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Red Velvet Cupcakes

Cupcakes are just personal, single serving cakes waiting to be loved, appreciated and devoured.

Macadamia Nut Ice Cream with Candied Pecans

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ After making the Macadamia Nut Cream Base, I pulled it out of the fridge and sat the jar down on the table.  I pulled up a chair and got eye-to-eye with the jar.  I was staring it down, contemplating on just what masterpiece that I wanted to… read more »

Cashew Fruit

Raw cashews and how to use them in raw vegan recipes

Have you ever wondered where cashews came from? Have you just assumed throughout life that they grow on trees in a shell much like an almond or walnut? I did. I now find it so odd how “we” are NOT totally engrossed in knowing where our food comes from… other than the grocery store.

How quickly things can change …

Raw Food Diet

Good morning, afternoon, or evening (whenever this message is reaching you). I wanted to give you a little site and life update. Currently, I am silently sitting beside my dad as he drifts in and out of sleep due recovering from his quadruple bypass surgery. Everything happened so quickly once I received… read more »

Ginger Peach Ice Cream with Honey Ginger Chocolate Fudge Nuggets

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, grain-free ~ Ginger Peach Ice Cream with Honey Ginger Chocolate Fudge Nuggets… well if that isn’t a mouthful (no pun intended). When all was said and done, I still couldn’t decide what to call it.  I wanted the name to reach out and grab you, to… read more »

Guava Fruit – Move over Apples

How yellow guava grows and raw guava in vegan diets

Just like most fruits, there are dozens of varieties of guavas being grown in the world today. They can be round, oval, or pear-shaped, and the skin color may range from green to yellow.

Jicama – A Root with Eleven Names

how to grow, use, and cook with jicama

Do you have a nickname for yourself? Or perhaps, someone else “gifted” you with one? I have three… But jicama! Dang, it has 11 names. Come learn more about this wonderful vegetable.

Cultured Fudgesicles

I believe that fudgesicles can be a healthy part of our diet, but in order for that to be true, we must concentrate on the ingredients that we choose. This recipe is raw, vegan, and cultured. Supercharged with probiotics! For the base, I used my Cultured Almond Milk, which is… read more »

Avocado (fat replacer, emulsifier)

Raw Food Diet - How to Use Avocados in Nouveau Raw recipes

Avocado Avocado facts: Avocado is a fatty fruit with a creamy consistency. Avocados contain high quality essential fatty acids and proteins that are easily digested. Because of their low sugar content and absence of starch, avocados are excellent for diabetics or sugar-sensitive disorders. This fruit contains vitamins A, B1, B2,… read more »

Pecans and How They Grow (300 years of growth)

raw food diet, how to grow pecans

Did you know that there are over 500 different types of pecans? But out of all of those, the majority of pecan production comes from just a handful of varieties.

Blueberry Lemon Frosting Ice Lolly

For my friends in the United Kingdom and Ireland, I hereby name this frozen treat an ice lolly.  It’s just another name for popsicle basically but with a twist of sophistication.  And visually… these ice lollies appear bit more grown up to me. If you are ready to shower your insides when a delicious and nutritious summer treat, then click on the recipe link and give this recipe a try. Blessings, amie sue

Raspberry Tootsie Chews

These raspberry chews have a wonderful balance between sweet and tangy… just enough tang to make the back of your cheeks squirt.

Cardamon Orange Hazelnut Biscuit with Orange Butter Glaze

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ I need to start off with an apology… I forgot to count how many biscuits this recipe made.  I am guilty.  So sorry… I promise to do better in the future… have I groveled enough?  Forgive me? :)  I can tell you though that it… read more »

Paradise Sweet Almond Fruit Leather

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Today, I am going to feature the mango.  I never grew up eating this fruit, and I am estimating that it was about eight years ago when these blessed fruits came into my life. The outer skin is smooth and is green in un-ripe… read more »

Spicy Cheese Broccoli Nibblers

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Update:  I have been doing some “Spring cleaning (in the winter)” in the Nouveau Raw library of recipes, and I found this one that I created almost 2 years ago but failed to share! Mercy Amie Sue, where are your manners?!  I just can’t keep… read more »

Chocolate Banana Personal “Pizza” Fruit Leather

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ This recipe is an excellent way to spend some fun time in the kitchen with kids.  Even if you don’t have any children, this is still a lot of fun to make.  There are endless possibilities for toppings that you can use on this dessert-style… read more »

Vanilla Bean and Blackberry Zebra Cheesecake

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Did you know that food can actually become an art medium? If you don’t have the natural ability to paint like Bob Ross, sew a quilt like the little church ladies down the road, or perhaps you freeze when asked to draw a stick person…… read more »

Peach and Mandarin Orange Julius

Raw Food Diet

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ There are moments in life that you will never forget. I was working at a local drugstore when I heard the entry door chime.  I looked up to see a tall, thin, man wearing bibbed overalls. Not a common site where I lived.  His skin… read more »

Dehydrated Persimmons

Dehydrating persimmons

Dried Fuyu Persimmons ~ raw, dehydrated ~ I have learned a lot about persimmons through my experimentation with them.  For starters did you know that persimmons are classified as a berry? Also, as I was slicing the persimmons on the mandolin to make thin slices, I noticed that only two… read more »

Oat Sprouts

How to Sprout Oats

Sprouted grains activate enzymes which begin breaking down the nutrients in the seed making digestion easier. Sprouting can also reduce the potential for allergy responses to grains. Sprouting Naked Oats is a simple process that takes only water and patience.

Strawberry Almond Crunch Fruit Leather

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Let’s talk about pampering… pampering you!  I believe that we all ought to indulge in life and if you’re going to indulge, why not do so with the best?  Give yourself the gift of love and let your actions speak louder than your words.  … read more »

Lemon Coconut Cream Icing

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ This icing wears many “hats” when it comes to its full potential. For starters, it makes for a quick, easy, and tasty icing that is perfect for drizzling over raw pastries.  This would be divine over my Carrot Apricot Scones. It would also be wonderful… read more »

Pearmelon Fruit Leather

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Pearmelon… say it really fast with a French accent… don’t think of it as pears and melon….just pearmelon!   It kind of just rolls off the tongue, don’t you think?! Did you know that cantaloupe is a type of melon that belongs to the… read more »

Strawberries n’ Cream Fruit Dip

Strawberries n’Cream Fruit Dip  raw / vegan / gluten-free This light and refreshing fruit dip pairs wonderfully with any season’s fruit.  In fact, this recipe could and can be enjoyed in several ways.  #1 – fruit dip.  #2 – as a pudding. #3 – freeze it in popsicle molds. #4… read more »

Sun-Dried and Black Olive Loaf

The deep richness of the sun-dried tomatoes, coupled with the salty pockets of olives, came together with gentle hints of Italian seasonings and the earthiness of rosemary.