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Peanut Butter Cookies | Raw and Baked Option

vegan gluten-free peanut butter cookies raw or baked option

These vegan, gluten-free peanut butter cookies take on a healthified twist from the classic cookie your grandma would make. They are thick, soft, crunchy, and chewy–but most of all they are rich, sweet, and have that all-time favorite peanutty flavor. Every recipe collection needs a great peanut butter cookie. And… read more »

Sun-Dried Tomato and Olive Focaccia Bread | Baked | Vegan | Gluten-Free | Flour-Free

This focaccia bread is delightfully chewy, soft, and packed full of flavor. If you are unfamiliar with this style of bread, it is a flat oven-baked Italian bread similar in style and texture to pizza; in some places, it is called “pizza bianca.” It can be served as a side… read more »

Oat & Buckwheat Homemade Dinner Rolls | Gluten-Free | Vegan | Nut-Free

vegan gluten-free nut-free oil-free flour-free oat and buckwheat dinner rolls

These quick-mix homemade dinner rolls were the answer to a prayer after creating a large pot of vegetable soup. Who here loves to dip their bread into a bowl of warm soup? Raise your hand, please. I see you. Did you know that the proper way to eat soup at… read more »

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies | Raw and Baked Option

raw and baked options for vegan gluten-free oatmeal raisin cookies

Soft and chewy, with that trademark homemade flavor…these Oatmeal Raisin Cookies turned out perfectly. There’s something magical about their chewy texture, soft centers, plump raisins, and cinnamon flavor.  Your family will love these easy gluten-free, vegan, nut-free, oil-free cookies, which are wholesome-tasting, and downright tummy-tickling-comforting. This morning I woke up… read more »

Tigernut Chocolate Chip Doughnuts | Baked | Grain-Free | Nut-Free

Tigernut Chocolate Chip Doughnuts vegan gluten-free nut-free grain-free oil-free

Looking for a vegan doughnut recipe without guilt, yeast, gluten, nuts, grains, or oil? Boy, I hope so, because that is what I have prepared for you. Despite what’s NOT in them, I promise you these doughnuts are an absolute delight for everyone! In fact, they actually have an impressive… read more »

Oatmeal Buckwheat Porridge | Instant Pot | Stovetop

Recipes are all about combining ingredients to make wholesome, delicious, and nutritious dishes. Some stand alone, such as oats, rice, grits, and so forth. Of course, we typically add other ingredients to suit our taste buds, but I also like to combine base ingredients to enhance the nutritional value. No… read more »

Almond Blueberry Muffins | Baked | Oil-Free | Flour-Free

vegan gluten-free flour-free Almond Blueberry Muffins

The moment these muffins started baking in the oven, I immediately wanted to jump back into my jammies, glide my tippytoes into my favorite fuzzy slippers, and shake my brushed hair back into a frightful state. The aroma was quite heavenly. A smile spread across my lips as waltzed around… read more »

My Eye Health – Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

Do you ever have those moments in life where you are to the point to where you think that you just can’t handle one more thing… especially when it comes to your health? For several years, I have been battling some pretty serious health issues. Each one was pulling and… read more »

Samson Silent Dehydrator Review

Today, I would like to share a product review for the Samson Silent Dehydrator. First off, I was not approached by Samson to review their product. Bob and I have been remodeling our studio kitchen, and one of the key features that I desired for this space was QUIETNESS. This… read more »

#1 – What is R.A.W. (Real, Alive, Whole)

The definition of “raw” is R.A.W. — Real, Alive and Whole.
Whole foods are found in nature, only have one ingredient, and it hasn’t been processed. Whether you decide to eat a raw diet, cooked diet, or (what I recommend) a diet infused with both worlds… whole foods are key.

Important Changes Taking Place on NouveauRaw

Hello there, my loyal readers, If you are long-time follower of NouveauRaw, you may have noticed a few changes that we have made this summer. First of all, we finally, after eight years, have an official NouveauRaw logo!! That may not seem all that exciting but any of you who have… read more »

Fight Food Waste – How to Store Produce

Start off on the right foot after purchasing the ripest, freshest produce. Below is a list of fruits and veggies that I put together. I realize that I hardly scratched the surface, especially for those of you who live in other countries. Use the “best by” time frames as suggestions. The timing will be determined by how fresh and ripe they are once you bring them home.

Cinnamon Almond Butter Cereal

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ If you know me or at least have read some of my breakfast cereal posts, you will see that I am a sucker for a bowl of crunchy cereal, well actually any cereal. Especially the kind where you make a nest in the corner of the couch, bundled up in… read more »

Bread Recipe Template for RAW Recipes

A clean take on creating and enjoying raw, gluten-free alternatives   To say that I am a bread lover is an understatement. The ONLY bread that I don’t like is bread with mold on it. That’s a game-changer for me. ;) Throughout the years as I embarked upon a healthier… read more »

Vegan Sushi Roll | Cooked | Untraditional BUT Delicious

Are you feeling the need to up your culinary exploration? If so, today’s recipe might help inspire you to think outside the “sushi roll” by using everyday ingredients lurking in your kitchen. Roughly one week ago, Bob asked if I could make some vegan sushi for him. Usually, he enjoys… read more »

Caring for Houseplants | My Routine

The common houseplant is a great way to add life to your home with relatively little maintenance. BUT (isn’t there always a “but”?) you may be surprised to learn that grooming your houseplants can be one of the most time-consuming parts of caring for them, and with good reason. Proper… read more »

Sugar Free Almond White Chocolate Bar

~ high-raw, sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan ~ I am sure that most of you don’t need to be told how to enjoy chocolate, but I want to create a transcendent experience for you. That’s just the kind of gal that I am. :) Put the chocolate in your mouth. You may… read more »

Baked Italian Corn Fries with Marinara Dipping Sauce | Oil-Free

I love all the amazing things you can do with thick, shapeable, structured Italian cornmeal (polenta). Don’t get me wrong, I love a hearty, satisfying, freshly cooked soft polenta with its porridge-like spirit, but I am never satisfied with leaving a dish as-is, where’s the fun in that?  These fries… read more »

Free Recipes and Techniques

A passion for plant-based food is not just in the eating or even in the preparation; it is also in the sharing.  My goal is simple… to inspire and enhance your cooking experience by sharing my passion for healthy eating through recipes, tips, and techniques. If you are viewing this section… it tells me… read more »

Spicy Onion Rings

Raw, Vegan, and Gluten-free Spicy Onion Rings

Spicy Onion Rings ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free ~ Spicy Onion Rings are a guilt-free snack. Raw, vegan, and gluten-free!  Pure comfort food! And sometimes we just need a little extra comfort in life. I have to admit that this rainy summer is getting to me, but not so much in… read more »

Black Bean and Mushroom Burger

~ vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ Just in case you have been on the search for a burger that contains: iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, fiber, folate, vitamin B6, selenium, potassium, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin D, and more… there is no need to look further.   In this recipe, I… read more »

Cookie Dough Candy Bar

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, sugar-free ~ I almost feel silly posting such a simple recipe but I needed an excuse so I could post my photos somewhere.  :)  I made this up the other day and I will be darned if I didn’t create yet another love! I have… read more »

Soft “Buttery” Flatbread

Raw Food Diet

  – raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free – You know that saying, “If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again”? Well, I tried, tried, tried, and then tried again! Yessiree Bob, it took me four tries to nail this recipe. I wasn’t aiming for perfection, but pretty darn close. This… read more »

Watermelon Bliss Coconut Crackers

~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free ~ I know what your thinking… watermelon? In a cracker?  As my sister would say, “IKR?” (I know right?)  I will admit, even I scratched my own head when I dreamed up this light, crunchy, sturdy, airy cracker.   But I love watermelon and would… read more »

Homemade Nut Milk

homemade almond milk in pretty glass pitchers

Homemade Nut Milk ~ raw, vegan, gluten-free, Paleo ~ It has been interesting to watch the craze out in the market regarding milk substitutes.  Even quick stores are carrying nut, rice, and soy milks.  They are pasteurized of course but none the less everyone is becoming more aware of milk… read more »