Orange Hazel Nut Fig Granola

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~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~
Orange Hazel Nut Fig Granola – Figs are high in antioxidants, potassium, fiber, iron, and calcium. With some of these precious jewels in my possession, I just had to FIG-ure out what I wanted to do with them. And since I have been on a granola roll… I got busy in the kitchen.
Fresh figs are new to me, and boy do I love them! I spent 28 years in Alaska and never saw a fresh one. It wasn’t until I attended a raw culinary school that I discovered these little gems. They have a sensuous and sculptured appearance, like a little package containing a great secret.
The fig itself, the soft pod that we eat, is actually the base of the fig plant’s flower. Figs are very popular and usually end up being dried and used in sweets, the complete fruit is completely edible. Dried figs keep well without refrigeration and have a concentrated, sweet flavor.
The other star ingredient in today’s recipe is quinoa. Quinoa is an amino acid-rich (protein) seed that has a fluffy, creamy, slightly crunchy texture with a somewhat nutty flavor when cooked. Most commonly considered a grain, quinoa is a relative of leafy green vegetables like spinach and Swiss chard. It is a recently rediscovered ancient “grain” once considered “the gold of the Incas.” And what gold it is… high in protein, but not just any protein but a complete protein, for it includes all nine essential amino acids.
Quinoa’s amino acid profile is well-balanced, making it a good choice for vegans concerned about adequate protein intake, and it is especially well-endowed with the amino acid lysine, which is essential for tissue growth and repair. Because quinoa is such a good source of manganese as well as a good source of magnesium, iron, copper, and phosphorus, this “grain” may be especially valuable for persons with migraine headaches, diabetes, and atherosclerosis.
Yields 12 cups dried granola chunks
- 4 cups gluten-free rolled oats, soaked
- 2 cups hazelnuts, soaked
- 2 cups quinoa, sprouted or cooked
- 1 cup dried figs, re-hydrate & chop
- 4 large fresh figs
- 3 Tbsp orange zest
- 1 cup fresh orange juice (took 2 oranges)
- 1/2 cup raw honey
- 2 Tbsp maple syrup
- 2 Tbsp chia seeds
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp ground Ceylon cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- After the oats are done soaking, drain, and rinse them under cool water for 2 minutes.
- Use your fingers to agitate them while rinsing.
- Hand squeeze the excess water from them and place them in a large bowl.
- Drain and discard the soak water from the hazelnuts and add to the oats.
- Prepare the quinoa, either sprouted or cooked, and then add to the bowl.
- In a separate bowl, soak the dried figs in enough warm water to soften them. After the soak period, drain and dice. Add to bowl.
- In the food processor, fitted with the “S” blade, combine; fresh figs, orange juice, sweeteners, chia seeds, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt. Process until nice and smooth.
- If you can’t find fresh figs use dried ones in their place.
- Pour sauce over the grains, nuts, and dried figs. Sprinkle the orange zest on top and mix until everything is well coated.
- Allow the batter to rest for about 15 minutes, giving the chia seeds any extra time needed to absorb any liquid in the bowl.
- Spread 2 cups of the mixture on the non-stick Teflex sheets that comes with the dehydrator.
- Dehydrate everything at 145 degrees (F) for 1 hour, then reduce to 115 degrees (F) for 16-24 hours.
- At the half mark remove the teflex sheets, allowing the granola to continue drying on the mesh sheets until it is dry.
- Dry times will always vary depending on the climate, humidity, and how thick or thin you spread the mixture.
- This granola dries very very crunchy… thank you quinoa.
- Once done and cooled, break the granola up and enjoy.
- Store in a glass container. The shelf life will depend on how dry or moist you leave your granola. The more moisture left in the granola, the shorter the shelf life. I tend to make up quart size bags of it and store them in the freezer.
The Institute of Culinary Ingredients™
- To learn more about maple syrup by clicking (here).
- Why do I specify Ceylon cinnamon? Click (here) to learn why.
- What is Himalayan pink salt and does it really matter? Click (here) to read more about it.
- Are oats gluten-free? Yes, read more about that (here).
- Are oats raw? Yes, they can be found. Click (here) to learn more.
- Do I need to soak and dehydrate oats? Not required but recommended. Click (here) to see why.
Culinary Explanations:
- Why do I start the dehydrator at 145 degrees (F)? Click (here) to learn the reason behind this.
- When working with fresh ingredients, it is important to taste test as you build a recipe. Learn why (here).
- Don’t own a dehydrator? Learn how to use your oven (here). I do however truly believe that it is a worthwhile investment. Click (here) to learn what I use.
Tags: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free
I love figs and and this granola combination sounds crazy good.
It is VERY good. This recipe isn’t overly sweet so if you have a sweet tooth, you can increase the sweetener used. Personally, my taste buds enjoy the break from always eating sweet flavored granolas. Specially if you use it as a cereal, you can just add some agave, honey or your choice of sweetener on top!
I made this granola this summer to take traveling with me. It was awesome in every way – delicious and portable and sturdy to tote around….but most of all it tastes sooo good!
Thank you, Amie,
Thank you Ludia. :) I love this granola as well. I am all about figs! YUM! Have a blessed day Ludia. amie sue