Spicy Cheese Broccoli Nibblers

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~
Update: I have been doing some “Spring cleaning (in the winter)” in the Nouveau Raw library of recipes, and I found this one that I created almost 2 years ago but failed to share!
Mercy Amie Sue, where are your manners?! I just can’t keep up with myself sometimes. Lol So, the write-up on this recipe may seem a little out-of-order in my timeline of releasing recipes. The important thing is that I am sharing it now… right? :) Am I forgiven?
This recipe may sound odd to you at first, but you will just have to trust me when I say that it turned out yummy! About a week ago I went through my fridge, looking to see what was needing to be used up. I had a huge bag of broccoli staring right at me. I pulled it out and sat it on the counter.
What to do, what to do? I have some great recipes for marinating it for different dishes, but it would still have left me with oodles left over. Then I had a crazy hair-brained idea… coat it with my spicy cheese sauce, and through it in the dehydrator.
So I proceeded to break the broccoli into small florets. After it was all said and done, I had 24 cups worth! I whipped up a double batch of the cheese sauce and poured it over the florets.
I will admit that the picture above isn’t really mouth-watering looking, but these came out YUMMY! They are awesome to have around when you are looking for a savory snack. I encourage you to give these little nibblers a try!
- 2 red bell peppers, seeded and roughly chopped
- 2 jalapeno peppers, seeded and roughly chopped or 1 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
- 2 Tbsp lemon juice
- 1 Tbsp water
- 2 cup raw cashews, soaked for 2+ hours
- 3 Tbsp nutritional yeast
- 2 small garlic clove
- 1 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- 24 cups broccoli florets
- Add the bell peppers, jalapeños, lemon juice, and water into a high-speed blender. Blend until the pepper is broken done nicely.
- Add the cashews, nutritional yeast, garlic, and salt, then again blend until smooth. This can take up to 3-5 minutes, depending on the blender. Stop every once in a while to scrape the sides down.
- Put the broccoli in a large bowl then pour the blended mixture over it and gently massage it in until all the florets are coated.
- Place it on the teflex sheets that come with the dehydrator, sprinkle with salt and dehydrate at 145 degrees (F) for 1 hour, then reduce to 115 degrees (F) for about 6-8 hrs. If they aren’t crispy enough, leave them in a bit longer.
- Store in an airtight container on the counter for 1-2 weeks. This will depend on dry you made them in the dehydrator and the humidity level in your house.
Culinary Explanations:
- Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)? Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
- When working with fresh ingredients, it is important to taste test as you build a recipe. Learn why (here).
- Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do however truly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.
© AmieSue.com
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free, Vegan
24 cups of broccoli? I believe it’s a typo…?
No typo… it was 24 cups of loosely packed broccoli florets.
Hallo Amie Sue.
Was sagen sie, es sieht nicht gut aus, das stimmt nicht, es sieht sooo gut aus, ich könnte jetzt die ganze Schüssel essen, nein nicht die Schüssel sondern Inhalt der Schüssel, lach.
Ich werde es bald nach machen, ich werde berichten!
Viele Grüße,
Translated from Jesse….. Hi Amie Sue.
What they say it does not look good, that’s not true, it looks sooo good, I could eat the whole bowl, no, not the contents of the bowl bowl but laugh.
I’ll make it soon after, I will tell!
Best regards,
I know what you mean Jesse. I can lick that bowl clean like a kitten drinking milk from a bowl. hehe
Is there a reason there is no cheese in the spicey cheese sauce?
Disreagard my previous question about lack of cheese in the recipe. Now that I have spent more time looking at this web site, I underrstand.
lol… yes, this is a basically all raw recipe site… therefore no real cheese is used. :)
Hi Amie Sue.
I wrote I eat the whole bowl but this is wrong, I want to eat the whole broccoli in the bowl.
I hope Google translated better now!?
Best wishes,
lol I knew exactly what you meant Jesse. :) If nothing else, Google adds a giggle in our day. haha
I saw this recipe this morning and its been on my mind ever since. Soaking the cashews right now.
Also, would love to see this side more compatible with mobile phones. It’s pretty difficult to zoom in on text with the side menu on the left getting in the way.
Hi Stehpanie…. yes we are aware of that issue and we are working on it. It’s rather complicated to make a site like compatible with all devices, but we are trying. :)
I can’t believe I’ve not thought outside of the kale box. Just yesterday I had to make yet another huge pot of broccoli soup to use up the extras. I cannot wait to try this!
lol… outside the kale box…love that! Well I can’t blame you…once in the kale box, who really wants to leave?!! They are so addictive. But then so are these, just you wait. :)
Hallo Amie Sue.
Ich habe heute die halbe Portion, da ich ja allein bin, nachgemacht, es ist so gut man möchte gar nicht aufhören zu essen. Große klasse, alle Daumen hoch!!!
Hier beginnt in 25 Minuten das neue Jahr 2013, ich glaube sie müssen noch ein wenig warten bis es soweit ist oder!?
Ganz viele liebe Grüße,
Jesse aus Deutschland, in Berlin
Hi Amie Sue.
I just got the half portion, since I’m alone imitated, it’s so good you can not stop eating. Large class, all thumbs up!
Here in 25 minutes starts the new year 2013, I think they still need to wait a bit until it is or where?
All the best,
Jesse from Germany, Berlin
Good deal Jesse! :) Oh no! You beat me into the new year?! hehe Well, Happy New Year to you! May it bring you many many blessings… big and small :)
These look soooo yummy… And I love broccoli so this s a winner! Thanks for sharing it!! I will be making these tomorrow after a quick trip (okay, it’s never really quick, lol) to Whole Foods.
Hi Amie Sue, I made 6 cups – absolutely delicious and so tasty. We have a ceramic tile wood burning stove – I don’t know if you’re familiar with this type of heating, very common in the mountains of northern Italy and Austria: essentially a basket full of wood heats up the stove and it stays moderately hot for 12 hours. So I put them on the top of that for a whole night – approximately 40° centigrade and they came out perfect. This evening I made the zucchini noodles with Marinara sauce: a huge success with guests who had never tasted raw zucchinis in their lives! I find that your recipes have a touch of sophistication that is lacking in others found on the net and I can tell you really enjoy creating them; you use your heart as well as your taste buds. Brava!
Dear Nina…
Your message here brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for the kind words. :) I am blessed greatly due to the fact that I am able to live and lead my life with my passions, and this is one of them. I haven’t seen a wood stove like that, but we have one maybe similar made of soap stone. I love how you used the top of your stove to dry your goodies. Very inventive! Thank you again and have a blessed evening. I hope to hear more from you in the future. :) amie sue
Hi Aimie-Sue:
A friend recently told me about your site and I am loving it…thank you for sharing your talents and treasures with us!
Could you tell me about storage of these delicious little treats? Kale chips are dry and crispy and can be stored in the pantry in an air-tight container for weeks…where should these be stored, and how long are they good for?
Thank you,
Hello Janice… thank you and welcome :) Broccoli Nibblers
Store in an airtight container on the counter for 1-2 weeks. This will depend on dry you made them in the dehydrator and the humidity level in your house. But to be honest, they never last longer than a week in our house because they are all eaten. Have a wonderful day, amie sue
I have been making kale chips for years as one of my favorite “go to” snacks, but I just made these and loved them…I felt like I was having a popcorn like treat while watching a movie. :D
I also made the Vinegar Dill (Broccoli Nibblers) sauce and coated it on sliced zucchini making chips. I now have two snack jars filled with delicious treats! Thank you!
Oh that is wonderful Janice! I love your idea of making the zucchini chips with the sauce on them. My mouth is watering. Have a wonderful weekend! amie sue
I just made the sauce and it is delicious! I hope I get some left we can use for dip! Yum!
Wonderful Veronica… yes, this is a wonderful sauce that can be used in so many ways. Enjoy and have a great day, amie sue
Amie Sue,
These look fabulous….in fact, all your broccoli nibblers look tasty. I am going out and buying broccoli today.
I haven’t heard from you in a while. Have you not been sending out recipes, or is it something on my end? Guaranteed, I just moved to New Mexico from California, but still have same e-mail, so am not sure.???
I am going to have to peruse your recipes now that I am settled in and see what all I have missed these past two months during the move. Look forward to all the probable goodies you have come up with. :) :)
Linda St Angelo
Good morning Linda,
It is so good to hear from you. I hope that your move went well and you are getting settled into your new home. :) I haven’t sent out many recipes in the past few weeks. I have been distracted some life’s events. More will come, but thank you for checking in. Have a wonderful weekend! amie sue
Hi Amie Sue
This looks so good and easy to make!!
Is there a reason why you would dehydrate this at 105 degrees instead of 115?
Nope no reason Preeti. When I first started raw, I was using 105 degrees at my go to temp…but now I use 115 degrees. I am working through old recipes updating them so my site will be consistent… things just change over time. :) I will adjust this recipe now that I am here. Many blessings, amie sue
Hi Amie Sue
I tried making these in the dehydrator and it took forever…probably the humidity killed it. and then it got all rubbery. I cannot give up on this wonderful recipe…so I am going to use the oven…What temp do you suggest?
Will it crisp it up?
Yes, humidity can do that. I haven’t tested baking them so I can be for certain. I would set the oven at 350 degrees (F) and check on them every 5 minutes, maybe stirring them around after a bit. Document the time it took for the next batch so you don’t have to babysit it so closely.
Blessings, amie sue