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Almond Raspberry Porridge

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Would it be silly to admit that this breakfast porridge was inspired by a dishtowel?  I am afraid that I have to own up to such a thing. If you quickly scroll to the second photo, you will spot a dishtowel featured in the picture.… read more »

Coconut Jicama Rice stuffed Jackfruit Pods

making vegan raw Coconut Jicama Rice stuffed Jackfruit

One of the pleasures of home cooking is discovering that favorite, longed-for foods are not so out of reach, after all… even if they need to be sugar-free, raw, grain-free, and dairy-free.

Date Paste

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Date Paste is a wonderful natural sweetener and alternative to regular table sugar and even agave due to its fiber content and other nutritional values. Date paste is an alluring sweetener with all the qualities of sugar without any loss of flavor and other… read more »

Porridge Topping Ideas | Per Serving

Do you ever find yourself eating the same topping on your porridge over and over…day in, day out? It’s easy to get stuck in a rut. Been there, done that, the T-shirt never came as promised. In today’s post, I will be sharing some ideas with you…just enough to get… read more »

Cranberry Gingerbread Cookies | Raw & Baked Option

I thought as soon as the holidays passed that my cravings for all things gingerbread would pass, too. Boy, was I wrong.  Every day I walked around in the kitchen, opening the fridge, freezer, pantry doors (multiple times), searching for “that” flavor to satisfy me. At first, I tried other… read more »

Pumpkin Spice Caramel Sauce + 2 Drink Recipes

Ready to satiate your fall cravings? This Pumpkin Caramel Sauce can be enjoyed in so many ways. You can drizzle the sauce over waffles or pancakes, use it as an ice cream topping, add to ciders or smoothies… just to name a few fall inspirational ideas. Oh, and how about… read more »

Fresh Salad with Chunky Potato Salad | Plates of Inspiration

A salad is a salad, but potato salad…that’s something I might arm wrestle over. I am over the moon in love with this bowl of Chunky Potato Salad. I was excited for breakfast, but I was pacing the floor waiting for lunch to roll around. Growing up, I would spend… read more »

How to make a Warm Eye Compress

If you have been diagnosed with Meibomian gland dysfunction, blepharitis, dry eye, or any other irritating eye disorder, applying warm compresses is a very common part of therapy.

Sugar Cookies


Sugar Cookies – raw, vegan, gluten-free, grain-free – I find sugar cookies to be so completely comforting and very personal.  For me, this is because people all over the world can use the same basic recipe and yet they all come out so very unique. Kids and adults both enjoy… read more »

Waltz Across Heaven

Good morning, as I sit here, it feels like Christmas was months ago, yet it’s only been five days! It’s been a long week, a good one, but a long one. Whether you celebrate the holidays or not, whether they are filled with family or not, I hope you found… read more »

Flavor Balancing and How to Fix a Recipe

Raw Food Diet

Despite what’s often a popular opinion, healthy cooking can be full of flavor. Not so-so flavor, but the lip-smacking, dream-about-it-all-day kind. I’m just as interested in making meals satisfying and delicious as I am in making them nutritious. That’s why I carefully craft the flavors in my recipes, designing them from the… read more »

Juicing with a Blender


So, I heard through the grapevine that you want to start making your own fresh juices, but buying a juicer isn’t part of your current budget plan. Not a problem, I have a solution. A good blender makes an excellent alternative to juicers until you can afford one. Blender juicing… read more »

Blender Juicing (I can’t afford a juicer)


A good blender makes an excellent alternative to juicers until you can afford one. Blender juicing works best with juicier fruits, such as peaches, apricots, pears, grapes, berries, and oranges. If you own a high-powered blender such as the Vitamix or Blendtec… then you will have a better chance pulverizing the heck out of firmer fruits and veggies, which will provide you with a smoother juice.

Benefits of Cooking some Vegetables

There are some whole foods that just flat out shouldn’t be consumed raw, but there are others that have increased benefits when eaten cooked. That’s not to say that you have decided whether or not you eat them raw or cooked, it’s more about adding more options to your daily menu as well as optimizing some nutrients. 

Hemp Seeds – Super Tricky to Harvest

So what exactly is hemp, and how is it different from the psychoactive form of cannabis that we consume medicinally and recreationally? Ever been curious about that? If so, click on the link above and come more about this superfood!

Butterfly Espresso Buttercream Chocolate Cake

The butterfly is a symbol of; time, growth, expansion, lightness, surrender, transition, expression, celebration, and resurrection. Why not apply these concepts to our journey as we travel through life?

Peanut Butter Tootsie Chews

If you are a peanut butter lover, you’re then the reason why I made this candy recipe! So as a peanut butter lover, we need to sit down and talk about the type of peanut butter that I used.

Sassy Cinnamon Tootsie Chews

Cinnamon oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) is very effective for indigestion, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea and flatulence.

Being Prepared for Unexpected Guests (the importance of slowing down)

Good day, Health Seekers… how is everyone doing? It’s so hard to let it soak in that school has started for most kids, and Sept. is peeking at us just around the corner! We found out that we will have some (welcomed) unexpected guests with us for 3-4 days. I… read more »

#2 – Organizing Spices (storage ideas)

Keeping your spices organized and fresh makes all the difference in how you function in the kitchen and the flavor of the food you prepare. So we don’t want to ignore this topic or task. Once you have tackled this, it will help you save time in the kitchen.

Key Lime Pie

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free~ This pie is a true, mouth-watering dessert! Ever since I have known Bob, he has been on the hunt for the “perfect” key lime pie. Most fall short of his expectations until this glorious recipe came along. Perfection Achieved! Perfection is a strong word to use;… read more »

My Favorite Plant Pot | Wallygro!

I never thought that I could fall in love with a plant pot, but I did. It’s a true love story. I can’t recall how I stumbled upon WallyGro.com, but thank goodness I did! I had been doing some research on plant pots that could hang on the wall, since… read more »

My Living Indoor Houseplant Wall

When it comes to creativity, I find that just about anything can become an “art medium.” For instance, the recipes I develop are edible pieces of art, flat pieces of fabric become three-dimensional objects, when I dabble with paint, I can literally transform a space–and now, I have houseplants to… read more »

#4 – How to “Warm” up when Eating Raw

Do you eat a high raw diet or are you possibly 100% raw?  If so, you might understand what I am about to share.  When I first learned about the raw food diet, I went 100% raw overnight while I was living in Alaska and of course, I started my new adventure as Fall was quickly approaching.

Curry Spiced Macadamia Nuts

 ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, grain-free~ These Curry Spiced Macadamia Nuts are great to have on hand for quick, healthy snacks. Though some people are afraid of their high-fat content, it’s good to know that the fats in macadamia nuts actually have many health benefits. They are a concentrated source of monounsaturated fat… read more »