Agar (thickener)

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Agar is a gelling agent extracted from red algae. It is commonly used to stabilize foams (talking culinary gastronomy here) and to thicken or gel liquids.
It doesn’t mirror gelatin 100%, but it’s a great vegan substitution if you are looking for one. And interestingly enough, it is derived from red algae.
Truthfully, the stuff scared me. I didn’t understand what it was, why it was used, or most of all… how to use it in my home kitchen. It seems as though it belonged in a chemistry lab! But after using it a few times and learning just how easy and fun it was to work with, I felt silly that I allowed a little white powder to frighten me so.
Health Benefits
Agar has some great health benefits, even though it isn’t a raw product. It is a good source of calcium and iron and is very high in fiber (water-soluble, indigestible fiber). In the digestive tract, it absorbs water, increases bulk, and stimulates large bowel muscle contractions. One of agar’s most common therapeutic use has been as a laxative, and it has been used for decades as a daily treatment for chronic constipation.
As it travels through the body, helping with cleaning the pipes… is known for its ability to aid in digestion as well as carrying out the toxic waste out of the body. It can also help to reduce inflammation, calm the liver, and bring relief to the lungs. Pretty amazing stuff. And here I thought it was just some odd thickener that you only read about, but never had in the kitchen pantry.
How to use Agar
- Agar is an excellent Vegan replacement for gelatin, which is derived from animal hooves. But don’t expect the same results when replacing gelatin with agar in a recipe. It won’t give the same texture. Agar gives a firmer texture. Plus, it is much more powerful than gelatin: 1 teaspoon agar powder is equivalent to 8 teaspoon gelatin powder.
- Agar has no taste, no odor, and no color. It sets more firmly than gelatin and stays firm even when the temperature heats up. The melting point is around 185 degrees (F).
- Agar can be very firm on its own. Combining it with other thickeners such as lecithin and / or Irish moss can make it more delicate.
- Acidic foods (such as lemon or pineapple juice) can interfere with the gelling of Agar, so you may need to increase its volume.
- The most important thing to know is that agar needs to be first dissolved in hot/boiling water or another liquid. It sets as the ingredients cool down, and it doesn’t take long!
Agar – Flake & Powder Form
Agar comes in the form of flakes and powder.
- 1 Tbsp agar flakes = 1/2 tsp agar powder
- 2 Tbsp agar flakes = 1 tsp agar powder
- 4 Tbsp agar flakes = 2 tsp agar powder
- 8 Tbsp agar flakes = 4 tsp agar powder
- 1 tsp agar powder = 2 grams
Formula to gel 2 cups of liquid using agar powder:
- 1 tsp agar powder
- 1 cup liquid
- Soak in 1 cup of liquid for several minutes and then simmer for a couple of minutes until it dissolves.
- For agar to hydrate correctly, it has to be brought to a boil for 3 to 5 minutes.
- Pour the liquid into molds and let it sit at room temperature.
Can you mix agar agar flakes with almondmilk in a vita-mix to make a pudding? If so, how much? THanks
Good question, I have no idea Chris. Never tried it before. I would use Irish moss or chia seeds (ground in spice grinder).
Do In cool& refrigerate agar agar before mixing it into recipe?
I never have Lyeta.
I want to prepare my own agar powder and flakes from raw agar. How do I go about it? Are there books that can help me with it? Thanks.
Good morning Shirley… I have no idea about finding a book just on agar agar. I would think something like that exists in this world of knowledge. Try googling it. :)
Hope I don’t sound too silly here. Agar agar is expensive stuff and this is new terrain for me. I have flakes, so after step 1 will I have 1 cup of gel? The additional liquid mentioned in step 2, is that to create a looser gel, before adding to a recipe? Or is the 1 cup of agar gel the recommended amount to thicken 1 cup of liquid in a recipe. And lastly, how much of the basic agar gel is needed to substitute in a recipe calling for Irish moss gel? Thank you so much for clairfying this.
Ok Naomi, give me minute to think this through, I just wanted you to know that I here. :) brb
Ok Naomi… go back over to the recipe for the cake.. and look in the comment section. I wrote it up for you there so you didn’t have to bounce back and forth. I tried to simplify it for you. :)
Interesting, agar-agar is called ‘sea-moss’ here. It’ll be cheaper for me to find a way to use the type we have here…..I remember growing up they soaked it in hot water as well……I’ll let you know how it turns out in taste.
Do you know how I can be assured it is still raw – looks like a thickened kelp noodle.
Hello Nicole… I am trailing behind you throughout my site. hehe :)
What is the name of the sea weed that you are referring to? Irish moss? I need more info to help. :) amie sue
could I use the kelp noodle gel you talk about in another place here on your site?
Good morning Kathryn,
Not in all recipes. It will depend on each individual recipe based on the roll and texture that is being desired. If you have a particular recipe, let me know and I can look at it. Kelp paste or Irish moss paste doesn’t set up like agar at all, but if used as a thickener it might. Sorry to be vague but there isn’t a black and white answer. Have a happy day, amie sue
What would I use to keep liquid out of my vegie chic salad?
Hello Hans… what is a vegie chic salad?
Hi Amie,
After you pour the liquid into the molds and let it thicken, how do you use it? Does it become like a gel or it thickens a lot? I am curious on how to use it once it’s thick (if I can mix it further with other ingredients.)
Also, how long can it be kept? Refrigerated?
Thanks :)
Hello Kina,
Agar is used in conjunction with other ingredients. For instance, my Leek and Herb Cheese Please look through that recipe to see how it is added to a recipe. For more recipes with agar type “agar” into the search box on the left side of the site menu and it will bring up all the recipes that I use it in.
I hope this helps, amie sue
Thank you so much, I will do so. I just got my hands on Irish moss too (for the first time) so I will be playing with these two ingredients. Thanks for your recipes!
You will have a lot fun exploring these ingredients. Keep me posted on your adventures. :) amie sue
It is fun! I actually did your egg recipe with agar and it turned out good! Today I made a cashew cheese but I used the Irish moss instead (after succeeding to make the gel!). Pretty good! I am not sure you can see but here is a link to the image of the cheese I posted on instagram:
Thanks :)
Awesome, you go girl :) Looking good and hoping it is tasting good! hehe Thank you for keeping me posted on how it turned out. Have a wonderful weekend. amie sue
Thanks! It tasted awesome yes! Have a wonderful week-end too :)
My main concern with using Agar is that it is from Japan and with all the radiation from Fukushima leaking into the ocean, it makes me very hesitant to use it. Has anyone discovered another ingredient besides carrageenan to help harden cheeses? Thanks!!
I would suggest Irish moss Tim, but that too comes from the ocean. Agar creates a unique vegan texture for “cheeses”. There are other products such as gelatins, but they are not vegan. I have other cheese recipes on my site that don’t require agar but the texture is very different. Have a wonderful day, amie sue
Hello Is it possible to store chocolate mousse, thanks
In the fridge it should last 2-5 days. Depends on the recipe and what’s all in it. Blessings and have a great weekend Pascal. amie sue
how much do I use of agar powder to make it a laxative-1 tsp.??? and do I have to boil it first.
Thank you!
Hello Karen,
You read how to use in that manner here: I would also Google a little bit about it or talk to your health practitioner. Blessings, amie sue
here I use it, once the frost is done, I add to a more liquid ingredients to thicken it. Where in a compacte of raw fruit, which tends to render juice, mixing it with the blend with the agar agar jelly, this gives me, a nice cream of fruit whose color is not modified, is delicious …
Sorry, my English is bad
That sounds really neat Bosha. If I read this right, you make a agar agar jelly and add it to recipes as needed. Is that right? :)
Is agar similar to carageenan?
They react differently in recipes. Both are forms of seaweed though. Carrageenan gum is derived from Irish moss.
You can read about Irish Moss here:
blessings, amie sue