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March 1st is literally around the corner and the site will be open to the public and you no longer will be logging in to enjoy your recipes.
In the meantime, we are busy working in the background. One thing that is in question (on our end) is the FAVORITES FEATURE that allows you to compile a list of your favorite recipes on the site. We are not positive if this feature can or will remain on the site once the change over happens.
So… if YOUR favorite list is important to you, please copy and paste the links to your computer. Once I find out more information I will let you know! Have a wonderfully happy day! amie sue

― November 22, 2010 ―

Chocolate Lava Cake

 Members Only, Cake & Pies

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ True decadence at its best… deep, dark, and chocolatey… Oh, don’t let the simplicity of this recipe trick you into thinking that it is just a hum-drum cake.  I have yet to find a person who doesn’t just love it.  This cake will leave chocoholics… read more »

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― November 22, 2010 ―

Chocolate Cake with Strawberry Apricot Jam

 Members Only, Cake & Pies

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ I never get bored with creating raw, gluten-free recipes. You can take one recipe and tweak ever so slightly, creating beautiful masterpieces with a peace of mind. The base of this recipe was once created as a raw cake. Today, I as I prepared for… read more »

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raw vegan Marinaded Wilted Spinach Mushroom Salad served on a white plate

― November 22, 2010 ―

Marinaded Wilted Spinach Mushroom Salad

Mains and Sides | Free, Salads

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Tonight’s dinner was created on the basis of a mishap.  Bob went to the grocery store with a list but missed reading the bottom portion, so only 1/2 of the ingredients came back for the Nori Rolls that I had in mind for us… read more »

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― November 22, 2010 ―

Almond Ricotta Cheese

 Members Only, Italian Cuisine, Seed & Nut Cheeses

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ I may not be a traditional cheese maker who fiddles with curds and whey but I do have fun mastering what a person can do with alternative ingredients.   From the perspective of culinary innovation, home-grown-chefs (you and me) are learning to push the limits of food preparation… read more »

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― November 22, 2010 ―

Creamy Garlic Dill Sauce

 Members Only, Dressings, Dips & Sauces

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ The creamy texture and rich taste of blended cashews makes for a delightful, dairy-free, sauce that can be thinned to make a salad dressing.  I love two-for-one recipes! When creating a cashew based non-dairy recipes, the key is in the soaked and blending process of the cashews.… read more »

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raw, vegan, gluten-free Creamy Garlic Dill Zucchini Pasta

― November 22, 2010 ―

Creamy Garlic Dill Zucchini Pasta

Italian Cuisine, Main & Side Dishes, Mains and Sides | Free, Salads

Creamy Garlic Dill Zucchini Pasta ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ I have always been a pasta lover, but I gave it up many many years ago when I let go of gluten and processed foods.  I didn’t need the empty calories, the high starchy carbs or the flour that it… read more »

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― November 22, 2010 ―

Chilled Sweet Corn & Celery Soup

 Members Only, Soups

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ This Chilled Sweet Corn and Celery Soup is the ultimate warm-weather dinner that’s as easy to make as it is delicious! The simplicity of this soup shines through as all the ingredients go into the blender and then it’s done. No cooking, no simmering. Nothing.… read more »

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Gluten Free Red Pepper Corn Tortilla Wraps with Nouveau Raw

― November 21, 2010 ―

Red Pepper & Corn Tortilla Wraps

 Members Only, Wraps

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ If you are looking for a sandwich wrap that can stand up to any ingredients that you throw at it…. a wrap that is flexible and sturdy… a wrap that is full of flavor… then you landed on the right recipe. The one ingredient… read more »

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raw, vegan, gluten-free Not Tuna but close sandwich

― November 21, 2010 ―

Not Tuna – but close! – Sandwich

Main & Side Dishes, Mains and Sides | Free, Spreads

Not Tuna – but close! – Sandwich ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Before you wrinkle your nose at the idea of eating a dish that tastes like it has seafood in but doesn’t.. give this recipe a try and allow me to help you “see food” in a different way!… read more »

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― November 20, 2010 ―

Key Lime Pie

 Members Only, Cheesecakes

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free~ This pie is a true, mouth-watering dessert! Ever since I have known Bob, he has been on the hunt for the “perfect” key lime pie. Most fall short of his expectations until this glorious recipe came along. Perfection Achieved! Perfection is a strong word to use;… read more »

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― October 27, 2010 ―

Coconut Pudding, Creams, Milk

 Members Only, Beverages, Dairy Substitutes

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, Paleo ~ The magic of Young Thai Coconuts goes far beyond their health benefits for me.  The love affair started back in 2008 when I tried my first one, and since then, I have never grown tired of them.  In fact, I have been known… read more »

― June 21, 2010 ―

Strawberry Chocolate Pie

 Members Only, Cake & Pies

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Aaah, a nut-free recipe!  I am sure many of you have noticed how nut-laden most raw desserts have become.  Where there is nothing wrong with that, nuts are very healthy for us, but there is a special group of people who have allergic reactions to… read more »

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― May 08, 2010 ―

Spicy Not Tuna Wraps

 Members Only, Main & Side Dishes, Wraps

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ This creation came about when I had some leftover ingredients in the fridge.  I had some corn wraps already made up along with some leftover Not Tuna and presto! In the picture above I took the wraps and softened them but passing them under… read more »

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closeup flax seeds in a wooden bowl

― January 27, 2010 ―

Flax Seeds | Ground and Soaked

Homemade Flours | Free, Ingredient Directory, Soaking Nuts, Seeds and Grains

Flax Seeds Flax seeds… touted for their amazing nutrients, are also known as the “holy binder” of raw foods. So what makes them so magical when it comes to using them in recipes? For being such a tiny, itty bitty seed, it has an outer hull consisting of five layers.… read more »