the beauty of the beast.   Celeriac or root celery is a closely related variety to the common leaf celery,… read more »

Cinn-Ful Apple Granola

raw Cinn-Full-Granola served with fresh almond milk

Not too long ago a dear friend of mine purchased a bag of granola from the local grocery store. Upon arriving home, she early had me try it and asked if I could replicate it. It is rare that I ever turn down a challenge so I accepted and scooted home to whip up a batch.  Much to my delight, I nailed it on my first attempt. Since then, I have made 8 batches due to the demand of my near-by loved ones. 

Flavored Extracts – Medicine Flower


I am not being endorsed by Medicine Flower, nor have they even approached me to “test” their products for reviews (though I am open to that :).  I just happen to love their products.  And just like any other product that I mention on this site, I want to share… read more »