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Introducing Oldfather Farms Raw Food Manufacturing Company

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A lot has been going on behind the scenes of Nouveau Raw so I thought it was about time to bring you, my good readers, up to speed.  For quite a while now, we have had the dream of creating our own raw food manufacturing company.  Getting there has has been quite an amazing journey to say the least.  We have had many distractions with our other business (Bookmans, based in Arizona), Bob and I relocating to Hood River, Oregon, buying a orchard there, let alone the day to day of life. :)  But during all of this, we were taking small steps in preparation.  Everything in due time, I guess.

But it is now official.  Oldfather Farms™ is now a legit raw food manufacturing company!  We have a licensed raw food kitchen, a logo, business cards, wholesale accounts to buy ingredients, and packaging materials.  And of course recipes in place.


On October 23rd we delivered our first product, which is now being sold in one of Hood River’s finest coffee shops … Doppio Coffee and Lounge.  For the past year or so, I have been taking them “raw food tastings” to get feedback on my creations.  Plus, they are just so cool down there, that I love to share goodies with them, just because.   So, if you live in the area or if you pass through Hood River, be sure to stop in there and order a Raw Dark Chocolate Ganache Brownie (spiced with black pepper and cayenne).  They have a full menu of delicious foods and pull amazing espressos, if that is your thing.  If not, they make great smoothies and even have kombucha on tap!

This is going to be exciting new chapter in our lives and I have to say that I couldn’t have done this without you and my adoring husband, Bob.  You may be asking yourself, “Me?”… yes you.  You have all become part of my extended family, and a wonderful support system.  Just by being “here” you inspire me to continue to share my passion, and this is the next step.  Don’t worry though, Nouveau Raw isn’t going anywhere!  I will always be creating recipes and sharing them with you.  :)

So, again Bob and I thank you for being a part of this journey, and hang on it should be quite a ride. :)

Much love,

Amie Sue

153 thoughts on “Introducing Oldfather Farms Raw Food Manufacturing Company

  1. Renee says:

    Aime Sue and Bob,

    What can I say except that you two had to be up to something!! :) Seriously it is wonderful since more people need to eat your food. So many people just can’t make this life style happen.

    Can’t wait to see Oldfather in a local store!

    Your distant cousin!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Renee. I really look forward in seeing how this rolls out. Exciting times, exciting times. :) Do I have a distant cousin that I don’t know about?? hehe amie sue

  2. Teresa Shammas says:

    Congratulations!!! You hit the ground running at full speed. Thanks for your generosity in continuing to share your wonderful creations.

  3. Sweet Faery says:

    I discovered your blog not so long ago and I find your recipes incredibly innovative and amazing. You really inspire me and this is how raw food diet should always taste like! Long live your company! Best wishes from France :-)

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Sweet Faery :) I am so happy that you found my site. Enjoy and please keep in touch. Have a blessed weekend in France :) amie sue

  4. Heidi says:

    Amie Sue,

    I am so proud of you!!! This is really amazing and I hope to meet you in 2014!!!!

    Greetings from Germany

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you so much Heidi. I hope we can work it out as well. Just keep in touch with me. Great things are happening. :) hugs

  5. Janis says:

    Congratulations. You are very creative, informative and inspiring, thank you for sharing your wonderful creations. Love from Queensland Aus.

    • amie-sue says:

      Bows* Thank you Janis. It is my greatest joy and pleasure to share with you all that I have and continue to learn. :) amie sue

  6. Mary says:

    Well if anyone can succeed, it will be you. Your raw food is absolutely amazing. Your innovative, mouth watering creations and wonderful presentation are a credit to you. If I was closer I’d be buying it. You’re so imaginative and extremely gifted!
    God’s blessings on your exciting new venture, and once again….lucky Bob!! That other to swop places is still there if Bob wants to leave the cold and step into some beautiful warm weather, hehe!

    • amie-sue says:

      lol Mary… I will ask Bob if he is ready yet, but I am guessing he might be happy right were he is. hehe. Your so sweet.

      I appreciate your vote of confidence. Your support means a lot to me. This is an exciting and scary adventure. I am so thankful to you guys as a support team. I hope we can figure out how to ship over seas. :) I will keep you posted. Have a great day. amie sue

  7. Aspasia says:

    CONGRATS!! I am so happy for you! I wish you all the best. Thanks for caring :)

  8. Idapie says:

    Congratz! Thats awesome! And the brownies look scrumptious :)
    And kombucha on tap! I take my hat off for that! So cool :)

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Idapie,

      Thank you very much. Kombucha on tap… cool huh?! Bob and I really enjoy that little cafe. They really seem to care about providing the community with healthier eating and drinking options.

      Have a great weekend and keep in touch. amie sue

  9. Jenny says:

    Congratulations on your new venue. I always look forward your emails dropping into my inbox. I wish you could send your raw food creations all the way to Australia! I guess I’ll just have to make do with ‘cooking’ some of your recipes!

    • amie-sue says:

      Howdy Jenny… well you keep making the recipes and in the meantime, we are checking into what it would take to mail things to your side of the world. I will keep you posted. This is a new and exciting adventure. It will be fun to see how it unfolds and were it will take us in our journey. It blesses me to have you here. amie sue

  10. Lena says:

    Congratulation! It’s a big thing and I’m happy you were able to make your dream come true. Good luck!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Lena… when a person lives out their passion in life, dreams do come true. I am not sure how my dreams ends, I think I will keep open ended and see were it takes us. hehe Blessings, amie sue

  11. Jand says:

    I am so excited for you and Bob living your passion! . . . you inspire all of us. We really appreciate you and your commitment to your ‘extended family’ sharing with us yourself, your recipes, techniques and knowledge!

  12. Gwendolyn says:

    Dear Sue, what an exciting journey you and Bob have undertaken! Congrats! I am convinced that Oldfather Farm will be a fantastic thriving success! Please keep us posted, you are such an inspiration!

  13. Ely Lè says:

    Congratulation, dear Amy Sue, you are so creative and bravo from Paris!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Ely. So great to be hearing from all of you who are from around the world. One has to admit that the Internet is pretty in awesome in how it allows us all to connect. :) Many blessings, amie sue

  14. Jacob Carstens says:

    Wow – congrats…:-)
    I wish you the best of luck from Denmark.. and keep those fab recipes coming…
    Id love to see some of your products over here – but Copenhagen is SO far away from Hood River, Oregon. But stranger thinks have happened – head chef Arnaud Hauchon, at my favorite vegan/RAW restaurant “Firefly Garden” used to work in San Francisco´s best vegetarian restaurants; Millennium and Greens…
    Love Jacob

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Mr. Jacob. :)

      I just love hearing where every one is from… Denmark? So awesome. I haven’t had the opportunity to visit that neck of the woods yet in my life, but one never knows… I might have to hand deliver some product to you all?! haha. It was wonderful to hear from. Have a wonderful evening… amie sue

  15. Kelly says:

    Dear Amie-Sue (&Bob!)

    I discovered you and your website just a few weeks ago from a friend (I silently thank her every day!)

    I absolutely love your recipes and am working my way through many of them. In fact last weekend we had a raw potluck dinner party here in the UK and many of the dishes I made were courtesy of your website. 2 of the many favourites were your Cashew Cheese with Rind and the Veggie Flax Crackers and one of my friends made the Marinated Broccoli & Mushroom Stir-Fry.

    Your Honey Oat Bread is to die for (seriously addictive!)- I’m planning a busy weekend making Almond Cheese and some more raw bread!

    Thank you so much for being here and giving us all the chance to enjoy your amazing creative talent.

    Love & Blessings
    Kelly xx

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Kelly,

      I am soo happy to have you hear, visiting my site. I shall silently thank your friend too. :)

      So thrilled to hear that you are enjoying the recipes. Please do keep in touch, I love hearing from you all. I agree, the raw breads are addictive. Many blessings and I hope you have a fun time in the kitchen. amie sue

  16. villarosa says:

    So proud of you! Just wish you could mail order so we could all enjoy your creations! Have you thought of doing mail order?? Thanks for all you share with us!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hi there Villarosa… Thank you so much. We are already working on sending out the first product in the mail for all of you interested. I will keep you all posted through my site, but aiming for some time in November. :) amie sue

  17. Eric says:

    We are so happy with Nouveau Raw.
    This website is really the best.
    It inspire me very much.
    and we are sure many people really like your food.
    Thank you from Holland


    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Eric, I really appreciate what you shared. It means a lot. Holland! I need to visit it there one day. It’s on the list of places to see. :) Have a great day, amie sue

  18. Nancy Dezotelle says:

    Oh how I wish I lived closer, do you think you will ever ship? Good luck, I love your recipes, I recently had major surgery so I won’t be trying anything for some time. Thank you Nancy

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Nancy,

      To start off we plan on shipping. Stay tuned, I will keep you posted. :) I hope that you are doing ok… sending you quick healing energy! amie sue

  19. Claire says:

    You are a wonderful and generous person to share all of this with us.Thank you Amie-sue! Congratulations!!!!!

  20. Karine says:

    Dear Sue,

    I wish you succes with ‘Oldfather Farms’ and I am pleased to read you will continue sharing your recepies with us. Thanks !

    Kind regards,

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Karine. I will always be creating recipes, and it is always my heart to share so you can’t get rid of me that easy. hehe amie sue

  21. Libby says:

    So. Very. Cool. I’ve always thought you are amazing, however this is fantabulous! Love the logo also. Proud of you!

  22. Shari says:

    I have always wanted to comment on your recipes, but was too shy. You make everyday like Christmas! So thank you for that :) I am so excited for you for this new venture. I am just sorry I don’t live in Oregon! But who knows, maybe you’ll branch out into mail order. I wish you an amazing and prosperous journey and thank you for sharing all that you do with us. You are truly amazing.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Shari, I am sorry that you felt to shy. I would love to hear from you so please keep in touch. :) Thank you so much for all your kind words, I really appreciate them. We will be starting off by selling on-line our first packaged food, hopefully in November. I shall keep you all posted. Where do you live, if you don’t mind me asking.

      Have a wonderful evening Shari. amie sue

  23. LoneK says:

    Congrats Amie-Sue!! It’s not all of us who get to live a dream so my hat is off to you!! Thanks so much for all your contributions on this fabulous site of yours and huge WAVE from Vancouver Island!! :) I sure hope I can get down to taste your goodies next summer! :)

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello LoneK, Thank you so much. We love Vancouver! We stayed in Victoria for a month and drove over to you area a few times. Big city! shew. hehe Come on down and if you do, be sure to let me know. :) Have a wonderful weekend, amie sue

  24. Darlene says:


  25. Janice says:

    Best of luck, Amie Sue, on your new business. The logo is great! If we pass by Hood River, we’ll stop in to say hello……

  26. Janine says:

    Love it!!
    If only you were in Bend! Gives me incentive to visit Hood River ; )

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Janine :) Do you guys have any plans to head this way soon? I hope we can meet up again. Talk to you soon! amie sue

  27. Amy says:

    Ammie! Congrats! I have been following for a couple years, and I have thought several times that you should sell your goods…I would certainly purchase them. If you ever get to a place where you’d like to ship…we own an organic market, and I would LOVE to carry your stuff (although difficult with a lot of raw items, but not impossible for many dehydrated goods!) Again, congrats! So Exciting!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Amy,

      Thank you for supporting me by being here. :) It means a lot. I plan on having our first packaged item ready for shipment come sometime in November. Still working on a few things. If you wish to, email me at [email protected] with your company name, etc… it would be wonderful to have such contacts. What a blessing! Keep in touch and thank you once again. amie sue

  28. Laura says:

    Wow! That is so awesome Amie-Sue! I am very very happy for you and Bob and wish you much success in your new adventure!!! Lots of love, Laura

  29. Stacey says:

    So happy for the realization of your dream! You have a great talent for recipes and for helping us understand the processes involved. Wishing you great success – feeding others is so gratifying. Thanks for all you do – you are appreciated.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Stacey,

      I sooooo agree with you.. feeding others is so gratifying. :) It brings me such joy and warms my heart to daily share my foods, even if it just Bob some days. hehe He is my number one fan, but then I am his too. Thank you for the sweet words of encouragement. Keep in touch and have a great weekend, amie sue

  30. Annette says:


  31. Joanie Stuart says:

    Congratulations!!!!! Amie Sue,
    Words can’t begin to express my sincere excitement for you and your husband! You and your wonderful recipes (mixed with your spot on humor and spin on life) have continued to inspire and motivate me on my raw food journey.
    Karma can be a wonderful thing!!!
    I wish you many long years of continued success!, and I too, can’t wait to see your products on my local store shelves. Any chance you’ll fill internet orders?
    I have turned so many people onto your site with your oatmeal raisin cookies.

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Joanie,

      Well goodness, your message blessed my socks off (or did I just forget to put them on today) regardless, thank you sooo much. It is such a blessing to find your passion in life and to live it… everyday I still find myself in awe. :) I am hoping to be selling my first packaged product on line next month. Keep in touch and I will do the same. And thank you for sharing my site with others. Have a great and wonderful weekend, amie sue

  32. Travisli says:

    Congratulations! I only found your website a week or so ago but the recipes I have tried are fabulous! To find out your in Hood River is so wonderful! You’re local to me!! Blessings to you and continued success!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Travisli…. do you live in Hood River? :) I am so glad that you found my site and have tried some recipes. Do keep in touch and maybe we will bump into one another. :) Have a blessed weekend and keep warm, amie sue

      • Travisli says:

        I live in Portland but have great friends in Hood River and go often (especially during the summer). It would be a blessing and an honor to meet you one day. You’re recipes are divine. I’ve tried four so far and I love them all! You’re making it very easy for me to stay 100% raw! Thank you.

        • amie-sue says:

          I would love that too! Please feel free to shoot me an email (amiesue@nouveauraw,com) when are heading out this way and perhaps we could meet up. Would be my honor. :) I am thankful that my site is helping you in your journey. Let me know if I can help further. Have a great evening, amie sue

          PS…. are you going to the big holiday art show at the Expo center in Portland this weekend? :)

  33. Wow! You are an Oregonian??? I am an avid follower of your beautiful blog and recipes. Do you sell to any stores in Portland? That is where I am. There is a big Vegan community here, and I would think some great stores for your products. On a side note, I get to Hood River every now and then because I book the “Families In The Park”summer concert series at Jackson Park every summer. Welcome to Oregon!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Becky, Yes’m… we are Oregonians! :) So many people are in Portland. Goodness, this is so wonderful to hear. If you ever come out this way and have the time, send me an email at [email protected]. Maybe we could met up sometime. I love the “Families In The Park” here… it is so charming. Please keep in touch, and thank you again. amie sue

  34. Veronica says:

    Congrats!! ☺ I am sorry I don’t live in the neighbourhood so I could try your brownies! The logo looks great too! :)

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Veronica. :) I wish you ALL lived in my neighborhood… imagine the party we would have. hehe Have a great day, amie sue

  35. RenayB says:

    How exciting and wonderful for you and Bob! After following your blog this year, I can truly say that people will be so blessed to have the opportunity to experience the excitement of raw foods and your recipes! Congratulations and many blessings to you on your new journey!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you so much RenayB, it is so nice to have you here. :) I feel so blessed and in awe that my life has taken this path. It is so amazing and still makes me feel like I am dreaming some days. Keep in touch, amie sue

  36. Gayle says:

    How exciting! I don’t get to that area often but when I do I will purposefully look this up. The brownie sounds wonderful too.

    • amie-sue says:

      Please do Gayle. I hope to have a packaged product ready for mail orders in November, so maybe you can try a treat of mine that way if you don’t get to this neck of the woods. :) I will keep you all posted. Have a great evening, amie sue

  37. Jessica says:

    I am even more happy that you are doing this WONDERFUL thing in my state!
    Thank you!!!!!

    • amie-sue says:

      Oh goodness. haha What part of Oregon are you in Jessica? Thank you for taking time to leave this encouraging comment. Many blessings, amie sue

  38. Davonda Roberts says:

    This is great news. Congratulations, also.

  39. Annie says:

    OMG!!!… what a wonderful new adventure you are off on!…. I am so proud of you… nothing is as fulfilling or as exhilarating as flowing on the river of one’s passion… Full speed ahead my dear and we’ll be sending cheers, support and love daily.

    • amie-sue says:

      You said that beautifully Annie. :) Thank you so much. I appreciate your support, we all need it, don’t we?! I hope you are having a relaxing weekend. Keep in touch, amie sue

  40. MJ says:

    Wow, that is amazing congrats! I work in a nation wide chain that sells health food’s and it would be awesome to see your products there. Many blessings and continue to enjoy your life’s journey. Have a beautiful day,

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon MJ…. Thank you kindly. :) May I ask what chain that you work in? Maybe you can help me get my foot in the door when the time comes. :) I hope your day is going well and I send those blessings right back at ya, a hundred fold. amie sue

  41. Mici says:

    SOOOOOoooooo glad to hear it! I hope I can find you in SoCal. I don’t buy much pre-packaged food, but I’d buy yours!

    • amie-sue says:

      haha Mici, well thank you for those kind words. I will be selling the first packaged product on line soon, hoping November, so keep in touch. Have a great day, amie sue

  42. Diane of Tucson says:

    Did you hear my LOUD congrats from southern AZ? Thanks for sharing. Could not be happier for Olfather Farms!! Love the logo. Anxious to hear of the future growth. Best of luck and happiness!!

    • amie-sue says:

      I did, I did Diane. I feel so lucky to be the first person that you have ever left a comment for on a site. hehe (I got your email). Thank you so much, you have always been so supportive. sending you love and hugs, amie sue

  43. Sheri says:

    Congratulations! and hooray for me because I live in Portland! A few weeks ago our family of 3 went to Mt Hood Orchard for apples – never a disappointing day trip. Next time I’ll be sure to stop in at Doppio to enjoy a treat. Now I wonder when we’ll be able to meet you!

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Sheri, Goodness, I am learning that many people are from the Portland area through this. How exciting. We often visit Portland and if you are ever coming out this way, please shoot me an email at [email protected]. It would be lovely to meet you. Have a great day, amie sue

  44. Joyce Barron says:

    How very exciting…..I too can not wait to see your products on our local (WA) health food store shelves. I make your simpler recipes myself but am not as adventurous as you on the more complicated or time consuming ones even though my mouth waters just at the sight of most of them, so if you sell to the public or have ways to order off your site, then all I can say is LUCKY US! I am so excited to see the awakening taking place on the planet about how our food intake has so much to do with how we feel and you are certainly at the top of my list of folks to thank for what you do to move this energy forward for all. Thank you so much Amie Sue, and Bob!
    Joyce Barron

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Joyce. What part of WA are you in? We would love to get our foot in many places… It will be a process to learn of all the places and all that is entailed. Exciting times are a head and at foot. :) It was so nice to hear from you, please keep in touch as time permits. Blessings, amie sue

  45. Kanti says:

    Great news Amie-Sue! I was hoping you would do that and send them to Northern California (specifically Community Market in Santa Rosa or/and Whole Foods). Good for you! (and all of us!) Prosperity and health to you!
    And, thank you for sharing your recipes so graciously!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Kanti, I really appreciate your kind and encouraging words. Whole Foods will be a target of ours. But I will be selling the first item on line, hopefully in November. Have a great rest of the day. amie sue

  46. Linda St Angelo says:

    Amie Sue,

    Congratulations! That is great news. You have such wonderful raw recipes that needed to be out in the public. When can people start ordering your food online? So much easier that doing it themselves…LOL I wish you the very best of luck with this new venture…. may it bring you much happiness~~I know it will and already has. I wish this coffee shop was near me. I would be there every day eating your brownies. :) :)

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Linda! I hope to roll out the first packaged item in November. I still have much to do but I will keep you all posted. I wish the coffee shop was near you as well, then we could share one together. hehe Have a great evening, amie sue

  47. Ruth says:

    This feels so right, so the next step…congratulations and so many good wishes for your venture! xxx

  48. Nicole says:

    I can say without hesitation that you are by far the best raw food chef I know of. I would wish you good luck in your new adventure, but with talent like yours, you hardly need it. Any idea when your treats will be migrating down to Portland? (The correct answer is TODAY!) :O)

    • amie-sue says:

      Are you in Portland Nicole? Goodness, we must met up some day. :) If I already knew this, I apologize. hehe We are starting with one product, on-line sales and in stores, cafes, where ever we can get our foot in the door. As I mentioned we have started first with Doppio. I guess I have two products going right now. The desserts for them and then soon the packaged treat. I hope to have that rolling out in Nov. Are you going to the big antique show tomorrow at the Expo center. We will be there. Never miss it. :) Blessing and keep in touch. amie sue

  49. Robyn says:

    YAHOO!! Congratulations Amie-Sue (& Bob)! Years of learning, building & sharing and now your time has come! YOU will rock this business and many will be blessed by your talents!

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Robyn,

      It has been a fun journey. Allowing everything to happen in its due timing has made all the difference. I am very excited. :) Keep in touch, amie sue

  50. Lyn :] says:

    Dear Amie Sue and Bob,

    Amazing, simply amazing !! You both have the energy of young people. We are truly happy for you both !!! Hope you can take some time for yourselves soon. You are amazing people !!! Hugs, Lyn and Gene :]

    • amie-sue says:

      Good afternoon Lyn, Thank you so much. We have learned to really balance our time pretty well. We have to take care of ourselves first or else we won’t be any good for anything or anyone. hehe Sending big hugs in return. Tell Gene hi for us! amie sue

  51. Annie says:

    Congratulations Amy Sue! Wow, what an inspiration you are to all of us. I could see “Oldfather” in his wonderful farm, smiling as he sees the world enjoy the fruit of his creations through you. Blessings, Annie

    • amie-sue says:

      Annie, thank you so much. You all inspire me in return so it is a win win situation. Have a wonderful weekend. amie sue

  52. Nancy Baughman says:

    That is sooo cool, I am very excited for you and Bob and wish you only the very best, what a gift you have and you so willingly share it. Go for it !!! And as you expand let us know where else your products will be available. Nancy your grasshopper pie raw gal.

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Grasshopper gal. haha. Thank you so much. I will surely keep you all informed as to how things roll out. One step at a time. :) Good to hear from you again. amie sue

  53. Denice says:

    That is so awesome Amie Sue. You recipes are the best. You really take to another level. I love the logo.

    • amie-sue says:

      Thanks Denice. We are happy with how the logo turned out as well. It was a fun process. Keep in touch and be well. amie sue

  54. Diana Hirsch says:

    Awesome Amie Sue!
    I am so excited for you and can’t wait to order some of your fabulous creations! You are so inspiring, creative and talented and it has been a joy being connected to you! The sky is the limit, and I expect to see you there soon! :)

    • amie-sue says:

      Awe gosh Diana. Thank you! It sure would be nice to see you guys again. I hope all is well. Keep in touch. hugs!

  55. Ana says:

    Hi Amie-Sue, all the best with your new adventure, keep us posted!

  56. Vienna says:

    You food styling, recipes, photographs, and website are outstanding, and now your new logo is too. Best wishes on all your endeavors!

  57. Laura says:

    Dear Amie Sue,

    Congrats to you both. I know that opening a food-based business is a LOT of work (I’ve opened two restaurants), so I commend your efforts.

    I’ve enjoyed your website and recipes SO MUCH, and can’t wait to hear about your adventures in business.

    Hope you get your products all the way to Florida so I can try them!

    All the best to you,


    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Laura… I am sure there is much that I could learn from you. Come on over for tea. hehe I hope that our products do indeed reach your area. One never knows! Thank you for your comment. Have a great weekend, amie sue

  58. Margie says:

    Dear Amie-Sue,

    Many blessings on your new adventure. Once again, thanks for your great recipes!

  59. Nicole says:


    I have never commented on your website before, but I love your posts and your recipes. However today, I wanted to leave you this message:

    CONGRATULATIONS! This is amazing. I am so happy for you! I wish you all the best, and look forward to following your journey.


    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Nicole. It is good to hear from you (finally hehe) Do keep in touch and have a blessed day, amie sue

  60. Christine says:

    Congratulations! How exciting!!!

  61. Dada says:

    Congratulations Amie-Sue!I am so happy for you and I wish the best of luck for the company and your great food!Pity that you are so far, but maybe one day…your products we’ll enjoy in Ireland and Slovakia too :).Good thing is that we can try to make them though and we do!xoxxo

    • amie-sue says:

      Hello Dada….Ireland and Slovakia?… there must be a way to share my goodies with you! I will see what I can do in time. Stay tuned. :) Blessings. xox amie sue

  62. Naomi says:

    Amie Sue,
    It’s always a delight to It is always a delight to find your emails in my inbox. I just knew that kitchen build out was for something big! I wish you much success and I’m sure you will bring a lot of people to new levels of high nutrient joy!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Naomi :) “High nutrient joy”… Bob and I just loved that phrase… may I barrow it? hehe Wonderful to hear from you. I hope all is well. Please keep in touch. amie sue

  63. Maureen says:

    Congratulations Amie Sue! I have always thought that it is such a travesty that your wonderful inventions don’t get eaten by more people ( when I say more people I mean me….:))! Now the people of Oregon can experience your passion! First stop hood river next stop Sydney Australia???…:). I hope you are feeling all the positive energy coming your way. Thanks for all you do for us and good luck!!!!

    • amie-sue says:

      Maureen, you say the sweetest things! I hope one day my foods reach you to fill that tummy of yours. hehe I can feel your energy and I am going to embrace it. :) thank you… it is always so good to hear from you. Good night, amie sue

  64. Uli says:

    Hi Amie Sue,
    congratulations and the very best wishes on your new adventure. It sounds so exciting. I wish I was living closer to have a visit at the coffee shop!
    I really like your recipes and the inspiration behind them.
    All the very best and continued success.
    Uli, from Vancouver Canada.

  65. rhonda says:

    Amiesue this is great news!! I wish you and your hubby all the best


  66. Biev says:

    Congratulations! I kept thinking “I hope this is her full-time career”. I’m sure you will succeed, you have a real gift for it! If I ever travel to an area where your food is served, I will definitely stop by for a bite.

  67. Joanne says:

    Huge Hugs & Congratulations! How lucky for the people in your area. I hope you will consider expanding to an online store?!?! :)
    As always, looking forward to what delicious delight you’ll be sending our way daily. Sue, you truly are a gift to all of us!

    • amie-sue says:

      Well, I am embracing those hugs Joanne :) Thank you so much. We are going to start with one product online… :) One step, one recipe at a time for now. I have much to learn but I am embracing our new journey. I am so happy that you will be a part of it. hugs, amie sue

  68. Dani says:

    Congrats on your raw food business! I’m so excited to try your food and to introduce it to others here in Ohio. You are so inspiring and I appreciate everything you do for your fans. :-)

    • amie-sue says:

      Good evening Dani,

      Thank you so much! It blesses my heart to know that you are finding inspiration through my site and recipes. I hope that you continue to do so. If I can help you in your journey, let me know. Many blessings to you and your family Dani. amie sue

  69. Elizabeth says:

    Dear Amie Sue,
    All the Congrats, adulations and love is well deserved. As you can see by the feedback, we are in admiration of you and envy of Bob ;D. I look forward everyday to your e-mails and your generosity shows through everything you say, write and touch.
    Be blessed and we are honored to know you.
    Keep on Rawking!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Elizabeth,

      All the beautiful comments have been overwhelming… I am so blessed beyond words. Thank you… I am very excited for this new journey. :) Many blessings, amie sue

  70. lynn says:

    Wow, now that’s what I call a cottage industry! but how could it fail with all that love stirred in? well done amie sue and to all involved in this exciting venture.:-) x

  71. Nicole says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! a tasty solution for many people’s problem.

    Wishing you all mucho success!!

  72. GLORIA says:

    From the end of the world,congratulations!!!and thanks for sharing your wanderful talent,THANKS, GLORIA.

  73. Roxa Bierman says:

    WOW and double WOW. Congrats. Right on. Way to go. You are truly amazing and inspirational. When you start selling in stores and/or on line I WILL BE BUYING. Can’t wait.

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Roxa! I will keep you posted once we start rolling it out. :) Just got the bags in the mail…. production is starting. Have a blessed weekend, amie sue

  74. Luana Mauer says:

    Thank you Amie Sue and Bob..an idea who’s time has most definitely come!!
    you continue to inspire me to eat more raw. Thank you !

  75. Michelle says:

    Hi Amie-Sue,

    I just noticed this wonderful news! Any chances you guys are still working on mail orders? Have been in love with gazing at your recipes for a long time now. Would love for a chance to taste them too. ;)

    Wishing for much success in your new business!

    • amie-sue says:

      Thank you Michelle :) You can visit Oldfatherfarms.com to see our progress for online sales. We are working on a better site for ecommerce. It has been a long process but soon we will get there. :)

      Have a blessed and happy day, amie sue

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